Traffic Safety and the Driver - Reviews

Reviews below are for Traffic Safety and the Driver by Leonard Evans, published March 1991

This classic now available as paperback from - list price $29.95. 

A perfect opportunity to have a brand new copy of this 1991 classic on your desk.

[also on Kindle at $9.99 ]

( Hardback 2004 Traffic Safety widely available )

 Published August 2004

    (Copyright © 2004 by Leonard Evans)

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Traffic Safety and the Driver 

by Leonard Evans

Sold-out hardback © 1991, Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY, NY

© 1999, 2013, Science Serving Society, Bloomfield, MI.


New paperback copies, list price, $29.95, available from

(same high quality cover, spine, 424 total pages. as hardback)

[also on Kindle at $9.99 ]


The 28 journals listed below reviewed
Traffic Safety and the Driver

 (Press mentions below list of journals).

1.  British Medical Journal

2.  Journal of Traffic Medicine

3.  Journal of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (Japan)

4.  Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Bulletin

5.  Care on the Road (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, UK)

6.  Aerospace and Environmental Medicine (Russia)

7.  American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

8.  Concerning Cars and Trucks

9.  Ergonomics (UK)

10. Driver/Education (Canada)

11. Risk Analysis

12. The Wilson Quarterly

13. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences

14. JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)

15. Law and Society Review

16. Death on the Streets (UK)

17. Automotive Life (Russia)

18. Accident Analysis and Prevention (1992)

19. Accident Analysis and Prevention (1996)

20. New Books from Abroad: Technology (Russia)

21. Contemporary Sociology

22. Journal of the Operational Research Society (UK)

23. Medicine Science and the Law

24. .Journal of the American Planning Association

25. RISK - Issues in Health & Safety

26. Book News, Inc.

27. Driver/Education Newsletter.


Comments below from other sources

Leonard Evans is an internationally recognized traffic safety research expert, and author of the classic book Traffic Safety and the Driver.   Washington Times

Leonard Evans ... author of Traffic Safety and the Driver a classic in the field of driving and traffic safety. Encyclopaedia Britannica

... Leonard Evans, the noted auto-safety researcher and author of the insightful book Traffic Safety and the Driver. Car and Driver

... Leonard Evans, an internationally recognized traffic safety researcher and author of the seminal work on the subject, Traffic Safety and the Driver. Consumers Research

Yet, according to Leonard Evans, author of Traffic Safety and the Driver, a standard work.  Smithsonian

Evans, who is the author of one of the classic texts on highway safety Traffic Safety and the Driver. Toronto Star

In his classic work Traffic Safety and the Driver, Leonard Evans recounts that ...New Republic

His book was written for professionals, but there is eye-opening advice for anyone in Traffic Safety and the DriverDetroit Free Press

Quotes from the reviews

1. It is an easy book to read, the terminology is clear and concise, it is well thought out and written, and in parts comes into the "difficult to put down" category. From the concerned and intelligent driver to the many researchers into all aspects of road safety and crash prevention this book has a lot to offer, and of its kind it is almost certainly unique. British Medical Journal

2. It is a rare pleasure for a reviewer to be able to recommend a book wholeheartedly and unequivocally -- a book that is a delight to read. The joys of the book are both scientific and literary. This is a book for everyone interested in making roads safer. Journal of Traffic Medicine

3.  Every statement he makes on drivers is the most convincing I have ever read. I would guarantee there is no difficulty to understand this book for non-expert readers. Journal of the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (Japan)

4. A remarkable book. Not only is it worthy of a place in libraries, but on one's desk. Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine Bulletin

5. It is rare for a book to land on the Care on the Road desk for review and stay there as an invaluable part of the information library. Care on the Road (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, UK)

6. This book is recommended for all who work in the area of transportation safety. (Translated from Russian). Aerospace and Environmental Medicine (Russia)

7. What is the role of car weight and design? How can you reduce your risk? You might be surprised by the book's straightforward answers. The information may have an impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

8. . . . provides a handbook for anyone making judgments on the subject. The book contains a wealth of documented information. Concerning Cars and Trucks

9. It should be compulsory reading for all concerned with the evaluation of traffic safety measures. For researchers it will additionally serve as a useful reference source for insightful and informative reviews of a range of fundamental issues. Ergonomics (UK)

10. One of the more refreshing aspects of the book is Evans' willingness to make inferences from the complexities of the research with which he is obviously thoroughly familiar. Driver/Education (Canada)

11. Risk assessors and managers interested in the contributors to the risks of "everyday living" will find this book especially interesting. Risk Analysis

12. "The problem of traffic crashes," Evans points out, "is much more one of drivers doing things that they know they ought not to do, than of drivers not knowing what to do." The Wilson Quarterly

13. It is an essential reference for the 90's and will prove invaluable to all who work in the field; epidemiologists, policy makers, transportation and road authorities, traumatologists, ergonomists and engineers. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences

14. Traffic Safety and the Driver is an important text for professionals and individuals interested in the problem of injury resulting from vehicular crashes. JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)

15. . . . furnishes a detailed description of the highway crashes in America and the numerous and various factors associated with them, including alcohol-impaired driving. He places the raw data in striking contexts. Law and Society Review

16. Leonard Evans is one of the most famous "road safety" workers in the world. He has received numerous awards from the road safety establishment and is a prolific author of "road safety" titles. Death on the Streets (UK)

17. This book contains a lot of interesting and useful observations and advice (Translated from Russian). Automotive Life (Russia)

18. This book is essential for anyone doing research in traffic safety and for university and other research libraries. It is so clearly written that it would be highly appropriate for the general public and for public libraries. Accident Analysis and Prevention (1992)

19. Evans writes for the general public as drivers and as opinion leaders. Accident Analysis and Prevention (1996)

20. This monograph is unprecedented in the information it provides based on widely available data and specialized research (Translated from Russian). New Books from Abroad: Technology (Russia)

21. Evans has written a cogent survey of social contributors to car crashes and fatalities. Contemporary Sociology

22. The author has the right credentials for a book such as this. The book presents an impressive array of statistics concerning traffic safety. Many of these statistics will surprise and occasionally amuse. Journal of the Operational Research Society (UK)

23. This is a fascinating book, packed with statistics and graphs. Medicine Science and the Law

24. . . . is comprehensive, clearly organized, well documented and easy to read. The book is a valuable reference for those working in the field of traffic safety and transportation planning. It is also a useful presentation of material for those interested in research methods, empirical data analysis, and policy formulation. Journal of the American Planning Association

25. Its comprehensiveness and readability, coupled with its extensive references to the primary literature, make this an excellent starting place for anyone interested in traffic safety research. Chapter 12, entitled "How You Can Reduce Your Risk," is likely to be of wide interest. RISK - Issues in Health & Safety

26. ...applies the methods of science to illuminate the characteristics of traffic crashes - their origin and nature as well as their severity. Book News, Inc. Portland, Oregon.

27. Leonard Evans, author of Traffic Safety and the Driver, a book that has been referred to as the bible of traffic safety research. Driver/Education Newsletter.

28. Traffic Safety and the Driver was published in 1991. It remains what is probably the most comprehensive review of the vast research into drivers and driving available today*. Some people have called it the "bible" of traffic safety.  While it's written primarily for professionals, author Leonard Evans skillfully pulls aside the curtain of mathematical equations that normally screens the more interesting aspects of this research from less statistically inclined readers. .

*This written before publication of Traffic Safety

Reviews above are for Traffic Safety and the Driver by Leonard Evans, published March 1991

This classic now available as paperback from - list price $29.95. 

A perfect opportunity to have a brand new copy of this 1991 classic on your desk.

[also on Kindle at $9.99 ]

( Hardback 2004 Traffic Safety widely available )

 Published August 2004 (Copyright © 2004 by Leonard Evans)

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Revised 2014-01-07