Material in papers below is updated and expanded in
Chapter 4. Vehicle Mass and Size in
(Peer reviewe Peer reviewed in bold, numbers relate to complete LIST OF PUBLICATIONS )
158. How to make a car lighter and safer. SAE paper 2004-01-1172. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, March 2004
151. We need higher taxes on gas. San Francisco Examiner, 9 December 2002
149. CAFE - why it is so difficult to estimate its effect on traffic fatalities and fuel use, for presentation to the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 15 Jan. 2003
147 The Foreign Policy of S.U.V.'s, Letter to the Editor, New York Times, 22 October 2002.
140 Causal influence of car mass and size on driver fatality risk, American Journal of Public Health, 91:1076-81; July 2001
112. Small cars, big cars: what is the safety difference? Chance -- New Directions for Statistics and Computing, a journal of the American Statistical Association. Vol. 7, No. 3, p 9-16, Summer 1994.
110. Car size and safety -- a review focused on identifying causative factors. Proceedings of the 14th Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Conference, Munich, Germany, 23-26 May 1994, US Government Printing Office:1995-381-067, Vol. 1, p 721-733, 1995.
102. Evans Responds (reply to comment on #97 below). American Journal of Public Health 83: 769-770; 1993.
99. Car mass and fatality risk -- has the relationship changed? (Co-authored with Michael C. Frick). American Journal of Public Health 84:33-36; 1994.
97. Car size or car mass -- which has greater influence on fatality risk? (Co-authored with Michael C. Frick). American Journal of Public Health 82: 1009-1112; 1992.
96. Mass ratio and relative driver fatality risk in two-vehicle crashes. (Co-authored with Michael C. Frick). Accident Analysis and Prevention 25: 213-224; 1993.
94. Driver fatality risk in two-car crashes -- dependence on masses of driven and striking car. (Co-authored with Michael C. Frick). Proceedings of the 13th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Paris, France, 4-7 November 1991, Document DOT HS 807 990, Washington DC, Vol. 1, p 83-93, July 1993.
86. Discussion of "The problem of compatibility in car-to-car collisions" by Thomas et al., Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (pages 269-273), Scottsdale, AZ, 1-3, October 1990.
56. Serious or fatal driver injury rate versus car mass in head-on crashes between cars of similar mass. (Co-authored with Paul Wasielewski). Accident Analysis and Prevention 19: 119-131; 1987.
53. Car size and safety: results from analyzing U.S. accident data. Proceedings of the Tenth International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Oxford, England, July 1-4, 1985; U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DOT HS 806 916, p. 548-556, February 1986.
49. Driver behavior revealed in relations involving car mass, In: Human Behavior and Traffic Safety, L. Evans and R.C. Schwing (eds), Plenum Press, New York, p. 337-352, 1985.
45. Fatality risk for belted drivers versus car mass. Accident Analysis and Prevention 17: 251-271; 1985.
44. Involvement rate in two-car crashes versus driver age and car mass of each involved car. Accident Analysis and Prevention 17: 155-170; 1985.
42. Do drivers of small cars take less risk in everyday driving? Paul Wasielewski and Risk Analysis 5: 25-32; 1985.
41. Accident involvement rate and car size, Accident Analysis and Prevention 16: 387-405; 1984.
40. Driver fatalities versus car mass using a new exposure approach. Accident Analysis and Prevention 16: 19-36; 1984.
39. Car occupant life expectancy: car mass and seat belt effects. (Co-authored with Dennis E. Blumenfeld). Risk Analysis 2: 259-268; 1983.
37. Risky driving related to driver and vehicle characteristics. (Co-authored with Paul Wasielewski.) Accident Analysis and Prevention 15: 121-136; 1983.
36. Influence of vehicle size and performance on intersection capacity. (Co-authored with Richard Rothery). Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory. Edited by V. F. Hurdle, E. Hauer and G. N. Steuart, University of Toronto Press, 1983.
35. Car mass and likelihood of occupant fatality. Society of Automotive Engineers, Paper No. 820807, June 1982.
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