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9 Driver behavior
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It is crucial to distinguish
between driver performance and driver behavior. Not
differentiating between them has caused, and continues to
cause, confusion. The two concepts are:
Driver performance - what the driver CAN do.
Driver behavior - what the driver DOES do.
Driver performance relates to the driver's knowledge, skill,
perceptual and cognitive abilities, as discussed in Chapter
8. Driver behavior is what the driver chooses to do with
these attributes. The example in Fig. 8-2 (p. 183) showed
that the probability and severity of a crash depends on
driver reaction time, a driver performance attribute.
However, the outcome also depends on the speed of the
vehicle. The reason why drivers choose different speeds is
not conveyed by Fig. 8-2. The ability to judge speed, and
the capability to control the vehicle at that speed, are
aspects of driver performance. The speed chosen is at the
core of driver behavior.
As driver performance focuses on
capabilities and skills, it can be investigated by many
methods, including experiments using laboratory equipment,
driving simulators, and instrumented vehicles traveling on
test tracks. As driver behavior is what drivers actually do,
it cannot be investigated by such methods. As a consequence,
we have less solid quantitative information about driver
behavior than about driver performance. Particularly
important, but difficult to quantify, are relationships
between driver behavior and crash risk.
Normal driving is a self-paced task
The distinction between
performance and behavior is central to traffic safety
because normal driving is a self-paced task. That is,
drivers choose their own desired level of task difficulty.
Increased skill can be used for many purposes. A likely use
is to choose a different level of task difficulty. In
Chapter 5 we found that a technology that improved vehicle
braking, antilock braking systems (ABS), was associated with
a large increase in rollover risk, and did not enhance
safety in the way that a naïve interpretation of impressive
test track results indicated. In the same way, an increase
in driving skill may not increase safety because it can be
used for such purposes as increasing speed, overtaking in
tighter situations, or performing more secondary tasks, like
talking on
cell phones. While crash rates of older drivers have been
shown to increase with declining performance, there is a
conspicuous absence of convincing evidence of any
relationship between crash risks and performance measures
for drivers who are not old.
A distinguished sea captain commented:
A superior seaman uses his superior judgment to keep out
of situations requiring his superior skills.
Drivers behaving in such a way would enhance safety.
However, a superior driver who has learned skid control or
advanced braking techniques may well seek opportunities in
traffic to exhibit these skills.
When task difficulty is maintained
constant, higher skill has been shown to increase safety.
Crash rates of Helsinki bus and streetcar drivers were found
to be strongly correlated with a series of
performance-measuring tests. In addition, crash rates were
stable over long periods when monitored from 1947-1973. The
basic distinction between these drivers, who were employed
to perform specific tasks, and drivers in general, is that
their schedules, and other aspects of driving behavior, were
specified. Higher skill could not be used to increase speed
- indeed, keeping closely on schedule would relate to skill.
More recent research has developed screening procedures that
identify commercial fleet drivers with higher than average
probability of crashing. Such procedures are not available
for normal driving.
Driving in a regulated structured environment has features
in common with piloting a commercial airliner, so that
increased skill, knowledge and performance are expected to
increase safety in both situations. However, what is crucial
is that this does not apply to normal self-paced driving.
Misguided policy has often resulted from a mistaken belief
that safe driving is primarily a perceptual-motor skill, and
that measures that increase driving skill will improve
Racing drivers compared to average drivers
The belief that increasing
skill would reduce crash rates has seemed to many too
obvious to be worth investigating. Such a belief reinforces
the view that driver education must increase safety, even in
the face of so much evidence that it does not (Chapter 8).
It is widely held by driving aficionados that high-skill
drivers are inherently safe drivers.
This was examined directly by comparing the on-the-road
driving records of unusually skilled drivers to the records
of average drivers. The investigators obtained the names and
addresses of national competition license holders from the
Sports Car Club of America. They compared the on-the-road
driving records of these license holders (referred to in
their paper as racing drivers) in Florida, New York, and
Texas, to comparison groups of drivers in the same states
matched in such characteristics as gender and age.
The results of the study are
summarized in Fig. 9-1, which displays the violation and
crash rates for the racing drivers divided by the
corresponding rates for the comparison drivers. If there
were no differences between the groups of drivers, these
ratios would all be close to one, whereas if the racing
drivers had lower rates, the ratios would be less than one.
What is found is that in all 12 combinations examined, the
rates for the racing drivers exceeded those for the
comparison drivers, in most cases by considerable amounts.
Thus, on a per year basis, the racing drivers not only had
substantially more violations, especially speeding
violations, but also more crashes.
Figure 9-1. The number of incidents per year for racing drivers compared to the values of the same quantities for comparison average drivers matched in gender and age.5
It could be claimed that higher speeds
by more skillful drivers do not cause harm if the person
driving faster is more able to avoid crashes. What is most
telling in this study is not the higher violation rates, but
the higher crash rates. Self-reported estimates of distance
of travel indicated that the racing drivers traveled more
than the comparison drivers. However, additional
analyses found that this does not explain all of the
observed differences.In interpreting the difference between
the driving records of the racing drivers and the comparison
drivers, it is not possible to determine whether the effect
flows from the use of the additional skill acquired by the
drivers to drive more aggressively, or whether it is simply
high risk drivers who are attracted to racing. It is
possible that without the additional skills acquired in
pursuit of their advanced license they might have had yet
higher crash rates, although I find this improbable. The
study does show that higher skill levels are not associated
with lower crash rates.
Effect of speed on risk
Quantitative relationships
between crash risk and pre-crash travel speed are difficult
to obtain because the speed that a vehicle was traveling
prior to its crash is not generally known. Pre-crash speeds
are rarely recorded, and it is an involved and uncertain
process to infer speeds from such physical evidence as might
be produced by the crash. Skid marks provide some
information, but antilock brakes eliminate these by
maintaining wheel rotation under maximum braking. When skid
marks are present they still provide no information about
how much speed reduction occurred when the vehicle was not
skidding. The detailed post-crash examination required to
estimate speed precludes its inclusion in large data files
like FARS.
Urban speeds and injury crashes - case-control method
The effect of travel speed on
crash risk was investigated by applying a case-control study
design to data collected on urban streets in the Adelaide
(Australia) metropolitan area. The case-control method
involves comparing the speeds of cars involved in crashes,
or case cars, to the speeds of control cars not involved in
crashes. The case sample included only cars involved in
casualty crashes in which someone was transported to a
hospital. All case drivers had zero blood alcohol
concentration. Pre-crash speeds of case cars were determined
using crash reconstruction techniques involving detailed
investigations of the crash scenes. Features of the crash,
such as skid marks, impact points, final positions of cars,
damage to cars, and participant and witness statements
contributed to the reconstruction process. The control cars
matched the case cars in direction of travel, roadway
location, time of day, day of week, and time of year.
Control-car speeds were measured by a laser speed meter. All
data were for roads with 60 km/h speed limits.
The data led to the risk ratios
plotted in Fig. 9-2. All values are relative to the base
case risk of traveling at the 60 km/h speed limit. The error
limits are one standard error, as determined by the number
of case and control cars at each speed interval and at 60
Risk of involvement in a casualty
crash increases steeply as speeds exceed the 60 km/h speed
limit, approximately doubling for each additional 5 km/h.
The increase is so steep that a logarithmic scale is used in
Fig. 9-2. The risk at 80 km/h is 30 times the risk when
driving at the speed limit.
There is no clear indication that
risk decreases for travel speeds below the speed limit.
There are other data associating speeds lower than the
average with increased risk. However, such findings
underline some of the most difficult problems encountered in
traffic safety research. Observing that slow drivers have
higher crash risk does not imply that driving slower
increases risk. The reason they are driving slower could be
in response to some other risk-increasing condition
(fatigue, poor vision, major distraction, vehicle problems).
Similarly, the higher speed drivers might have higher risks
even when they drive slower. There is little opportunity for
traffic safety studies to provide results that can be
interpreted without some element of judgment regarding
plausible and implausible explanations. Notwithstanding the
uncertainties that are always present, the data in Fig. 9-2
provide clear evidence that risk of involvement in a
casualty crash increases steeply as a function of how much a
driver exceeds the speed limit.
Rural speeds and injury crashes - case-control method
The approach above was
applied to rural roads in South Australia with speed limits
of 80 km/h or higher. Because of smaller sample sizes,
different speed limits, and more varying driving conditions,
the results were expressed in terms of deviations from
average speeds of control cars rather than departures from
speed limits. As with the urban study, all cars contributing
to the study were traveling at free speeds, meaning that
they were not overtaking, following, accelerating, slowing,
The authors summarized the results as
where dv = speed above the average speed (km/h), and
R = risk at speed dv above average compared to risk at
average speed.
Eqn 9-1 estimates that a car traveling 10 km/h faster than
the average speed in a rural area will be 2.2 times as
likely to be involved in a casualty crash as a car traveling
at the average speed.
Speed limit changes and casualty risk
Another approach to examining
how speed affects risk is to relate changes in aggregate
casualties on selected roads to changes in the average speed
of the traffic on these roads. This approach provides
relationships without the need to know how fast specific
crash-involved vehicles were traveling prior to their
crashes, which, as in the case-control studies described
above, is difficult and expensive to obtain.
Claims in the literature that speed
limits have had no effect on safety have led to some
confusion. What is written in a legal statute or on a road
sign does not, by itself, influence safety. If all 40 mph
signs were replaced by 35 mph signs in the middle of the
night, it is unlikely that many commuters would notice the
change the next morning. It is travel speed, not speed
limits, that affects safety. For speed limits to affect
travel speed they must be known to motorists, and, for many
motorists, they must also be perceived to be enforced.
Relationships between crash risk
and travel speed were determined by examining casualty rates
before and after changes in speed limits on many (mainly
higher speed limit) roads in Sweden. In many cases, speeds
on roads with changed speed limits were compared to speeds
on similar roads that did not have their limits changed. The
results were found to fit the power function
which, for small percent changes in speed, can be
approximated by
P is a power that depends on the severity of the crash:
for any crash P = 2
for serious-injury crash P = 3
for fatal crash P = 4
These results and the increasing value of P with increasing
severity supports the pattern that speed increases lead to
increases in the:
- Risk of crashing
- Risk of serious injury, if a crash occurs
- Risk of death, if a serious injury occurs
While these relationships estimate
substantial increases in risk with increasing speed, the
increases are not as large as found in the case-control
studies. For example, Eqn 9-2 estimates traveling at 90 km/h
compared to 80 km/h increases serious injury risk by a
factor (90/80)3 = 1.42. This 42% increase, while
substantial, falls short of the 120% increase estimated by
Eqn 9-1 for a vehicle traveling 10 km/h faster than the
average speed. Fitting Eqn 9-2 to values computed using Eqn
9-1 gives P = 6.6, and the fit to the urban data in Fig. 9-2
gives P = 12. The differences could reflect that in the
case-control studies, the speeding case drivers might be
less safe than average drivers even when they were not
speeding, because other risk-increasing behaviors are
related to speeding.
A British study reports a value of P =
2.5 for all crashes involving injury, based on comparing
rates on different roads with similar features but different
observed average speeds. Another British study reports that
for every 1 mph rise in the mean traffic speed, crashes rise
by about five percent, equivalent to P = 5 for all crashes.
A study in Israel found that increasing speed limits from 90
km/h to 100 km/h on three inter-urban highways led to speed
increases of about 7%. Traffic deaths increased by 15%, but
the authors claim that this observed increase would have
been larger had it not been for other concurrent
countermeasures. They found that the number of deaths per
serious injury increased by 38%. If the P value for
fatalities in Eqn 9-2 is PF, and that for injuries is PI,
then the ratio of these gives approximately the increase in
the risk of death in an injury crash as PF/PI "
(38%)/(7%) " 5. This is consistent with high P values.
This study finds increased casualties on roads with
unchanged speed limits, providing further evidence of
spillover effects.
The studies measuring mean speed
cannot identify which individual vehicles contribute most to
overall risk. However, the results from the case-control
studies, which did measure speeds of individual vehicles,
support that the major contribution to aggregate risk is
from the few fastest vehicles. If we assume that the
variance to mean ratio remains constant when a change in
average speed occurs, then the fastest vehicles will
increase their speeds by more than the increase in average
speed. It is the fastest drivers who make the main
contribution to risk before the speed increase, and it is
their larger than average speed increase after the change
that makes the major contribution to the aggregate risk
increases observed after increases in average speed.
Lowering of speed limits on US rural Interstates and
fatality rates. A national maximum speed limit of 55 mph
became law throughout the US on 1 January 1974. It was
introduced in response to the October 1973 Arab oil embargo
in order to reduce fuel use - safety was not a
consideration. However, the speed limit change provided a
unique opportunity to evaluate how travel speed affects
fatality risk.
Prior to the change, the speed
limits on rural Interstates were nearly all 70 mph, with a
few being higher. Average travel speed was observed to be
63.4 mph. After imposition of the 55 mph limit, the observed
speed declined to 57.6 mph, a seemingly modest 5.8 mph drop
compared to the 15 mph decrease in the speed limit. However,
a sharp drop in the fatality rate occurred (Fig. 9-3). The
change in the speed limit was one of many changes from 1973
and 1974 related to the oil embargo. Reduced travel was
another. This and other changes should not directly affect
the number of deaths for the same distance of travel, the
rate plotted.
Figure 9-3. Fatalities per billion km on the US rural Interstate system. Until 1973 maximum speed limits were 70 mph (in some cases greater). From 1974 to 1987 there was a nationwide 55 mph speed limit. In 1987 some states increased limits on some portions to 65 mph. Based on Ref. , p. 340.
Substituting the after and
before speeds into Eqn 9-2, with P = 4 for fatality crash
risk, gives (57.6/63.4)4 = 0.68, thus estimating a 32%
decrease in fatality rate. The change in the fatality rates
plotted between 1973 and 1974 is a 34% decrease. A small
part of the decline is likely due to an ongoing trend (as
expected, see Chapter 3), but even after taking this into
account, the observed decline supports that P = 4 is an
appropriate choice in Eqn 9-2 for fatalities.
Raising of speed limits on US rural Interstates and fatality
rates. On 28 Nov-ember 1995 the Federal Government
terminated its involvement in speed limits, returning the
responsibility entirely to the individual states. Before
that, in April 1987, Congress had passed legislation
allowing states to increase speed limits to 65 mph on some
sections of rural Interstates. The introduction of the
national maximum speed limit occurred at one time, and
applied nationwide, which led to the large easily observed
change in Fig. 9-3. When the limit was made more flexible,
and later ended, states were not required to make any
changes. Some did, some did not, and the states that made
changes did not make identical changes, or change at the
same time. As a result, estimating how increases in the
speed limits affected fatalities cannot be performed by a
simple calculation at the national level. Many evaluations
were performed, including those by individual states, giving
a consistent pattern that the states that increased their
limits from 55 mph to 65 mph experience about a 10% increase
in fatality rates.
Within a year after the Federal
Government ended any role in setting speed limits, 23 states
raised their rural Interstate speed limits to 70 or 75 mph.
Many studies showed that this increased fatalities. One
study compared changes in the number of fatalities for the
same distance of travel for states that increased their
limits to states that kept their limits at the then prior
limit of 65 mph. The states that increased speed limits to
70 mph experienced a 35% increase in fatality rate, and the
states that increased speed limits to 75 mph a 38% increase.
Data are unavailable for actual changes in speed in response
to the speed limit changes.
Speed and speed change - v and Dv
It is not travel speed, v, that plays the direct role in
injuries, but the change in speed, Dv, the vehicle undergoes
as a result of the crash (Chapter 2). Analysis of data for
crashed cars showed that, when a crash occurs: ,
The fatality relationship, Eqn 9-4,
was introduced earlier and used to produce Fig. 8-2, p. 183.
In general Dv is smaller, usually much smaller, than v.
However, the simple (but rare) case of a vehicle striking an
immovable object without braking gives Dv = v (assuming no
bounce-back). If the risk of striking the object increases
as v2 (P = 2 for crash risk), then fatality crash risk will
increase as v(2 + 3.54) = v5.54 giving, in terms of Eqn 9-2,
the values P = 5.54 for fatalities and, similarly, P = 4.22
for injuries. When there is braking, Dv will increase more
steeply than proportional to v (Fig. 8-2), so the values P =
5.54 and P = 4.22 may be low. This very approximate
calculation supports the higher P values reported from the
case-control studies.
German Autobahns
Opponents of speed limits
often claim that German Autobahns have no speed limits yet
low casualties. The claim of no speed limits is countered by
temporary speed limits on most of Germany's highways. Signs
suggesting a recommended speed limit of 130 km/h (80 mph)
are posted along most Autobahns, while urban sections and a
few dangerous stretches sometimes have posted speed limits
of 100 km/h. Congestion, which reduces fatality risk by
reducing speeds (Chapter 5), is common.
Surprisingly, there does not appear to be any technical
study comparing safety on Autobahns to safety on freeways in
other countries. Data in a column listed killed per 1
billion km - motorways shows that the German rate, while 27%
lower than the US rate, is 48% higher than the Swedish rate
and 76% higher than the British rate (see Chapter 15 on
failure of US safety policy).
Speed variance
Variability around average speeds, or speed variance,
has been discussed as a safety factor, especially since
observations associated higher risks with speeds below as
well as above the average.7, An analysis interpreting crash
risk as proportional to the number of times a vehicle is
overtaken or overtakes concludes similarly that traveling
below or above the average speed increases crash risk. The
common policy of setting lower speed limits for trucks than
for other vehicles would seem to imply rejecting the notion
that driving slower than the average speed increases risk.
From time to time there are claims that speed variance is as
important as speed. The most extreme view claims that speed,
as such, does not affect safety and that the safety goal
should be to require all traffic to move at the same
(presumably high) speed. After all, vehicles traveling at
identical speeds in the same direction cannot crash into
each other, and will never overtake. While there are
indications (not supported in Fig. 9-2) that vehicles
traveling slower than average have above-average crash
rates, the reason they are traveling slower is because the
driver chooses to do so, likely in response to known driver
(or vehicle) inadequacies. If such drivers were encouraged
or compelled to speed up to the average speed, an increase
in crash risk seems more likely than a decrease. Even if
slower-than-average drivers have crash rates similar to
faster-than-average drivers, their injury and fatality rates
will still be substantially less.
Higher speed variance would appear
to increase the risk of rear-end crashes. However, only 5.0%
of occupant fatalities in FARS 2002 occurred in
rear-impacted vehicles (initial impact point 5, 6 or 7
o'clock). Single-vehicle crashes, for which the concept of
speed variance is hardly relevant, account for 49% of driver
fatalities (Table 3-3, p. 48). Thus speed variance can make
no more than a modest contribution to fatalities, especially
when one additionally considers how steeply the risk of
death increases with speed. Traffic in which all vehicles
traveled at 40 mph would, according to some definitions,
have zero speed variance. Yet a head-on crash between two
vehicles traveling at 40 mph is far more lethal to both
drivers than one between a 40 mph and a 20 mph vehicle. The
speed variance concept has been applied to vehicles
traveling on different roads, not merely in opposite
directions on the same road! Multivariate analyses that find
speed variance a prime factor in determining fatalities
simply provide another example of how such methods can be
coaxed to support any conclusion. Even if speed variance
were all that important, the way to reduce it is to reduce
the speed of the fastest vehicles, which is already the
current focus of enforcement.
Comments on relationship between speed and risk
An enormous body of evidence
consistently supports that the risk of crashing, being
injured, or being killed, increases with increasing speed.
There is no doubt that the dose-response curve is very steep
- a little extra speed generates a lot more harm. How much
more harm per increment of speed increase is not known to
much precision. One source of uncertainty is variability in
results due in part to methodological differences. However,
it is also likely that different relationships apply to
different roads, circumstances, and driver populations. For
fatalities, a one percent increase in speed appears to
increase fatality risk somewhere in the range 4% to 12%,
with stronger support for a value towards the low end of the
range. The lower value indicates that a 3% speed reduction
reduces risk by 13%. This is larger than the reduction from
frontal airbags. A 1% to 2% nationwide reduction in speed
provides a nationwide reduction in traffic deaths similar to
that provided by airbags. Property damage, a major cost of
traffic crashes (Chapter 2), is reduced by speed reductions,
but increased by airbags, which must be replaced after
deployment (more on airbags in Chapter 12).
Lower speed limits reduce the
efficiency of travel. The safest traffic system consists of
gargantuan vehicles all of which are nearly stationary.
Setting speed limits involves trade-offs. Studies taking
into account delay, injury, fuel use, emissions, and other
costs have estimated socially optimum speeds of about 50
km/h for urban streets, and 85 to 105 km/h for rural roads.
Actual speed limits (which drivers routinely violate) are
found to be generally higher than the estimated social
Reducing speed limits is almost
certain to increase the number of law violators. Opponents
of lower speed limits often make a big issue out of the fact
that more drivers violated the US national maximum speed
limit of 55 mph speed limit than the prior 70 mph limit. A
150 mph speed limit would produce many deaths, but few
speeding tickets (although there are 27 car models available
in the US claiming top speeds in the range 150 to 240 mph).
Demographic factors related to risk taking in traffic
The empirical studies showing that
speed choice (a driver characteristic) has a large influence
on crash risk were not based on measuring a characteristic
of the driver, but a characteristic of the vehicle (its
speed). In most of the studies, information about the driver
traveling at the measured speed was not available. Obtaining
driver information would require major increases in
experimental difficulty and cost. Various methods have been
used to relate aggregate driver characteristics to speeding,
and, more generally, risk taking in traffic. No method is
without some weaknesses, but as different methods have
different weaknesses, they collectively generate a fairly
consistent picture that provides insight into why so many
crash rates have the clear gender and age dependencies
reported in Chapter 7.
Traffic tickets
Table 9-1 shows the percent of residents of North
Carolina with driver licenses who received a traffic-law
violation citation (ticket) in 1998. Violations related to
crashes are excluded.
Table 9-1. The percent of North Carolina residents with driver licenses who received traffic citations (those involving traffic crashes excluded) in 1998.26
For each race and age comparison, the male rate far
exceeds the female rate (by factors between 2.0 and 3.3).
For each race and gender comparison, drivers aged 16-22 have
rates far higher than those for drivers aged 50 or older (by
factors between 3.3 and 11.2).
The number of traffic tickets a
driver gets in a year reflects more than just the propensity
to violate traffic law. Drivers in each of the 12 cells in
Table 9-1 travel different distances at different times, and
therefore necessarily have different probabilities of being
observed by police. What is a more controversial and
difficult issue is that all individuals may not have
identical probabilities of receiving tickets even for
identical behavior in identical circumstances. The
probability that a police officer issues a ticket might be
prejudicially affected by the gender, age, or race of the
driver. The data alone cannot provide information on the
extent to which sexism, ageism, or racism are present. The
agreement of the gender and age dependence of ticket rates
with casualty rates supports that a major reason why drivers
receive tickets is that their behavior in traffic increases
the risk that they will be in a fatal crash. However,
contributions from other factors cannot be ruled out. Among
young (aged 16-22) drivers, African Americans of both
genders have lower citation rates than white drivers of the
same gender and age. This may reflect less availability of
vehicles, less driving, or perhaps young African Americans
are driving more carefully because they believe that police
are prejudicially targeting them. Such a belief, whether
true or not, would save lives of those who believed it. The
higher rates for African Americans in the other age groups
may reflect a largely universal socioeconomic effect in
which risk taking in a host of activities declines with
increasing affluence.
Large data files
The only demographic factors recorded in US traffic
crash files, such as FARS, are gender and age. Many results
based on these variables have been presented in earlier
chapters. Mortality from the National Center for Health
Statistics contains more detailed information on those dying
from any cause. By linking this data set with FARS, together
with information on distance of travel from the 1990
Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, fatality rates
for the same distance of travel were estimated for factors
in addition to those included in FARS. The study examined
occupant fatality risks for children (aged 5-12) and
teenagers (aged 13-19 years), and compared the risks for
Hispanics, non-Hispanic blacks, and non-Hispanic whites. For
each billion vehicle miles of travel, 14 non-Hispanic black
children were killed, compared to 8 Hispanics, and 5
non-Hispanic whites. For teenagers the rates were 45 for
Hispanics, 34 for non-Hispanic blacks, and 30 for
non-Hispanic whites. Unquestionably, socioeconomic status
makes a large contribution to any such differences, as well
as to the differences in Table 9-1. However, a later study
of adult risk that does incorporate a measure of
socioeconomic status concludes that this variable cannot
account for all of the differences.
Self-reported behavior in questionnaires
Questionnaire, or survey, studies have the advantage of
producing information on many factors for large numbers of
respondents. A disadvantage is that self-reports of behavior
may depart substantially from actual behavior, particularly
if the behavior is considered to be socially undesirable or
is illegal. Even in the unlikely event that drivers knew how
often they speeded, they might not respond truthfully.
Comparing self-reports to observed behavior shows that
speeders tend to underreport their speeding. Still,
responses reflect some mix of true speeds, the responder's
ability to estimate true speeds, and the self-image the
responder wishes to convey. These are all factors relevant
to safety.
Responses were obtained from 1,095 licensed drivers in
Scotland in a 20-minute in-home interview. Table 9-2 shows
the percent characterized as speeders, defined as reporting
that they had been stopped by the police for speeding during
their driving career, or had been flashed by a speed camera
in the previous three years (the driver is aware when a
flash photograph, indicating speeding, is taken). At all
ages, male rates exceed female rates by factors between 1.6
and 2.4. The data do not provide information on speeding
versus age because, as drivers age, their life-long exposure
to the risk of a speeding offense can only increase.
The same survey asked drivers how they would adjust their
speed under various driving conditions. Differences reported
to be statistically significant are listed in Table 9-3,
again demonstrating that males are associated with riskier
behavior. The greater tendency of males to slow down in
light rain could possibly reflect greater appreciation of
the relationship between braking and wet roadways, or (more
likely) driving closer to the margin on dry roads.
Table 9-3. How Scottish drivers of different genders indicated they would respond to changed conditions.30
Observational studies
Driver propensity to take risk, as indicated by chosen
speed or by following headway (gap between a driver's
vehicle and the one in front), was measured in a series of
observational studies in which oncoming cars were
photographed from freeway overpasses. , The license-plate
number, read from the photograph, was used to extract from
state files the driving record, gender, and age of the
registered owner of the vehicle. A photographed driver
judged not to differ in age or sex from the registered owner
was assumed to be the owner.
The studies found that speed on a rural two-lane road
decreased with increasing driver age. The proportion of
vehicles observed following the vehicle in front at
dangerously short headways (tailgating) declined with
increasing driver age. The risk taking behaviors of speeding
and tailgating were more prevalent among male drivers. These
results are summarized in more detail elsewhere.13(p
Personality factors and crash rates
The above relationships between risk-taking in traffic
and gender and age apply to averages of large groups. The
behavior of individuals within a given demographic category
vary more than differences between demographic categories -
there are many young males who drive at lower risk than many
older females. There has been much effort to attempt to
explain such variation in terms of personality.
The first study indicating "we drive as we live"
One of the earliest studies to examine the relationship
between crash involvement and personality was published in
1949. Characteristics of 96 Toronto taxi drivers who had
four or more crashes were compared to those of 100 taxi
drivers with no crashes. The two groups, matched in age and
driving experience, provided the results in Table 9-4.
Table 9-4. Frequency of contact with social agencies by 96 Toronto taxi drivers with four or more crashes compared to 100 with no crashes.33
The authors conclude:
It would appear that the driving hazards and the high
accident record are simply one manifestation of a method of
living that has been demonstrated in their personal lives.
Truly it may be said that a man drives as he lives. If his
personal life is marked by caution, tolerance, foresight,
and consideration for others, then he would drive in the
same manner. If his personal life is devoid of these
desirable characteristics then his driving will be
characterized by aggressiveness, and over a long period of
time he will have a much higher accident rate than his
stable companion.33(p 329)
Although the methodology of the
1949 study can be criticized on many counts, it was the
first study to provide specific evidence of a strong link
between broad personality characteristics and crash
involvement, and introduced the concept a man drives as he
lives. A major deficiency of the study is that much of the
interpretation is based on psychiatric-type interviews
conducted while riding in the taxis. This procedure is
subjective in nature, and given the extreme differences
between the groups of drivers, it was not possible for the
interviewer to remain unaware of the group to which the
driver most likely belonged, thus raising the possibility of
bias. The comparison is between extremes (some of the
drivers with high crash rates verged on the psychopathic),
so it could be argued that the results may not necessarily
be applicable to a more moderate degree of crash over
Psychiatric profiles of fatally injured drivers
An imaginative technique was
applied to obtain psychiatric profiles of 25 deceased
drivers judged to be at fault in the crashes in which whey
were killed in Houston, Texas, from 1967-1968. The profiles
were produced by conducting in-depth interviews with family
members and associates of the deceased. These were compared
to profiles of 25 control subjects selected from the same
voter precincts in which the deceased had lived, and matched
in such characteristics as age (all were males). Many
criticisms of this study are possible. The information
gathering processes were necessarily quite different for the
deceased and control subjects, and the sample sizes were
small. However, the differences found are much larger than
any that appear likely to be due to possible biases in the
technique. Personality disorders were associated with 75% of
the fatally injured drivers, compared to 8% for the control
sample. Even the few abnormal personalities among the
control population were found to be less deviant, and to
have more adequate coping mechanisms that helped compensate
for their psychiatric liability.
Difficulties in researching the role of driver
personality in crashes
Although personality factors
play a central role, they are difficult to investigate. One
problem is that crash rates depend strongly on factors, such
as gender, age and alcohol use, so that any study of
personality factors must control for these. This may require
large sample sizes. Yet measures of personality are not
available in large data sets, but must instead be determined
by the investigators by, for example, administering one of
many available personality instruments as components of
questionnaire studies.
Large compared to normal departures
from the norm. The large effects of personality discussed
above were measured by comparing extreme cases, such as taxi
drivers with four or more crashes to those with zero, or
fatally injured drivers to typical drivers. Since the
comparison is between such extremes, it could be argued that
the results may not be valid when interpolated to the more
moderate degrees of over involvement that are of such
importance in traffic safety. This problem is parallel to
the dose-response problem in toxicology. Does a large,
easily measured, deleterious effect associated with a
massive dose of some substance support the inference that
one tenth of the dose would still produce some deleterious
effect, perhaps about one tenth the effect of the large
dose? Or is there some threshold below which the substance
produces no deleterious effect? Given that most crashes
involve drivers not as far from the average as those in the
studies discussed, it is important to know whether moderate
variations within the normal ranges of behavior can explain
variations in crash rates. As in the toxicology case, the
smaller the dose, the more difficult it is to measure the
response, but the more people are involved.
Above-average crash risks are still
small. There are methodological problems inherent in
comparing those with moderately above-average crash rates to
those with below-average crash rates. To illustrate, assume
a hypothetical population of identical drivers each with the
same average crash rate of 0.086 crashes per year used in
Table 1-1. Column 4 of Table 1-1 (p. 15) shows that in a
ten-year period 42% of the drivers have zero crashes, 36%
one crash, and 21% two or more crashes. Suppose one compared
driver characteristics of groups of safe (zero-crash) and
risky (two or more crashes) drivers. Because membership of
either group is determined by the pure randomness of a
Poisson process, driver characteristics in each group are
identical. Such a finding could be misinterpreted to
conclude falsely that drivers who crash do not differ from
those who do not crash.
Now suppose there is a group of
genuine risky drivers who are twice as likely as average
drivers to crash (that is, their crash rate is 0.172 crashes
per year) and a group of low risk drivers who are half as
likely as average driver to crash (that is, their crash risk
0.043 crashes per year). In a ten-year, period 18% of the
risky drivers will still be crash free, whereas 7% of the
low risk drivers will have two or more crashes. Likewise,
any group of subjects selected on the basis of having no
observed crashes will contain many high risk drivers, and
any group selected on the basis of having two or more
observed crashes will contain some low risk drivers. The
high and low risk groups of subjects will indeed contain
drivers with higher and lower average propensities to crash,
but the difference will be but a fraction of the real factor
of four difference. This makes it more difficult to detect
relationships based on comparing high and low risk drivers,
and the effects measured in any relationships that are found
will systematically underestimate the magnitude of the true
effects by substantial amounts.
There does not appear to be a way out of
this dilemma. Statistical theory, together with various
assumptions, can be used to estimate the most likely real
effect from an observed difference, but as the observed
difference is small even when the real difference is large,
the estimate will lack precision. One cannot use very long
periods to accumulate larger numbers of crashes because
crash risk, which depends so strongly on age, is not stable
over long periods.
Other studies on the relationship between personality and
crash risk
Despite the difficulties, a
large number of studies on personality factors, mainly using
interview methods, have been performed. Reviews13, mention
studies that report that higher risk drivers are less
mature, less intellectually oriented, less academically
successful, less interested in aesthetic matters, lower in
aspiration, poorer in attitudes toward the law, and
generally less well adjusted socially. They are more
emotionally unstable, unhappy, asocial, anti-social,
impulsive, and under stress. They are more likely to smoke
and to have personality disorders and paranoid tendencies.
They have less happy childhoods, a tendency to express open
feelings of hostility, increased sensation seeking, low
tension-tolerance, increased aggressiveness, and are more
likely to seek prestige and social roles oriented towards
authority and/or competition. They are more likely to have
family histories, and current family relationships,
reflecting higher degrees of disruption and conflict.
More recent studies augment
and extend these findings. Higher crash rates are related to
high hostility in combination with poor self-esteem, high
job stress, and self-reported tendencies to speed and to
disregard traffic rules. Type-A personality drivers
self-reported being involved in more crashes and displaying
more aggression on the road than average drivers. Survey
respondents reacting to behavior of other drivers in
different scenarios were more likely to attribute hostility
to male drivers. Given all the correlates that have been
identified with over involvement in crashes, it is not
surprising that over involvement in crashes relates to a
whole host of other unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking.
Credit histories have been shown to be good predictors of
crash involvement. The auto-insurance industry is using the
credit ratings available in large data files to set
Emotional stress. Personality denotes stable
character traits that do not change over short time periods.
Emotional stress may produce short or medium term departures
from an individual's long-term average driving behavior. The
risk of a driver being involved in a crash or violation is
found to increase just prior to divorce proceedings. Drivers
killed in crashes are more likely than control drivers to be
undergoing periods of personal stress.34 A clustering of
child pedestrian deaths around the time of the child's
birthday is reported and attributed to the birthday
excitement overriding the child's normal caution. It is not
possible to investigate this further using FARS data because
date of birth is not recorded in FARS, just age to the
nearest year.
Non-transport motives
Transportation is not the
only goal of driving. In an extreme example, racing drivers
are not going anywhere, but are driving for a mix of
pleasure, excitement, glory, and prize money. While regular
driving has little in common with racing, it still includes
motives in addition to utilitarian transportation. Most
drivers find pleasure in driving fast and accelerating
rapidly. We are all aware of the use of vehicles to show
off, and to display competitive prowess in order to impress
peers and attract members of the opposite sex. While the
behavior of nearly all drivers is influenced at some times
by non-transportation motives, this is particularly
prevalent in young drivers, especially young male drivers.
Such behavior is enshrined in our culture, and figures in
many classic youth cult movies, such as Rebel Without a
Cause and American Graffiti. Cars are used as an outlet for
the independence, rebelliousness, and peer acceptance needs
of newly licensed adolescents, a manifestation of a broader
adolescent problem behavior syndrome. These
non-transportation motives seem to be at the very core of
the problem of traffic crashes, because it is risky
behavior, especially speeding, that is the major determinant
of the number of casualties. It is unlikely that adolescents
and young men do much of their speeding in order to keep
appointments with strict deadlines. They are motivated much
more by the enjoyment and thrill of traveling fast, breaking
the law, and defying society. The importance of these
non-transportation motives in safety underlines that the
problem is not lack of skill or knowledge, and
countermeasures ignoring such effects are unlikely to be
The US recorded 23,458 male and
5,741 female suicides in 1999, giving an overall
male-to-female ratio of 4.1 to 1. For ages 20-24 the ratio
is 6.4, and declines systematically with age, reaching 3.1
for ages 45-54.
Given the large number of suicides, it would be remarkable
if traffic crashes were not used for some of them,
especially as use of a vehicle provides a convenient,
undiscoverable, and honorable method of self-destruction. It
minimizes guilt in those left behind, and avoids insurance
and religious complications. Not only can crashes be used
for premeditated suicides, but they may just happen to be
available at the instant of a momentary, and perhaps
otherwise temporary, impulse towards self-destruction. It is
a near-perfect instrument with which to indulge the death
instinct postulated by Freud.
The possibility that some traffic
crashes are suicides has been discussed for decades. A 1973
book, Accident or Suicide? Destruction by Automobile, offers
a plausible narrative supporting a strong connection, but
provides no convincing evidence that any specific traffic
fatality was really a suicide. It is, of course,
intrinsically difficult in most cases to determine
definitively if a fatality is a suicide, so more indirect
approaches are required.
A novel method examined time-series of suicides and crashes
to see if traffic crashes increased after widespread reports
of suicides of famous people. , An increase was observed,
and attributed to suicides, based on research showing that
media coverage of suicides leads to copycat increases in
suicides in general. , Another empirical indication that
some traffic fatalities are suicides was based on observed
similarities in the day-to-day variations of suicides and
traffic fatalities in the US.
A more direct approach was possible
using in-depth information available for all fatal traffic
crashes in Finland. Based on preliminary identification by
crash investigation teams, and further selection by two
forensic pathologists, 84 drivers killed in Finland were
classified as suicides. This led to the conclusion that
suicide accounted for 5.9% of driver fatalities. Head-on
crashes with heavier vehicles were more common than
single-car crashes. In 4% of cases, the crash led to the
death of another person. This study found traffic suicides
to be strongly related to alcohol abuse, a factor that plays
a major role in suicides in general. Further analyses of
additional years of data from the same sources indicated
that the percent of all traffic deaths that were suicides
was increasing in time.
It is particularly difficult to use FARS data to analyze
suicide because known suicide cases are excluded (p. 21).
Knowing the fraction of traffic fatalities attributable to
suicide is important because most countermeasures are
unlikely to have much influence on this component of traffic
fatalities. The presence of suicides in data used to
evaluate countermeasures will result in systematic
underestimation of effectiveness for non-suicidal road
Family influence
It is well established that one
of the largest factors determining whether young people
smoke is if their parents smoke. The corresponding question
of whether parents who crash have children who crash is more
difficult to address empirically. Propensity to crash is
estimated by a small number of crashes in a necessarily long
time period, and the estimate departs from the true
propensity because of randomness. People can be adequately
characterized as smokers or non-smokers by simply asking
them. The solid relationships for smoking suggest possible,
but more difficult to determine, relationships for crashes.
Two studies do indeed consistently find large effects for
traffic crashes.
Driving records of young drivers (age 18-21) were compared
to the records of their parents using the driver history
file for North Carolina. It was found that children's
driving records in the first few years of licensure are
indeed related to the driving records of their parents.
Children whose parents had three or more crashes on their
record were 22% more likely to have had at least one crash
compared with children whose parents had no crashes.
Likewise, children whose parents had three or more
violations were 38% more likely to have had a violation
compared with children whose parents had none.
A 1970 study found that sons of
fathers with one or more traffic convictions (in a six-year
period) were 58% more likely to have one or more traffic
convictions than sons of fathers with no traffic
Earlier we showed that studies comparing drivers with many
crashes to drivers with zero crashes systematically
underestimate real effects because randomness will lead to
some low risk drivers being included in the high risk
category, and vice versa. This effect will be present also
for violations, but because of the higher numbers of
violations, it will have less influence. This interpretation
is consistent with the 22% effect found for crashes compared
to 38% for violations.53
The magnitudes of the effects found, even in the face of
processes that inherently lead to their underestimation,
suggest that parental influence has a large influence on a
person's propensity to crash. Pursuing the smoking analogy
suggests that the general social environment in which
someone is embedded will strongly influence their tendency
to crash. The main determinant of adult smoking is smoking
as a teenager - once acquired, the behavior tends to
persist. Once behaviors such as speeding, drunk driving,
non-wearing of belts, or general risk-taking in traffic are
acquired in youth, they will tend to persist. It seems
likely that drivers who are more risky than average for
their age when they are young will remain more risky than
average for their age as they grow older, even though their
absolute risks will decline as they age. I believe that the
analogy with smoking is helpful for cases in which research
on drivers is infeasible. Major progress has been achieved
in smoking cessation, which further offers guidance for
reducing crashes, as discussed in Chapter 13.
Crime rates and crash rates
There is much evidence that
individuals who are involved in traffic crashes are more
likely to commit crimes. A study conducted in the
Netherlands obtained information on a random sample of 903
traffic crashes. From a separate file of criminal
involvement, the researchers obtained the crime histories of
the 1,181 male and 350 female drivers involved in the
crashes (a male-to-female ratio of 3.4 to 1). The aggregate
data showed that the drivers involved in crashes were more
likely to have criminal records than the general public, by
31.0% compared to 15.2% for males and 11.4% compared to 3.5%
for females. The traffic-crash file was examined to
distinguish between drivers who displayed risky behavior
prior to their crashes and those who did not. This was
important since most of the crashes involved two vehicles.
The drivers displaying risky behavior were more involved in
various types of crimes than the other drivers - by factors
of 2.6 for having a police record for violent crime, 2.5 for
vandalism, 1.5 for property crime, and 5.3 for having been
involved in a traffic crime.
An examination of the driving
records of 114 jailed criminals found that, compared to the
general public, the criminals had 3.25 times as many
citations for traffic violations, 5.5 times as many property
damage and injury producing crashes, and 19.5 times as many
involvements in fatal crashes. Some of the criminals in the
sample may have been in jail for traffic offenses, which
would lead to an overestimation of effects. A large sample
of respondents to a survey in the Netherlands showed
relatively strong relationships between crime and
involvement in traffic crashes as non-drivers, including
while walking and riding a bicycle.
The age dependence of involvement in crime has been
described as follows:
The propensity to commit criminal
acts reaches a peak in the middle to late teens and then
declines rapidly throughout life. Further, this distribution
is characteristic of the age-crime relation regardless of
sex, race, country, time, or offense. Indeed, the
persistence of this relation across time and culture is
Speeding, running red lights,
tailgating, drunk driving, and not wearing safety belts are
themselves criminal activities, and all correlate with
crash-involvement rates. So it is perhaps not all that
surprising that crash involvement relates to crime in a more
general way. Research further suggests that more serious
traffic offenses correlate with more serious non-traffic
Gender differences in risk taking by babies and children
Some extremely rare events
offer insights into how risk depends on gender from the
earliest ages. Despite the rarity of the events, the 1.24
million traffic fatalities documented in FARS 1975-2002
provide usable samples.
Child "driver" fatalities
Table 9-5 shows the number of children in FARS 1975-2002
satisfying the following criteria:
- Child was the only occupant of a vehicle.
- Vehicle was moving when it crashed.
- Child was coded as the driver.
- Child was killed.
One baby boy in the first year of
life (age = 0) satisfied these conditions, no baby girls;
for age 1, one boy, no girls. 16 boys aged 5 or under died
as drivers compared to no girls. For drivers 10 and under,
there were 761 boy fatalities compared to 69 girl
fatalities, for a male-to-female ratio of 11 to 1. These
risk ratios are larger than those encountered for adult risk
taking. As age approaches the legal age of licensure, the
male-to-female ratio declines to the values, still high,
associated with young drivers.
FARS data do not provide information
about the circumstances of crashes. However, it seems
plausible that babies, infants, and children were left alone
in passenger seats of vehicles with engines running, or with
ignition keys left inserted. It appears that in
circumstances like these, boys were dramatically more likely
than girls to venture into the driver seat and set the
vehicle in motion. With increasing age it seems plausible
that they were attempting to drive by copying observed adult
Gender and pedestrian fatalities
Figure 9-4 shows the number of
male pedestrian fatalities per capita divided by the number
of female pedestrian fatalities per capita in FARS
1975-2002. For ages less than 50 this ratio differs only
slightly from the simple ratio of male pedestrian fatalities
to female pedestrian fatalities. It is only after about age
50 that the number of females in the population begins to
diverge appreciably from the number of males of the same
age; by age 90 there are more than twice as many women as
If the probability of becoming a
pedestrian fatality were independent of gender, the data
would distribute randomly around the dashed line indicating
equal risk. The data depart dramatically from such a
pattern. At every age in one-year increments, the male rate
exceeds the female rate.
The raw fatality data shown in
Table 9-6 for the youngest ages show that the differences
are clear and reliable from the earliest ages. In the first
year of life, 106 baby boys died as pedestrians, compared to
75 girls, for a gender ratio of 1.41 ± 0.21. By age one,
sample sizes increase substantially, leading to increasingly
precise estimates that show pedestrian risk is unmistakably
greater for male infants than for female infants. The ratios
in Table 9-6 are similar to, but not identical to, the
values plotted in Fig. 9-4 because the raw fatality numbers
in the table do not include the normalization by population.
While the male risk is about 40% above female risk in the
early years, the difference begins to soar to more than 200%
at an age that looks suspiciously like the onset of puberty.
Crashes, crimes, and testosterone
The three graphs (Figs 9-5 to 9-7) show similar
dependence on gender and age. Yet they plot quantities that
are seemingly unrelated.
Figure 9-5. Estimated involvement in severe single-vehicle crashes per capita. Inferred from FARS 2002 data by same process that produced Fig. 7-8, p 155.
Figure 9-5 shows involvements in single-vehicle severe
crashes per million population, calculated by applying Eqns
6-8 and 6-9 to FARS 2002 data in the same way as was done in
Chapter 7. Single-vehicle crashes are selected because they
depend on the actions of only one driver. Thus Fig. 9-5
reflects mainly the contribution of driver behavior, with
the roles of other drivers and the dependence of
survivability on gender and age removed.
Figure 9-6 has nothing to do with traffic. It shows the
number of arrests per thousand population derived from FBI
Uniform Crime Reports. Only arrests for crimes unrelated to
driving are included. Figs 9-6 and 9-5 both show incidents
per capita per year.
Figure 9-7 shows chemical measurements of testosterone in a
large sample of people, as measured in a simple saliva
Safety and behavior as influenced by gender and age
The similarities between the
graphs for crashes and crime suggest that they each share a
common origin. The similarities between both these graphs
and the one for the hormone testosterone suggest that the
common origin is testosterone. Testosterone at the
individual level also relates to the same pattern of
personality characteristics found associated with high crash
rates.60 Sensation-seeking individuals have high crash risks
and high testosterone levels. The two small peaks for males
in Fig. 9-7 occur around the midtrimester of pregnancy and a
few months after birth. This may help explain the higher
number of boy than girl pedestrian deaths in the first year
of life, and the one boy driver compared to no girl drivers
killed in the first year of life.
The three graphs add emphasis to a central theme in traffic
safety, the dominant role of behavior rather than knowledge
or skill. No one would suggest that the lower arrest rate
for 40-year-olds compared to 20-year-olds occurs because the
40-year-olds have at long last learned how to not commit
crimes. Similarly, lower crash rates for 40-year-old
compared to 20-year-old drivers does not mean that
40-year-old drivers have simply learned how to not crash.
Criminality is not produced by insufficient knowledge about
ethics or the law. Lack of knowledge about correct driving
procedures is not the primary source of traffic crashes by
young male drivers, which is why driver education has little
effect on safety.
Gender differences and socialization. Large
gender-dependent differences pervade traffic safety
findings. Recall from Chapter 3 that among the 1.2 million
worldwide annual traffic fatalities, 2.3 males are killed
for every female killed.
It is sometimes claimed that these effects are the result of
socialization processes that constrain the genders to
fulfill assigned roles prescribed for them by society. It is
unquestionably true that in every society males and females
experience different socialization. In some societies the
differences are sanctioned in religion, law, and custom, and
accordingly exercise an overwhelming influence that is bound
to generate large gender-dependent differences in all types
of behavior. For example, a society that effectively
prohibits women from driving is going to observe a vastly
larger gender ratio for driver fatalities than any reported
here. Even when gender equality is official policy, there
can still be many subtle, unconscious, or unobserved ways in
which females are treated differently from males, or are
expected to behave differently.
The findings for baby drivers
and baby pedestrians consistently imply that
gender-dependent behavior differences appear at the earliest
ages - right from birth. It seems to me implausible that the
large gender differences in baby-driver and baby-pedestrian
fatalities could be due to socialization. It is difficult to
imagine that baby boys would be left alone in vehicles or
placed near traffic at rates different from girls to a
degree that would explain the differences in fatality risks
observed. The conclusion seems inescapable that at some
fundamental level, right from birth, males and females
behave differently in relation to risks in traffic. The
testosterone measurements, which have nothing to do with
socialization, leave little doubt that the differences in
risk taking are in part innate rather than learned behavior.
The magnitude of the male-to-female risk ratio is influenced
by many social factors, but that it is greater than one
appears to be an immutable fixture of the human condition.
Implications for interventions. In Chapter 7 we found
that, when subject to the same physical impact, women were
28% more likely to die than men, a difference attributed to
basic physiological differences between the genders. Here we
find that the gender and age dependence of behavior central
to traffic safety appears to originate, in large part, in
basic hormonal differences. To realize the origins of these
effects is to also realize that policy cannot make males as
safe as females, or females as likely to survive crashes as
males. Women live longer than men, but the goal of medicine
is not to strive for equal longevity, but to increase
everyone's lifespan. The goal of traffic safety is not the
unattainable one of making risks equal for everyone, but the
achievable one of reducing risks for everyone.
Summary and conclusions (see printed text)
References for Chapter 9 - Numbers in [ ] refer to superscript references in book that do not correctly
show in this html version. To see how
they appear in book see the pdf
version of Chapter 1.
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