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4 Vehicle mass and size
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Since the early 1970s, research established that drivers of
larger, heavier cars have lower risks in crashes than
drivers of smaller, lighter cars. - The effects are large
and have been examined in detail in many studies. Examining
effects in increasing detail has added to knowledge on a
number of broad safety questions. This is why we devote this
complete chapter to how vehicle mass and size affect safety.
Although mathematical details are given for some topics, it
is not necessary to follow the mathematics to grasp the main
ideas and their applicability to other safety matters.
Vehicle factors
The term vehicle factors refers to physical attributes of a
vehicle that affect risks. The term is most often applied to
factors that influence risk to occupants when crashes occur,
but may also refer to factors that affect the risk of
crashing, such as the presence of antilock brakes or the
height of the vehicle's center of gravity. The overriding
concept is a difference in outcomes related to vehicle
attributes if all other factors, especially driver behavior,
are the same. This chapter focuses mainly on how driver risk
is affected by the mass and size of vehicles, given that a
crash occurs.
It is difficult to determine how any individual factor
influences traffic safety because nearly all factors occur
in the presence of other factors that have important effects
on outcomes. This is particularly so in the case of vehicle
factors, because the crash experience of a particular set of
vehicles is so intertwined with use and driver behavior
factors. Any particular vehicle factor is likely to attract
purchasers with driver characteristics different from those
who purchase other vehicles. Sporty vehicles attract
different drivers than more narrowly utilitarian vehicles.
In real-world crashes, all other things are never equal, and
indeed are often far from equal. Effects that might seem due
to vehicle factors are often enormously confounded by driver
characteristics and use patterns.
Deaths per million registered cars does not measure vehicle
Figure 4-1 shows that the number of driver deaths per
million registered cars trends lower with increasing mass.
Much clearer than the dependence on mass is the dependence
on the number of doors. There is no reason why adding doors
to a car should substantially affect occupant protection.
This effect is due not to the addition of the doors, but
because the life-style and risk-taking characteristics of
drivers who choose two-door cars differ in so many ways from
those choosing four-door cars. These effects are far larger
than explainable in terms of differences in the
distributions of age and gender associated with drivers of
the different car types.
Figure 4-1. Car-driver deaths in all crashes per million registered cars for 1994-97 models during 1995-98. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) data.
Examining only rollover crashes (Fig. 4-2) reveals even
larger differences dependent on number of doors. Rollover
risk depends particularly steeply on driver behavior,
particularly speed choice.
Figure 4-3 shows data for single-car crashes. The effect of
mass is less systematic, but there is still a general
average increase in risk as mass decreases. Nominally, Fig.
4-3 indicates that 2,500-2,999 pound cars have higher risks
than cars that are either lighter or heavier. Yet there are
clear theoretical reasons, backed up by much empirical
evidence, that vehicle mass affects the risk when a crash
occurs in a systematic continuous manner. The non-systematic
features of the relations provide additional evidence of the
large role of non-vehicle factors.
Figure 4-4 shows that deaths in smaller cars do not result
exclusively from crashes with heavier vehicles. Indeed, over
a third of the deaths in cars of all the mass categories are
in single-car crashes.
Figure 4-4. The percent of all car-driver fatalities that result from single-car crashes. IIHS data.6
An examination of fatal crash involvements for the same
travel distance found corresponding effects. The rate for
two-door cars was 44% higher than the rate for four-door
cars, and the rate for two-door sports utility vehicles was
50% higher than the rate for four-door sports utility
vehicles. (p 179)
Rates are for drivers
All the rates in Figs 4-1 to 4-4 are for drivers. This is
the appropriate measure because occupancy systematically
increases with vehicle size. So, even if all vehicles had
identical occupant protection and crash experience, larger
vehicles would have more fatalities per vehicle because more
occupants would, on average, be at risk in each crash (p.
47). While risks are different in different car seats (Fig.
3-15, p. 54), the risks closely scale. So it seems likely
that, although rear-seat passengers have lower absolute
fatality risks than front seat occupants, the relative risks
to rear seat occupants would follow patterns similar to
those in Figs 4-1 through 4-4.
Mass or weight?
An object's weight is the force of gravity upon it, while
its mass is the amount of substance it contains, as
indicated, for example, by how much force is required to
accelerate it. In most circumstances there is little
practical difference, even though, conceptually, weight and
mass are distinct. The mass of a body is typically
determined by weighing it (determining the force necessary
to prevent it from falling). When moving at constant speed a
vehicle's weight generates the rolling resistance that
primarily determines fuel use. In outer space the car would
need no fuel to continue to move at constant speed, while on
the moon propulsion energy to maintain a constant speed on a
flat hard road would be substantially less than on earth.
When a vehicle accelerates, fuel is used primarily to
overcome inertia, which is proportional to mass. When in
motion, the vehicle has kinetic energy determined by its
mass and speed. When its speed is reduced due to breaking or
crashing, this kinetic energy is converted into other energy
forms, mainly heat. So, when vehicles crash, mass is the
relevant characteristic. If a heavy and a light vehicle
collided in space, each vehicle would undergo a speed change
governed by Newton's laws of motion. The speed changes would
not be all that different from those on a road because the
earth's gravity is not a major factor.
There are over 20 definitions of vehicle mass. The one coded
in FARS data is derived from the Vehicle Identification
Number (VIN) and is generally the curb mass,7(p 17) defined
as the mass of the vehicle with standard equipment and a
full complement of fuel and other fluids, but with no
occupants or cargo. This mass is determined by the design of
the vehicle. We do not know how much cargo or fuel (filling
the fuel tank typically adds about 50 kg) was on board a
vehicle when it crashes. We know the numbers, ages, and
genders of occupants, but we do not know their masses. The
mass of four large occupants can exceed the mass of four
small occupants by over 250 kg. Such uncertainties are
unlikely to generate important systematic biases in most
analyses, but will add substantial random noise.
In most of what follows, vehicle size is characterized by
curb mass. When any relationship is plotted versus curb
mass, this does not mean that mass is the causal factor. It
might be size, or some combination of size and mass. In a
typical set of vehicles, heavier vehicles are larger;
smaller vehicles are lighter. (We use heavier/lighter to
denote larger/smaller mass).
Two-vehicle crashes
Of the 25,840 drivers killed in US traffic in 2001, 43% died
in two-vehicle crashes compared to 49% in single-vehicle
crashes (Table 3-3, p. 48). Two-vehicle fatal crashes tend
to be studied more than single-vehicle crashes because more
important information is available. For single-car crashes,
little information is generally available on damage suffered
by struck objects. For a two-vehicle crash, the injuries
sustained in one vehicle provide information relating to the
crash forces on the other.
Definitions for two-vehicle crashes
From a formal perspective, each of the vehicles involved in
a two-vehicle crash can be considered to have a symmetrical
role - they crash into each other. However, for expository
clarity it is convenient to make an arbitrary distinction
between them, using such terminology as:
vehicle1 = first, striking, bullet, subject, driven, or your
vehicle2 = second, struck, target, partner, or other
Vehicle masses are designated by m1 and m2. It is convenient
for the heavier of the two vehicles to be vehicle2, so we
can define a mass ratio, m, for every crash between two
vehicles of known mass as
Choosing vehicle2 to be the heavier insures that m is
greater than one.
Consider a set of crashes with the same value of m, or with
values of m confined to a narrow range. Assume that the
total number of drivers killed in the lighter vehicles is N1
and that N2 drivers are killed in the heavier vehicles. A
driver fatality ratio, R, can be defined as
The interpretation of R is remarkably assumption free - a
simple count of driver fatalities in two clearly defined
sets of vehicles. It is a measure of relative fatality risk
in pairs of crashing vehicles, essentially regardless of
driver behavior or vehicle use patterns. Higher risk driving
by, say, drivers of heavier vehicles will increase the
number of driver fatalities in heavier vehicles, but also in
lighter vehicles into which they crash by a similar
proportion. Higher risk driving affects the total number of
fatalities, which affects the precision with which R can be
determined, but not its expected value. R is affected by
factors that affect survivability in crashes, such as
systematically different belt-wearing rates or
systematically different driver ages in vehicles of
different mass.
Effect of mass in two-car crashes
The above definitions and equations apply to crashes between
vehicles of any type that differ in mass. We now focus on
one class of vehicle, namely cars (body type 1-10 in FARS).
This is because curb masses are coded in FARS for cars, but
not for other types of vehicles. Cars constitute less than
half of the vehicles on US roads. About one fifth of
two-vehicle crashes involve two cars. There were 3,288
fatalities in two-car crashes in 2001, 7.8% of all
fatalities. Even though two-car crashes are not responsible
for a major portion of fatalities, they are studied
intensively because they lead to findings that increase
understanding of general effects that apply to any type of
vehicle involved in any type of crash.
Empirical findings
Many analyses using FARS data - have found that R and m for
cars are related according to
The example in Fig. 4-5 is for crashes between pairs of cars
with unbelted drivers crashing into each other head-on
(principal impact points 11, 12 or 1 o'clock - Fig. 3-16, p.
55). Placing any restriction on both vehicles involved in
two-vehicle crashes greatly reduces sample sizes. If, say,
half of all crashed vehicles suffer frontal damage,
filtering out all vehicles not sustaining frontal damage
reduces sample sizes by 75%. The relationship in Fig. 4-5,
based on 15,356 unbelted drivers killed in 13,162 crashes,
gives l = 3.58 ± 0.05.
Figure 4-5. Fatality ratio, R, versus mass ratio, µ, for frontal crashes (both cars with principal impact point at 11, 12 or 1 o'clock).12 The relationship R = m l is the first law of two-car crashes (with l = 3.58 for the data shown). FARS 1975-1998.
Some examples from the 30 values of l reported in one study9 are included in Table 4-1. Requiring that each driver be of the same gender and similar age does not appreciably affect l, justifying including drivers of both genders and all ages in the other analyses.
Table 4-1. Illustrative values of the parameter l in Eqn 4-3.
Explanation based on Newtonian mechanics
Simple Newtonian mechanics of two objects crashing into each
other can offer insight into Eqn 4-3. Consider two cars,
car1 and car2 with masses m1 and m2 traveling at speeds v1
and v2 towards each other with their centers of gravity
moving along the same straight line (Fig. 4-6). Assume that
after they collide they remain locked together (this is
equivalent to the collision being non-elastic) in one clump
of mass M = m1 + m2 traveling at speed V along the same
straight line. Applying the law of conservation of linear
momentum gives
showing that the ratio of the delta-v values is simply
the inverse of the mass ratio. Equations 4-4 through 4-7
apply to any vehicles, or for that matter, to any objects
crashing into each other.
If the masses and initial speeds of both cars were
identical, both would stop at their point of contact
immediately after the crash (V = 0). Indeed, an observer
might find it difficult to distinguish between one car
crashing into an unbreakable mirror in front of a barrier
(vertical, unmovable, etc.) and two identical cars crashing
into each other. (In the mirror case, the
"identical" vehicles would have steering wheels on
opposite sides).
Relationship between delta-v and fatality risk. Figure 4-7
shows the fraction,
P, of unbelted drivers involved in all types of crashes
coded in the National Accident Sampling System who were
killed versus an estimate of the vehicle's Dv. The data for
Dv < 114 km/h fit well the function
This simple rule of thumb provides an effective fit to the
data but has the undesirable formal property of an
unrealistic discontinuity at Dv = 114 km/h. Consider a
two-vehicle crash in which the vehicles experience delta-v
values of Dv1 and Dv2 (both values less than 114 km/h). The
ratio of the risks of death, R, to the drivers in the two
vehicles is immediately computed from Eqn 4-8 as
So, combining the relationship between fatality risk and Dv
in Eqn 4-8 with fundamental Newtonian mechanics reproduces
the firmly established functional form of Eqn 4-3. The
closeness of the power 3.54 to the values of l in Table 4-1
(ranging from 3.45 to 3.80) is fortuitous as there is no
reason to expect a calculation that ignores so many details
to agree this closely with the empirical data.
Figure 4-7. Probability of death versus delta-v for
unbelted drivers. Data from Ref. 13, fit based on rule of
thumb in Ref. 14.
First law of two-car crashes
Explaining a major portion of empirical relationships in
terms of Newtonian mechanics unambiguously identifies mass,
as such, as the major causal factor in the difference in
driver risk when vehicles of dissimilar mass crash into each
other. The robustness of the relationship Eqn 4-3 together
with its explanation from basic physical principles and a
relationship between fatality risk and delta-v suggests that
R = m l is a law, the first of two laws of two-car crashes.
The relationship in Fig. 4-5 indicates that if two cars
differ in mass by a factor of two, the driver in the lighter
car is 12 times as likely to be killed as the driver in the
heavier car (23.58 = 12.0). Only about 1% of US two-car
crashes involve a mass disparity as great as a factor of
two. Half of two-car crashes in the US involve cars with
masses differing by more than 20%. For a 20% mass disparity,
the driver in the lighter car is almost twice as likely to
be killed as the driver in the heavier car (1.203.58 =
The above risk comparisons are essentially unaltered if the
relationship derived by considering how fatality risk
depends on delta-v, Eqn 4-9, is used instead of the
empirical relationship between fatality risk and mass ratio.
The Eqn 4-9 relationship can be used to infer results for
cases for which direct empirical information is unavailable.
Application to crashes between cars and large trucks. It
might seem intuitively reasonable to assume that if a car
and a large truck crash head on, the mass of the car is so
much less than the mass of the truck that the car's mass
would have little influence on the car-driver's risk.
However, risk increases so steeply with delta-v that this is
not so.
Consider a large 1,800 kg car traveling at 50 km/h crashing
head-on into a 12,000 kg truck traveling at 50 km/h in the
opposite direction. The equations in Fig. 4-6 show that
after the (assumed inelastic) crash, the clump comprising
both vehicles travels at 37.0 km/h in the direction in which
the truck was traveling. The unaided eye would likely
perceive the truck continuing at its prior speed
undiminished by the impact. However, the truck does have a
delta-v of 13.0 km/h, which poses little risk to its driver.
The large car has a delta-v of 87.0 km/h. Now repeat this
scenario with a small 900 kg car replacing the 1,800 kg car.
The lighter car has a delta-v of 93.0 km/h, which is 7%
larger than the delta-v of the heavier car. Since fatality
risk depends so steeply on delta-v this translates into a
substantial 27% higher risk in the lighter car. Note that
this calculation considers only how the mass of the car
affects its delta-v. Even if the truck were of infinite
mass, so that both cars had identical delta-v values of 100
km/h, risk would be lower in the heavier car because it
would also be larger. Empirical evidence does indeed
indicate that in car-truck crashes, risk to car drivers
increases more steeply than due to delta-v effects alone.7(p
Application to crashes between cars and pedestrians. Even
when cars strike pedestrians, the mass of the car influences
the pedestrian's speed change. A 75 kg stationery pedestrian
struck by an 1,800 kg car traveling at 50 km/h will
experience a delta-v of 48.0 km/h. If the striking car is
900 kg, the delta-v becomes 46.2 km/h. Thus the pedestrian
struck by the heavier car has a delta-v that is 4% larger.
While Eqn 4-8 was derived from vehicle crashes, it seems
plausible that it would give an order of magnitude estimate
for pedestrian impacts also, thus implying that the
pedestrian struck by the heavier car is, solely from
considerations of Newtonian mechanics, about 15% more likely
to die.
Effect of other crash and driver characteristics
The relative risk to each of the drivers involved in a
right-side impact crash is plotted in Fig. 4-8. The car
struck on the side has damage at principal impact points 2,
3 or 4 o'clock, the other has frontal damage at impact
points 11, 12 or 1 o'clock. The fitted line,
is Eqn 4-3 with the parameter a added to reflect how the
risk depends on an attribute in addition to mass ratio. When
m =1, the parameter a measures how that attribute influences
risk. The data in Fig. 4-8 imply that the driver in the
right-side-impacted car is 4.53 times as likely to be killed
as the driver in the front-impacted car when the masses of
each are the same. For the risk to be equal in each car, m =
(1/4.53)(1/3.47) = 0.647. Thus, if the car struck on the
side is 55% heavier than the other car, both drivers are at
equal risk.
Figure 4-8. The relative risks to the drivers involved in right-side impact two-car crashes. The right-side-impacted car has principal impact damage at clock points 2, 3 or 4; the other car at 11, 12 or 1. FARS 1975-1989.9
This same approach was also applied to determine how
driver characteristics affect driver fatality risk, thus
providing approximate indications of a number of effects
that will be determined more precisely by other methods in
later chapters. The results are summarized in Table 4-2.
The first two rows show that a driver in a left-impacted car
is 10.08 times as likely to be killed as the driver in the
car with frontal damage, compared to the 4.53 times ratio
for the impact on the right side. If we make the plausible
assumption that risk in the frontally-impacted car does not
depend on whether it strikes the left or right side of the
other car, these results imply the risk to the driver in a
side-impacted car is 10.08/4.53 = 2.2 times as great when
the impact is on the left compared to on the right. A study
based on simple counts of fatalities finds the side-impacted
driver to be 3.5 times as likely to die as the
front-impacted driver in a right-side impact and 6.6 times
as likely in a left-side impact for a 1.9 risk ratio. These
values, together with the 2.6 and 2.7 ratios on page 55,
support the interpretation that risk increases steeply the
closer the occupant is to the point of contact.
The other values in Table 4-2 show that not wearing a belt,
consuming alcohol, being female, or being older are all
risk-increasing factors. The simple comparison for belt
wearing overestimates the risk-reducing effectiveness of
belts because of biases discussed in Chapter 11. Otherwise
the effects corroborate those determined with higher
precision in later chapters. All the results refer to the
risk of death given that the crash occurs - the drivers
compared were each involved in the same two-car crash.
Other vehicles
Table 4-3 shows relative risks when vehicles of different
types crash into each other, with all types of crashes
included. Quantitative mass estimates are available in FARS
only for cars. When light cars and large trucks crash into
each other, the driver in the light car is 44 times as
likely to die as the truck driver. When heavy cars and large
trucks crash into each other, the driver in the heavy car is
22 times as likely to die as the truck driver. If one
assumes that the car-size has little influence on the truck
driver's risk, this implies that the driver of the light car
is about twice as likely to die as a driver of the heavy
car, in agreement with other findings.16 When small cars and
mopeds crash into each other, the moped driver is 139 times
as likely to die as the car driver.
Table 4-3. Risk to driver in vehicle1 relative to the risk in vehicle2 when these two vehicles crash into each other. Based on Ref. 9 using FARS 1975-1989.
Interpreting risk ratios
The comparisons above are based on risk ratios - the risk to
one driver divided by the risk to the other. While large
risk ratios have been recognized for many decades, it is
only more recently that the term vehicle aggressivity has
been used. This term has been most commonly applied to
crashes between cars and light trucks, especially sport
utility vehicles (SUVs).17, For frontal crashes a ratio of 5
car-driver fatalities for each SUV-driver fatality is
reported.17 The major portion of this difference arises
because of a difference in average mass between the
vehicles. When the mass factor is controlled, the car driver
is about twice as likely to die as the SUV driver.
The following hypothetical example illustrates that larger
risk ratios do not necessarily indicate lower safety.
Suppose we start with two identical original vehicles. If
they crash head-on into each other, each driver has
identical risk, say equal to 1 in arbitrary units. Now
suppose that one vehicle is replaced by a new vehicle that
reduces risk to its occupants by 15%, but also reduces risk
to occupants of any vehicle into which it crashes by 5%. The
redesigned vehicle thus reduces risk to all occupants in any
two-vehicle crash in which it is involved.
If new and old vehicles crash into each other, the risk
ratio is 0.95/0.85 = 1.12, compared to a former value of
1.0. The driver of the old vehicle is now 12% more likely to
die than the driver of the new vehicle, whereas formerly
they had equal risks. Although the risk ratio to the driver
of the older vehicle increased by 12%, it clearly does not
imply the new vehicle is "more aggressive."
Available data could not uncover the properties hypothesized
for this new vehicle. All that would be observed is that
drivers of vehicles into which it crashed were at higher
relative risks than before the design change. The literature
is replete with inappropriate interpretations of risk ratios
as meaning more than changes in relative risk, which in this
case, would suggest that the new vehicle is reducing net
safety when it is in fact increasing it.
Separating causal roles of mass and size
While robust relationships have been shown between various
factors and vehicle mass, this does not mean that mass is
the causal factor. Vehicle size also affects safety, and
heavier vehicles tend to be larger. Size and mass both
affect safety. One wants to separate the causal roles,
especially as this could suggest vehicle design changes to
improve safety.
The relationship between car size and car mass
Imagine a hypothetical world in which all cars are made from
material of the same density. If cars were of identical
shape, differing only by a scale factor, then mass would be
proportional to any linear dimension to the power three.
However, regardless of their size, cars must be of
sufficient height to accommodate seated humans. If all cars
had the same height, so that only length and breadth varied,
then mass would be proportional to length (or breadth) to
the power two. Real cars are likely to be intermediate
between these two hypothetical cases, suggesting a
relationship between mass and a linear dimension of the form
where m is the mass of the car and w is a linear dimension
(other than height) and a and b are constants, with b
expected to be between 2 and 3.
Figure 4-9 shows mass versus wheelbase (the distance between
the front and rear wheels) for each of the 4,081 unique
pairs of wheelbase and mass combinations for cars of all
model years coded in 2001 FARS. Cars associated with more
than one mass (because they are sold with choices of
different engines, etc.) contribute more than one data
point. However, the number of unique wheelbase-mass pairs
reflects mainly the enormous variety of cars. Because mass
is available only for cars of model year 1966 and later, 115
earlier models going back to model year 1930 are not
included in Fig. 4-9. The fit to
Eqn 4-11 gives
thus validating our intuitive understanding that b should be
between 2 and 3.
Figure 4-9. Relationship between car size (as measured by wheelbase) and car mass, based on 4,081 unique wheelbase-mass pairs coded in FARS 2001.
The value of b was investigated as a function of model
year, with little indication of any obvious dependency. A
lower value, b = 1.9 ± 0.2, is reported for the
relationship between total car length and mass for 12
European car models. A value of b =2 is consistent with
constant density and car height not increasing with
increasing length. The larger value in Fig. 4-5 is
consistent with height or density increasing with car mass.
Additional data on the close relationship between measures
of size and
weight are indicated by correlation coefficients between
curb weight and wheelbase, curb weight and trackwidth (the
distance between the left and right wheels), and wheelbase
and trackwidth of 0.93, 0.92 and 0.91. Any observed
empirical relationship between any safety measure and one of
these quantities is going to provide a similarly good
relationship with any of the others. In multivariate
analyses, simply as a result of Eqn 4-12, coefficients
associated with length will be about 2.45 times as large as
those associated with mass. Early suggestions that size is a
more important causal factor than mass might have arisen
simply because of larger regression coefficients being found
for size than for mass.3
Second law of two-car crashes - crashes between cars of same
When cars of the same mass crash into each other, Eqn 4-3
provides no useful information. However, Fig. 4-10 shows
that five sets of data , and a calculated relationship
support that the relative driver risk, RMM, when two cars of
the same mass, M, crash into each other is given by
where k is a constant.12 Although the relationship is in
terms of mass, it is size that is the causal factor. Mass is
irrelevant to the Newtonian mechanics of two cars of the
same mass crashing into each other. Further evidence that,
when cars of similar mass crash into each other, driver
fatality risk is proportional to the common mass is provided
by regression relationships for 1991-1999 model-year
cars.7(p 103) Reducing the masses of cars weighing less that
2,950 pounds (average 2,612 pounds) by 100 pounds, or a 3.8%
decrease, was associated with a 4.9% increase in fatality
risk. The corresponding result for cars weighing 2,950
pounds or more (average 3,402 pounds), or a 2.9% decrease,
was associated with a 3.2% increase in fatality risk. The
Eqn 4-13 relationship can be considered a second law of
two-car crashes.
Mass as a separate causal factor
Relationships so far introduced do not address how adding
mass to an existing car affects risk. Nor do they answer the
question, "Am I safer if I put bricks in my
trunk?" Data sets rarely contain information on cargo,
or on actual mass during crashes. All that is generally
coded is a curb mass that is identical for all cars of the
same make, model, and engine.
However, although FARS has no information on cargo, it does
have information on the presence of passengers. By assuming
that cars carrying a passenger were heavier by the mass of
the passenger, the causal role of mass was estimated using
head-on crashes between pairs of cars coded in 1975-1998
FARS.12 One car contained only a driver, while the other
contained a driver and a right-front passenger. The effect
of the passenger on driver fatality risk is shown in Fig.
4-11 (and listed also as the last entry in Table 4-2). The
result is that when the curb masses of their cars are equal,
That is, the accompanied driver is (14.5 ± 2.3)% less
likely to die than the lone driver solely due to mass
difference resulting from the passenger's presence. This
result is a risk ratio. It therefore does not indicate the
extent to which it reflects reduced risk to the accompanied
driver and increased risk to the lone driver. To answer this
requires a model.
Figure 4-11. How the additional mass of a passenger affects the probability that a driver is killed.12 FARS 1975-1998.
Model separating causal roles of mass and size
The previous two laws of two-car crashes, Eqns 4-3 and 4-13,
can be combined to give
4-15 where r1,2 is the risk to the driver of car1 when it
crashes into car2, assuming car1 and car2 have masses m1 and
m2 and sizes equal to those of average cars of masses m1 and
m2, respectively.12 The parameter t has the value = l/2 =
1.79 (where l is from Eqn 4-3). The masses in the intrinsic
size term should be interpreted to mean sizes corresponding
to cars with the indicated masses.
If cars of unequal mass crash into each other, the ratio of
the risks to the drivers, r1,2/r2,1, is computed from Eqn
4-15 as
thus showing that Eqn 4-15 contains the first law, Eqn 4-3.
If the cars are of the same mass M, Eqn 4-15 computes the
risk in each as k/M, the same as the second law relationship
in Eqn 4-13. Thus Eqn 4-15 contains both laws of two-car
Computed versus observed effect of adding a passenger. If
two 1,400 kg cars crash into each other, Eqn 4-15 shows each
driver has identical risk r1,2 = r2,1 = 1 (taking k = 2,800
kg). This is the base case in Table 4-4, in which the mass
of car2 remains fixed at 1,400 kg. If the mass of car1 is
increased to 1,475 kg by adding 75 kg cargo, the risk to its
driver is reduced to (1,400/1,475) = 0. 911 but the risk to
the driver in car2 is increased to (1,475/1,400) = 1.098.
Thus Eqn 4-15, which was derived only from the two laws,
predicts that adding 75 kg leads to a value of R =
0.911/1.098 = 0.830. The closeness of this to the
empirically observed R = 0.855 (Fig. 4-11) supports the
validity of Eqn 4-15.
Table 4-4. Estimates from Eqn 4-15 of changes in risk when changes are made to an initial 1,400 kg car crashing head-on into another 1,400 kg car.
If the risks to the individual drivers are rescaled so that
the risk ratio matches the empirically determined value, we
conclude that the addition of a passenger reduces the risk
to the accompanied driver by 7.5%, but increases the lone
driver's risk by 8.1%. A small net risk increase of 0.3%
averaged over both drivers results.
The risk reduction due to the presence of a passenger or
other cargo is expected to apply also to single-car frontal
crashes into objects that deform in ways not too differently
from cars. The addition of cargo increases damage to the
struck object, but with no corresponding increase in human
harm. When the larger risk reduction from some single-car
crashes is combined with the small net increase in two-car
crashes, adding mass in the form of passengers reduces total
driver deaths.
Different effect of replacing a car by a heavier one. If,
instead of adding 75 kg of cargo, car1 is replaced by a
different car that is 75 kg heavier and correspondingly
larger, the driver of the 1,475 kg car will enjoy an 11.3%
reduction in risk, but will increase the risk to the other
driver by 6.9%. The net effect is a 2.2% net risk reduction
averaged over both drivers. The maximum net reduction of
4.2% is produced when car1 has m1 = 1,670 kg. As m1 exceeds
this value, the reduction in net risk declines.
When m1 = 2,015 kg there is no change in net risk. Replacing
an m1 = 2,015 kg car by one even heavier leads to a net
increase in risk in crashes with 1,400 kg cars. This can be
understood in terms of the risk in the heavier car becoming
so small that further proportionate reductions are of little
consequence, while even small proportionate increases in the
large risk in the smaller car add to total risk. Various
crossover effects of this type have been observed - safety
increases as vehicle mass increases, but not indefinitely.7
Replacing a 1,400 kg car with a heavier one will reduce
total risk in crashes with 1,400 kg cars unless the
replacement is more than 2,015 kg. Since only about 3% of
cars in FARS are heavier than 2,015 kg, this hypothetical
replacement would almost always reduce total risk. In
general, replacing a car of any weight with a heavier car
will in the vast majority of cases reduce total population
risk. Eqn 4-15 always computes a net risk reduction when the
mass of the lighter car is increased to become closer to the
mass of the heavier car.
Equation expressing risks as functions of size and mass of
both cars
As the first term in Eqn 4-15 relates to the car size, it is
desirable that it should be expressed directly in terms of a
linear dimension of the cars of indicated mass. While Eqn
4-12 relates mass to wheelbase, the same relationship will
apply, to within a scaling constant, if we assume that
vehicle length is proportional to wheelbase. It is
convenient to define a risk of unity for a driver in a
typical 1,400 kg car of length 4.8 m crashing into an
identical typical car. This leads to
where L1 and L2 are the lengths of car1 and car2 (meters)
m1 and m2 are the masses of car1 and car2 (kilograms)
t = 1.79
c = 2 4.82.45 so that r1,2 = r2,1 = 1 when L1 = L2 = 4.8
meters and
m1 = m2 = 1,400 kg.
With the constant c specified, the equation measures
absolute risks.
Making a car lighter and safer
The generality of Eqn 4-17 enables us to explore what
happens to safety as characteristics of a car are changed.
For case 1 in Table 4-5, car1 and car2 are both typical cars
with length 4.8 m and mass 1,400 kg. This is the case that
defines the unit of risk - so each driver has an absolute
risk of one unit. In the other cases car2 remains unchanged
but the properties of car1 vary. For case 2, m1 is increased
to 1,475 kg without changing its size, thereby reproducing
the same result as in Table 4-4. In case 3, the mass is
unchanged but the length is increased by 20 cm. This reduces
the risk to both drivers by 5%.
Table 4-5. Results for two-car crashes derived from Eqn 4-17. In case 1 the first car has the characteristics of a typical car, defined as m1 = 1,400 kilograms and L1 = 4.8 meters. In the other cases the characteristics of the first car are varied, but the second car is always a typical car.
In case 4 the mass of the first car has been reduced,
thus increasing risk to its driver, and increasing overall
risk. However, if this is accompanied by a 20 cm length
increase (case 5), the driver in the lighter, larger car is
now at reduced risk, while the other involved driver is at
substantially reduced risk, for an overall net risk
reduction. This is just one example of a combination of mass
reductions and length increases that reduce risks to all.
Through Eqn 4-17 different combinations of weight reductions
and size increases that lead to safety improvements for all
can be estimated. Additional examples are given in Ref. 25.
Making vehicles lighter and larger requires use of more
expensive lightweight materials. However, note that airbags
cost US consumers $6.35 billion in 2003 (Table 12-6, p.
320), and making vehicles larger provides passive
protection, while airbags do not (Chapters 12, 15).
Single-vehicle crashes
Single-vehicle crashes, which account for half of occupant
fatalities, are conceptually simpler than multiple-vehicle
crashes because outcome depends on the properties of only
one vehicle. Other vehicles in the fleet are irrelevant.
This same simplicity makes unavailable many of the methods
used to study two-vehicle crashes, resulting in far less
substantial knowledge about single-vehicle crashes.
Information is available from FARS on occupants killed in
different types of vehicles in single-vehicle crashes.
However, the same source provides no information for crashes
in which no one is killed. In order to determine the
crashworthiness in single-vehicle crashes of a set of
vehicles, we need to know the number of people killed in the
vehicles divided by the number of crashes in which the
vehicles were involved. It turns out to be very difficult to
discover how many vehicles are involved in single-vehicle
crashes that do not produce serious injury or death.
There is a legal requirement to report a crash only when
damage exceeds a specified monetary amount. Yet the cost of
damage, and whether the vehicle can be driven after the
crash, are all related to vehicle properties. For example, a
heavier vehicle may uproot a tree and suffer little damage,
a lighter vehicle might be more damaged if the tree remains
standing. If a vehicle can still be driven after a
single-vehicle crash, the driver may not wish
to inform the police, even if legally obliged to do so. Thus
whether or not
identical crashes are reported depends on vehicle factors,
but in ways that elude empirical examination.
Measures such as fatalities per police-reported crash,
fatalities per injury, severe injuries per minor injury,
injuries per police-reported crash are all ratios of crash
outcomes. They are therefore subject to the same pitfalls
mentioned in Interpreting risk ratios (p. 76). The absence
of a dependence on mass in any such ratio does not mean that
mass does not affect risk, but rather that mass has the same
proportionate effect on the risks in the numerator and
The much-used measure, fatalities per million registered
vehicles has the problems that different vehicles attract
drivers with different use patterns and crash risks (Figs
4-1 through 4-4).
Pedestrian fatality exposure approach
Ideally, we would like to know the number of driver deaths
from, say, impacts with trees divided by the number of
impacts with trees. The FARS data provide information on
drivers killed in vehicles striking trees, but little
information on non-fatal tree impacts. However, if the
vehicle strikes a pedestrian, this event is coded in FARS if
the pedestrian is killed. Therefore, the ratio of the number
of driver deaths to the number of pedestrian deaths for a
set of vehicles is a surrogate for the number of driver
deaths per tree impact, and accordingly measures how driver
risk depends on the physical properties of the vehicle. This
ratio plotted versus vehicle mass will therefore estimate
how driver fatality risk depends on vehicle mass, subject to
the additional assumption that the probability of pedestrian
death is independent of vehicle mass. This is approximately
so because even the lightest vehicle is so much heavier than
the heaviest pedestrian (but see p. 73).
The finding that the ratio of driver deaths to pedestrian
deaths is relatively independent of driver age supports the
interpretation that the ratio reflects mainly the physical
properties of vehicles.16, (p 73) Suppose two types of
vehicles with equal crashworthiness are driven so that they
differ by a factor of two in the number of crashes per year.
The vehicles with the higher number of crashes would have
twice as many driver fatalities from impacts with trees, but
would also kill twice as many pedestrians, so that both
vehicle types would have equal values of the ratio of driver
to pedestrian fatalities.
Figure 4-12, derived from 1975-1983 FARS data,26(p 74) shows
the number of driver deaths per pedestrian death versus car
mass, which is interpreted to measure how driver fatality
risk depends on mass. Fig. 4-12 shows a relatively
noise-free relationship, with the data fitting well
where a is a scaling factor and b indicates the fractional
change in risk per linear change in mass.
Systematic relationships between risk and vehicle mass are
expected on physical grounds. Nearly all crashes are into
objects that will to some extent move, bend, uproot, break,
or distort, so that increased mass of the vehicle will
systematically reduce the deceleration forces experienced
within the vehicle. More damage being sustained by the
struck object lowers risk to the vehicle occupants. While
mass should not have a direct influence on rollover risk,
vehicle size, which is correlated strongly with mass (Fig.
4-9, p. 78), does (as does, of course, the height of the
center of gravity). Wider vehicles offer more resistance to
rollover, and longer vehicles have higher lateral stability.
Thus physical reasoning and the empirical data in Fig. 4-12
show that single-car fatality risk decreases systematically
with increasing mass. Non-systematic behavior of measures
based on driver fatalities per million vehicles likely
reflects driver use and behavior effects.
It seems that the best way to estimate how single-vehicle
(and rollover) fatality risk depend on mass is to assume
that risk is a simple continuous function of mass, such as
the functional form in Eqn 4-18. The slope parameter, b, is
determined by the best fit to whatever data are available.
While measures such as driver deaths per million registered
vehicles have inadequacies, they are the best available data
to determine the parameter. The value b = -0.00096 in Fig.
4-12 indicates a 9.6% decrease in single-vehicle fatality
risk for an additional 100 kg of vehicle mass. This is
equivalent to a 4.5% increase in fatality risk for a 100
pound reduction in vehicle mass, a measure we use because it
has appeared in the literature.7 This is the first case in
Table 4-6.
The results from Fig. 4-2 and Fig. 4-3 are from
least-squares fits (poor fits) to the four points for each
case. The estimate from Fig. 4-12 is expected to be high
because it is based on assuming that pedestrian fatality
risk does not increase with increasing mass of the striking
vehicle, when in fact Newtonian mechanics indicates it does
slightly (p. 74). Further indication that the risk of death
to pedestrians increases somewhat with vehicle mass is
provided by various results in Ref. 7. While there is
substantial quantitative variation among the results in
Table 4-6, all values of P are positive. This leaves little
doubt that as the mass of cars or light trucks is reduced,
fatality rates increase for single-vehicle crashes overall,
and for the single-vehicle crash subcategories of rollover
and crashes into fixed objects.
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE)
In response to the 1973 oil crisis, the US Congress passed
the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, with the
goal of reducing fuel use as a means of lessening US
dependence on imported oil. The act established the
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) program, which
required each vehicle manufacturer to meet a sales-weighted
average fuel use standard for its passenger car and
light-duty truck fleets sold in the US. Since 1996 the
standards have been 27.5 miles per gallon for passenger cars
and 20.7 mpg for light trucks (minivans, pickups, and sport
utility vehicles).
A vehicle's fuel use is intrinsically related to its mass.
The energy required to accelerate a vehicle from rest to a
given speed is proportional to the mass of the vehicle. When
in motion, rolling resistance forces are proportional to
vehicle weight, which is proportional to mass. Thus the
energy required to move a vehicle is linked to its mass
through fundamental physical laws. Other factors being
equal, making a vehicle lighter reduces its fuel use and
increases injury risk to its occupants.
The influence of CAFE was more complex than merely leading
to lighter cars and trucks. Indeed, the unintended
consequences eclipse the intended. In order to meet CAFE
requirements manufacturers had to sell a mix of vehicles
different from the mix their customers wanted. This was
achieved by, in effect, subsidizing small cars to increase
their sales while adding a premium to the cost of large cars
to discourage their purchase. Consumers who wanted larger
vehicles but were reluctant to pay this premium found
attractive alternatives in personal transportation vehicles
classified as light trucks, which were subject to less
stringent CAFE standards. Thus CAFE contributed to a major
change in the types of vehicles on US roads.
Effect of CAFE on safety
From the time it was introduced, the effect of CAFE on
safety was controversial. CAFE proponents seemed unwilling
to accept that a policy they believed to be good for energy
conservation and the environment could possibly cause
additional deaths. They claimed that all cars becoming
lighter would not increase fatalities because the driver in
a two-car crash would benefit by being struck by a similarly
lighter car. Such a claim flies in the face of two clear
effects. First, when cars of the same mass crash into each
other, risk increases as the common mass decreases (Fig.
4-10, p. 80), so that a fleet of identical lighter cars
produces more two-car crash fatalities than a fleet of
identical heavier cars. Second, about half of the car
occupants killed are killed in single-car crashes in which
risk increases with decreasing car mass. Drivers of lighter
cars crashing into large trucks are at higher risk than
drivers of heavier cars crashing into large trucks (p. 73
and Table 4-3, p. 76). Large trucks cannot be made much
lighter as cargo is a major portion of their mass. There can
be no doubt that policies that lead to a fleet of cars being
replaced by a fleet of lighter cars must necessarily
increase fatalities, because all resulting safety changes
are in the same direction.
The widespread replacement of cars by light trucks
complicates the safety computation. However, there is no
evidence that this made the fleet safer by an amount that
could negate the safety decreases from the lighter cars.
Indeed, there is much opinion that these substitutions
further reduced safety because of the higher rollover rates
for SUVs, and suggestions that two-vehicle risks were
increased by the presence of SUVs. The conclusion is
inescapable that CAFE increased fatalities. A National
Academies of Sciences report concluded "the
downweighting and downsizing that occurred in the late 1970s
and early 1980s, some of which was due to CAFE standards,
probably resulted in an additional 1,300 to 2,600 traffic
fatalities in 1993." (p ES-4)
The government body responsible for the CAFE program is the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Thus, the
agency charged with reducing traffic deaths administers and
supports policies that increase traffic deaths.
Effect of CAFE on fuel use
While there is no doubt that CAFE increased fatalities, its
effect on fuel use is far less clear. CAFE unquestionably
led to vehicles with higher fuel economy, meaning that a
vehicle could travel further using the same amount of fuel.
However, national fuel use depends on the numbers and types
of vehicles in use and on how far they are driven, and not
just on fuel economy.
When a vehicle buyer chooses a light truck rather than a
large car, this choice increases the average fuel economy of
the car fleet, and also increases the average fuel economy
of the truck fleet. Although the choice increases the fuel
economy of both fleets, it nonetheless reduces the average
fuel economy of all vehicles. Another effect of CAFE is that
it reduces travel costs per mile for most drivers. Reducing
the cost of travel increases the amount of travel, with
consequent increases in fatalities, and fuel use increases
that partially offset any reductions from higher fuel
Figure 4-13 shows the average distance traveled per vehicle
per year since data were available. , The rate remained
remarkably constant between 1947 and 1977, never varying
outside the range 9,315 to 10,906 miles per vehicle per
year. In the period after CAFE went into effect in 1978, the
average increased substantially. As with all regulations
that affect new vehicles, it takes about a decade before the
vast majority of vehicles on the roads include the changes.
This does not, of course, suggest that CAFE caused the
increase in travel per vehicle that coincided with it. But
it does show clearly the failure of a national policy aimed
at reducing fuel for transportation, which had as its
centerpiece CAFE regulations.27
Traveling 12,670 miles (the average for 2000) in a car
meeting the CAFE standard of 27.5 miles per gallon requires
461 gallons of gasoline costing $691 at the typical cost in
2000 of $1.50 per gallon. The average annual cost of auto
insurance in 2000 was $786. American families spend about
three times
as much on eating out as on transportation fuel. One of the
effects of CAFE
was to render fuel cost so inconsequential that it played no
more than a minor role in vehicle or travel choices. Forcing
consumers to drive higher fuel economy vehicles than they
would have chosen reduced their incentives to carpool, use
public transportation, more carefully plan shopping trips,
live closer to work, etc.
While there may be some disagreement on the effect of CAFE
on fuel use, there is no disagreement among economists that
increasing the cost of a commodity reduces its consumption.
Figure 4-13 shows clear drops in the distance traveled per
vehicle related to increases in the cost and availability of
fuel following the first and second oil embargoes of 1973
and 1979. An increase in the tax on fuel is guaranteed to
reduce fuel use. This could be applied in ways that would
avoid economic disruption, and, depending on the freely made
spending choices of individuals, might increase or decrease
The main reason one sees far more SUVs (and other large
personal transportation vehicles) in the US than in Europe
is not because Europeans do not like SUVs, but because
European fuel costs discourage the selection of such
vehicles. US consumers make rational choices based on US
fuel costs. The US government used CAFE regulations as an
excuse to avoid addressing policies that could really reduce
oil imports. The absence of an effective policy precipitated
momentous consequences for the nation and the world.
There is a taboo in US politics against even mentioning
increases in the federal tax on fuel. The US approach to
reducing foreign oil consumption is like a 300-pound patient
asking a doctor how to lose weight, but insisting that the
answer must not mention eating or exercise. If the one and
only policy that can really affect energy consumption is off
limits, then it would be preferable to formalize the
decision to do nothing rather than enact policies which have
only one clear effect - to increase fatalities.
Total safety, vehicle type, vehicle mass
The shift from cars to light trucks was not due entirely to
CAFE - many consumers like such vehicles, especially SUVs.
Quantifying how changes in the types and sizes of vehicles
affect net safety is a problem of high complexity. Even if
the fleet consisted only of cars, all driven identical
distances in identical ways by identical drivers, the task
of estimating overall effects from knowledge of outcomes for
single- and multiple-vehicle crashes would not be trivial.
The mix of single- and multiple-vehicle crashes is affected
by rollover risk, which is related to car mass, thus making
the mix of single-vehicle to multiple-vehicle crashes
dependent on car mass. Cars of different masses are used in
different ways, are driven differently, and attract
different types of drivers. Even the same driver pursuing
the same strategy may unknowingly drive cars of different
mass in different ways (Fig. 8-1, p. 180).
When other vehicles are included, complexity and uncertainty
increase. There is no analytical model of SUVs crashing into
SUVs comparable to Eqn 4-17. What is more critical, there is
no model of outcomes when cars and light trucks crash into
each other. Simple risk ratios indicate that the car driver
is 5 times as likely to die as the SUV driver when an SUV
and a car crash into each other.17 When the comparison is
restricted to vehicles of equal mass, the car driver is
about twice as likely to die as the SUV driver.19 However,
these are risk ratios and accordingly do not, by themselves,
prove that a car-SUV crash poses more risk than a car-car
crash. There are structural considerations that indicate
that this is likely, but no quantification from field data.
The SUV, with a higher center of gravity than a car, offers
less resistance to rollover (Fig. 3-12, p. 50). However,
belt wearing in fatal rollover crashes is even lower for
drivers of light trucks than for drivers of cars. This
indicates higher risk-taking and law-violation by drivers of
light-trucks, which would increase the overall fatality
rates for these vehicles without regard to the properties of
the vehicles.
Whether widespread replacement of cars by SUVs has increased
or decreased the total number of US fatalities is difficult
to answer. Cars and light trucks are driven different
distances in different places by drivers with different
characteristics. By far the most thorough study on this
subject incorporated a host of confounding factors,
including the age and gender of drivers of the different
vehicle types, urban versus rural use, different speed
limits, and night versus day.7 The distances driven by
different vehicles were estimated from odometer readings in
the NASS file (light trucks travel further than cars), and
also by additional methods. The report, with over 300 pages,
contains a wealth of information and insights relevant to
many aspects of traffic safety. To compliment such
completeness the author comments:
The analysis is not a "controlled experiment" but
a cross-sectional look at the actual fatality rates of MY
1991-99 vehicles, from the heaviest to the lightest. Since
most people are free to pick whatever car or light truck or
van they wish (limited only by their budget constraints),
owner characteristics and vehicle use patterns can and do
vary by vehicle weight and type. This study tries, when
possible, to quantify and adjust for characteristics such as
age/gender or urban/rural, and at least to give an
assessment of uncertainty associated with the less tangible
characteristics such as "driver quality." But,
ultimately, we can never be sure that a 30-year-old male
operating a large LTV on an urban road at 2:00 p.m. in a
Western State drives the same way as a 30-year-old male
operating a smaller LTV/light car/heavy car on an urban road
at 2:00 p.m. in a Western State. We can gauge the
uncertainty in the results, but unlike some controlled
experiments, there is not necessarily a single,
"correct" way to estimate it.7(p 13)
The main findings were that decreasing the masses of cars or
masses of the lighter categories of light trucks led to net
increases in fatalities (fatalities to occupants of the
vehicle plus fatalities to other road users). No clear
difference in net fatalities resulted from decreasing the
masses of the heaviest light trucks. Pick-up trucks and
SUVs, had, on the average, higher fatality rates than MY
1996-99 passenger cars or minivans of comparable weight.
The finding that pick-up trucks and SUVs had higher fatality
rates than cars of the same weight does not necessarily mean
that a person switching from a car to an SUV would increase
net fatality risk. A car would typically be replaced by an
SUV of greater weight.
Another study including considerable detail confirms that
driver factors, vehicle mass, and whether the vehicle is a
car or a light truck have a clear influence on risk. Various
studies have made claims that SUVs have produced dramatic
increases in total deaths. Such studies have not taken into
account, as is done in Ref. 7, the many factors that can
influence results by large amounts. For example, the simple
measure of deaths per million registered vehicles is
elevated for light trucks because they are driven further,
and in higher speed rural driving, than cars.
Does increase in number of SUVs increase risks to car
One common claim is that SUVs sharply increase total
fatalities by increasing fatalities in the cars into which
they crash. Such a possibility is inconsistent with Fig.
4-14. The number of car drivers killed in single-car crashes
does not depend on other vehicles. From 1994 to 2002 the
number of cars on US roads remained relatively constant
while the total light truck population increased by more
than 30%. , If the increase in SUVs led to large increases
in fatality risk to car drivers from car-SUV crashes, the
number of car drivers killed in two-vehicle crashes would
increase relative to the number killed in single-car
crashes, leading to an increasing trend in the percent of
all fatally injured car drivers who were killed in
two-vehicle crashes. No such trend occurred. Indeed, if
there is a trend, it is in the opposite direction. The most
plausible interpretation of the data in Fig. 4-14 is that
SUVs posed about as high a risk
to car drivers as did the generally large cars they
replaced. In any event, the
data are inconsistent with a large national fatality
increase from SUVs killing large numbers of car drivers who
would not have been killed if the SUV's had been cars.
What is effect of changing composition of fleet?
Unfortunately, complexity precludes a definitive conclusion.
Overall, the evidence suggests that the widespread
substitution of cars by SUVs may have increased net
fatalities, but not by much. However, the uncertainties are
so great that the effect could be in the opposite direction.
For example, the SUV's may have siphoned off riskier
drivers, thus increasing SUVs fatality rates and lowering
car fatality rates.
The question of how the composition of the fleet affects
safety is almost exclusively a question of changes in risk,
given that crashes occur. In the aggregate, it is difficult
to conclude even the direction of the effect. However, one
can be confident that it is not one of the largest factors
influencing safety. We noted previously that CAFE increased
US fatalities by 1,300 to 2,600 in 1993, say about 2,000 per
year. While of great importance, eliminating such an effect
would reduce 2002 fatalities from 42,815 to 40,815.
Important though this is, we show in Chapters 13 and 15 much
larger and more clearly established effects due to
non-vehicle factors.
Summary and conclusions (see printed text)
References for Chapter 4 - Numbers in [ ] refer to superscript
references in book that do not correctly show in this html
version. To see how they appear in book see the
version of Chapter 1.
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[2] Campbell BJ, Reinfurt DW. The relationship between driver crash injury and passenger car weight. Chapel Hill, NC: Highway Safety Research Center, University of North Carolina; 1973.
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[4] Joksch HC. Analysis of the future effects of the fuel shortage and increased small car usage upon traffic deaths and injuries. Report DOT-TSC-OST-75-21. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation; January 1976.
[5] Grime G, Hutchinson TP. Vehicle mass and driver injury. Ergonomics. 1979; 22: 93-104.
[6] Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Special issue: Driver death rates. Status Report, Vol. 35, No. 7, August 19, 2000. http://www.hwysafety.org/sr_ddr/sr3507_t1.htm
[7] Kahane CJ. Vehicle weight, fatality risk and crash compatibility of model year 1991-99 passenger cars and light trucks. Report DOT HS 809 662. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; October 2003.
[8] Evans L, Frick MC. Car size or car mass – which has greater influence on fatality risk? Am J Public Health. 1992; 82: 1009-1112.
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[17] Joksch H, Massie D, Pichier R. Vehicle aggressivity: Fleet characterization using traffic collision data. Report DOT HS 808 679. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; February 1998.
[18] Gabler HC, Hollowell WT.
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[27] National Research Council.
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[29] Complete details of this and
other calculations available at
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[33] US vehicle population. http://www.autonews.com/files/00regvehiclepop.pdf
[34] Davis SC. Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 21, ORNL-6966. Table 4.9: Light vehicle market shares by size class, sales periods, 1976-2002. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US Department of Energy; 2001. http://www-cta.ornl.gov/data/tedb23/Spreadsheets/Table4_09.xls