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8 Driver performance
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In this chapter we explore the
elements that constitute the driving task and their
relationship to safety. We use the term driver performance
to refer to the driver's knowledge, skill, and perceptual
and cognitive abilities. This is distinct from how the
driver actually uses these attributes, for which we use the
term driver behavior, the subject of the next chapter.
Components of the driving task
The driving task is a
closed-loop compensatory feedback control process, meaning
that the driver makes control inputs (to the steering wheel,
brakes, and accelerator pedal), receives feedback by
monitoring the consequences of the inputs, and in response
to these consequences, makes additional inputs. An open-loop
process is one in which additional inputs cannot be applied
after initiating the process, such as throwing a ball. The
ball's trajectory cannot be changed once it has left the
When decomposed into fine detail,
the driving task has much complexity, involving as it does
the simultaneous control of lateral and longitudinal
position through the use of steering wheel, accelerator, and
brakes, together with many pattern recognition and other
higher level cognitive skills, such as estimating future
situations from present information. While the basic skills
required to propel a vehicle are usually learned quickly and
with ease, some of the higher-level skills that affect
safety can be acquired only after many years of experience.
Predominance of visual feedback
The feedback used to monitor
driving is overwhelmingly visual. I see no reason to dissent
from a 1972 statement that vision provides over 90% of
information used to drive. (p 150) Drivers tend to ignore
information on signs, or even be unaware of a sign's
existence, if the relevant information can be derived
directly from the driving environment. The driver's
preferred mode of operation is to pursue a visual search,
and resort to other information sources only when problems
arise, perhaps somewhat like the way most people consult
owners' manuals only after preferred methods of trying to
solve problems have failed.
The preponderance of visual
information over that from all other senses probably
increases yet further with increasing skill levels. For
example, proprioceptive cues (those from the force and
position of hands and arms in supplying control inputs) are
of minor importance, and, surprisingly, are even less likely
to be noticed by more experienced than less experienced
drivers. A skilled driver is relatively unaware of the gain
in the steering system (the amount the steering wheel must
be turned to alter the vehicle's direction by a given
angle). When transferring to vehicles with different
steering system gains, experienced drivers do not travel
more, or less, sharply around corners, or have difficulty
maintaining lane position. Instead, they react to the visual
information by making the steering input necessary to
achieve the desired visual result without being much aware
how much they moved the wheel and in such a manner that
there are no observable changes in the trajectory of the
vehicle. Similar comments apply to different force
characteristics, or, in the extreme, to power versus manual
steering. Less experienced drivers are more aware of
steering system gain and force-feel characteristics, and
their driving can be noticeably influenced by changing them.
The dominance of visual feedback in
driving is similar to dominance of aural feedback in the
playing a stringed musical instrument. Intonation (playing
in tune) is not controlled by the proprioceptive sense of
remembering where to place the fingers, but by listening to
the sounds produced. A learner trained on an instrument of
one size will play one of a different size (on which all the
finger placements are different) more out of tune, whereas a
skilled player will be less aware that there is even a
difference, just as in the steering gain case.
Visual performance
Given the predominance of the
visual sense in driving, one might expect that visual
performance and crash risks would be intimately related.
Innumerable studies over many decades have failed to show
any clear relationship between the most basic measure of
visual performance, visual acuity, and crash risk. Crash
rates decline to a minimum at about age 45, by which time
visual acuity and contrast sensitivity have already begun to
decline, as have other visual capabilities relevant to
driving, such as the ability to withstand glare.
Even so dramatic a visual
impairment as the non-use of one eye does not have an
overwhelming effect on safety, although it has been shown to
have some influence. , However, the magnitude is
sufficiently modest, and indeed uncertain, that a strong
case is made that monocular drivers should not be excluded
as racing drivers. Although US inter-state truck drivers are
subject to stringent license requirements, the agency
responsible for licensing them approves licensing monocular
Changes in higher-level
visual characteristics, in particular the useful field of
view, the area from which useful visual information can be
extracted in a single glance, has been shown related to
crash involvement risk. Pattern recognition skills are
central to driving task. From a loosely-structured, but
stimuli-rich, visual environment the driver must select
information that is relevant from much that is not.
Judgment of speed
Of the various quantities a
driver is called upon to judge, speed is the only one for
which instrumented quantitative feedback must, by law, be
available. Each time a driver consults a speedometer,
perceived speed can be compared to actual speed. Such
consultations are additionally motivated by the need to obey
speed limits. The repetitive practice, with feedback, of
this task might suggest that drivers would become very good
at estimating their speed. Many studies have examined the
extent to which this is so.
In an experiment on a British test
track, drivers of cars with obscured speedometers were
instructed to double or halve an initial speed, the
magnitude of which was known only to the experimenter. The
subjects' attempts to halve or double the initial speeds
were biased by large amounts in the direction of the initial
speed. For example, the goal of doubling an initial speed of
30 mph produced an average speed of 44 mph, while the goal
of halving 60 mph produced 38 mph. In a study in Japan,
drivers instructed to travel at their chosen speeds on
closed roads drove, on average, 3 km/h faster when the
speedometer was concealed.
Subjects in other speed-estimation
experiments traveled as passengers in vehicles with
speedometers visible only to the drivers who conducted the
experiments. This allowed greater task flexibility. Subjects
instructed to keep their eyes straight ahead consistently
underestimated the speed at which they were traveling.9 The
instructions more specifically asked subjects to fixate on
the focus of expansion, the geometrical point from which a
straight road appears to emerge as one travels forward. Two
studies asked subjects to estimate speed without telling
them where to look. Speeds were estimated without large
average systematic errors; the errors averaged over all
subjects tested was typically less than 5 km/h. , When
hearing was restricted, both studies found systematic speed
underestimation, typically by about 8 km/h.10,11 Further
evidence that hearing can play a role in estimating speed is
provided by the ability of blindfolded passengers to judge
speed without systematic error,11 and by decreased ability
of subjects in a driving simulator to maintain set speeds
when auditory cues were removed.
While the above experiments
indicate that hearing can play a contributory role in
estimating speed, it is the changing size and position of
objects in the visual field that provide the main cues to
speed, and variations in these can generate different
sensations of motion. For example, a geometric pattern of
bars with decreasing spacing on a roadway produced a
sensation of increasing speed, which in turn led drivers to
reduce speed. This concept has been applied, for example, to
slow traffic in work zones. The main cue for speed comes
from peripheral vision. When peripheral vision is eliminated
leaving only the central field of view to determine speed,
estimates become inaccurate because the vehicle's forward
movement produces little change at the focus of expansion.
Speed adaptation
A sensation familiar to nearly all
drivers is that after prolonged driving at high speeds,
slower speeds seem even slower than they really are. This
phenomenon, referred to as speed adaptation, has been
examined in a number of studies. In one, subjects were
instructed to drive at 70 mph for specified distances, and
then, without guidance from a speedometer, slow down to 40
mph. It was found that the longer the exposure to 70 mph,
the higher is the speed later produced to represent 40 mph.
After 40 miles driving at 70 mph, the average driver slowed
to 53 mph in response to the request to produce 40 mph. A
simulator study found that a subject's selection of a target
speed is highly influenced by the subject's previous speed.
After simulated driving at about 70 mph for three minutes,
subjects underestimated a simulated 30 mph by between 5 to
15 mph; the perception that the speed was lower than actual
persisted for at least 4 minutes.
Another approach to examining
speed adaptation is to observe, in traffic, groups of
vehicles that previously have been traveling at different
speeds. Speeds of vehicles traveling in opposite directions
on a four-lane divided highway were compared. One direction
of traffic had been exposed previously to expressway speeds
of about 60 mph, while vehicles in the other direction had
been exposed to about 40 mph. For each of seven categories
of vehicles examined, higher speeds were observed for those
exposed to the higher prior speed. The magnitude of the
effect is that those previously exposed to 60 mph traveled
about 7% faster than those exposed to 40 mph. It is not
possible to determine to what extent this difference is due
to speeds being perceived differently, or to drivers merely
tending to continue driving close to their prior speeds
because of behavioral inertia. This distinction was
addressed in another study using sites that required drivers
to slow down or stop prior to entering the section of
roadway on which their speeds were measured. The observed
effects were about half of the 7% observed without the
slow-down or stop. It is, however, worth noting that the act
of slowing down after prolonged freeway driving may itself
influence the speed adaptation phenomenon, in that the prior
speed becomes not the freeway speed, but the briefly
experienced low or zero speed.
The tendency to drive faster
on a given road because of prior high speeds on a different
road, regardless of the extent to which it is due to
perceptual biases in speed estimation or to speed
perpetuation, has important safety implications. Through
this phenomenon, speed limits, and changes in speed limits,
may have spillover effects that influence safety on roads
other than the ones directly affected. There are many
indications that the 1974 reduction in the speed limit on US
Interstate highways from 70 mph to 55 mph led to reductions
in speeds on other roads with unaltered speed limits, and
that this spillover effect is responsible for some of the
reduction in fatalities from 54,052 in 1973 to 45,196 in
1974. The 16% drop is the largest yearly decline ever
recorded in peacetime in the US. After 1987, when the US
Congress relaxed, and in 1995 removed, the 55 mph limit,
increased speed limits on rural sections were associated
with higher speeds on urban sections with unchanged limits.
Speed adaptation appears to be
largely a perceptual illusion not unlike many optical
illusions in which how part of a simple drawing is perceived
is greatly influenced by adjacent parts of the drawing. As
visual training and experience do not make optical illusions
disappear, it seems unlikely that experience or training
would make speed adaptation disappear. This underlines the
importance of speedometer use, especially when exiting
freeways after prolonged travel, or when traveling on
streets with low speed limits after traveling at higher
speeds. The speedometer provides important information that
drivers are unable to obtain using only their unaided
Judgment of relative speed
Much driving is spent following
vehicles that are following other vehicles. The field of
traffic science originated in elegant mathematical
descriptions of vehicle following. Each vehicle (except the
lead) in a platoon of vehicles is assumed to react, after a
time delay, to a stimulus arising from its relationship with
the vehicle it is following. A typical time delay for test
track experiments is 1.6 s. The reaction is an acceleration
or deceleration. Various forms of the stimulus have been
explored, but the one most successful at explaining a great
deal of experimental data is the relative speed divided by
the spacing.
Drivers' abilities to judge
relative speeds have been measured in a number of
experiments. In keeping with the results from the
vehicle-following experiments, it is found that the ability
to judge relative speed is approximately inversely
proportional to inter-vehicle spacing. This is consistent
with drivers reacting to changes in the perceived area of
the followed vehicle rather than to changes in a linear
The ability to judge the sign of
relative motion in a car-following situation was
investigated by occluding the vision of subjects who rode in
the right-front passenger seat of an instrumented car that
followed another instrumented car on a freeway. When the
experimenter in the following car judged that the relative
speed between the vehicles to be sufficiently close to zero
to make judging its sign difficult, the subject was
permitted to see the lead car for four seconds. The
subject's task was to indicate whether the vehicles moved
closer together or further apart. Instructions called for a
forced choice - one or other response was required for each
stimulus. As is common in forced choice experiments, even
for stimuli so small that subjects indicated that they were
only guessing, correct responses were in fact well above the
chance level.
One surprising result of this
experiment was a highly consistent bias in favor of judging
that the cars were approaching when they were not. This
bias, in the direction of increased safety, is likely
induced by peripheral vision cues related to the forward
motion of the vehicle in which the subject is traveling.
Because of the bias, which increased in magnitude with
inter-vehicle spacing, it is not possible to express the
results in terms of one threshold value because different
values for positive and negative relative speed pertained at
each spacing. However, the experiment showed high
capabilities at judging the sign of relative motion. For
example, if a lead car 60 m away is approaching the
following car at 5 km/h, the following driver's probability
of correctly judging that the vehicles are closing rather
than pulling further apart was 0.99. The results show that
it is unlikely that a factor in rear-end crashes is
attentive drivers being unable to judge that they are
approaching a lead car.
Judgment of spacing
People tend to be able to judge
distance reliably over a wide distance range. The short
distance cues of accommodation (the focusing of the eye's
lens) and binocular disparity (the eyes having to aim more
towards each other as viewed objects become nearer) are of
little consequence in judging distances of objects outside a
vehicle. Most distances that require judgment are in the
range 5 m to 500 m. Many factors have been shown to
influence spacing judgments. For example, size constancy,
the built-in knowledge we have about the size of familiar
objects. Vehicles that are larger are judged to be further
away. The finding that approaching motorcycles appear
further away than trucks provides a likely explanation for
why drivers give smaller safety margins to the motorcycles.
Judgment of factors
influencing spacing in car following was investigated by
projecting static views of the rear of a lead car
photographed from the driver's eye position of a following
car. Subjects judged whether a particular view represented a
greater or lesser inter-vehicle spacing than a standard
view. It was found that the same distance was perceived to
be greater when viewed from a vehicle with hood geometry
that exposed more roadway between the vehicles. This was
additionally confirmed by viewing from the same vehicle with
its rear raised in order to make more roadway visible. The
lead car is actually the same distance from the camera in
both photographs in Fig. 8-1.
The finding that the same spacing
is perceived to be different from different vehicles has
safety implications. Say a driver familiar with a vehicle
with a long hood transfers to one with a less obstructed
view. If the driver follows at his or her normal perceived
spacing, then the vehicle with the less obstructed view will
be driven closer to the one followed. Such an effect was
observed directly in test-track experiments in which small
cars (with short hoods) were observed to follow at closer
headways than large cars driven by the same drivers. The
perceptual effect would cause drivers of sport-utility
vehicles (SUVs) to follow closer than car drivers without
knowing they were doing so. This could explain why one hears
so many complaints that SUV drivers tailgate.
On a two-lane roadway the task of
overtaking a lead vehicle in the face of an oncoming vehicle
involves judging the distance of the oncoming vehicle, and
the relative speed between the oncoming vehicle and the
driven vehicle, which may be in excess of 200 km/h. Drivers'
judgments and decisions in overtaking were investigated in
extensive experiments conducted on one side of a completed
but unopened four-lane section of Interstate freeway.
Subjects in one car followed another, while a third car
approached in an adjacent lane. It was found that while
drivers make reliable estimates of the distance to the
oncoming car, they are insensitive to its speed. Basically,
at distances required for this task, cues to relative speed
(mainly the angle subtended at the driver's eyes by the
oncoming car) provide minimal information. When the subjects
were informed of the speed of the oncoming car, passing
occurred at smaller, and less varying, spacing. These
results parallel findings that pedestrians base
road-crossing decisions on how far away approaching vehicles
are, rather than on their speed.
A follow-up overtaking study found
that unsuspecting drivers on two-lane rural roads overtook
slower moving cars with greater likelihood the greater the
available passing distance, and the lower the speed of the
lead car. At night, drivers were more conservative and more
variable in the passing distances they were willing to
accept than in daytime driving. The inability of drivers to
estimate oncoming speed leads them to decline safe passing
opportunities when the oncoming car is traveling slower than
expected, and to initiate unsafe passing maneuvers when the
oncoming car is traveling faster than expected.
Reaction times
Reaction times are influenced
by many factors, but, for driving, the two most important
are, first, the number of stimuli and possible responses,
and second, expectancy. If a subject is instructed to fixate
on an unlit lamp, and press a switch as soon as possible
after it lights, then simple reaction times on the order of
0.15 s are generally recorded. If the number of stimuli and
responses increase (say a number of lights, each with its
own switch), then choice reaction times become progressively
longer. If the lamp lights every few seconds, reaction times
will be far shorter than if the lamp lights every few hours.
Expectancy is crucial -- reaction times to expected events
are short, to unexpected events much longer.
Reaction times in driving involve identifying a variety of
events in a complex environment, so it is not surprising
that reaction times bear little resemblance to the minimum
possible in laboratory tests. Indeed, it is convenient,
conceptually, to divide the time from stimulus to driver
response into two phases, decision or perception reaction
time (time to decide to brake, for example), and response or
movement reaction time (time to place foot on brake pedal),
even though they are generally observed as one composite
reaction time. While there is fairly extensive literature on
reaction times relating to driving, the most difficult
factor to investigate, especially as it relates to crashes,
is that of expectancy.
The reaction time that produced the
best fit to the previously discussed car-following data is
1.6 s. It should be noted that this is for drivers
specifically focusing on the car ahead in a test-track
experiment. To address expectancy, an experiment was
conducted in which young and old drivers of an instrumented
vehicle suddenly encountered an object after traveling over
a crest-vertical curve (a straight road traveling over a
hill). On the first trial, the drivers had been driving for
about 10 to 15 minutes, and the object was unexpected. In
subsequent trials subjects knew the goal of the experiment,
but the location of the object changed. Perception and
response times were considerably longer for the trial in
which the drivers were not alerted than for the subsequent
ones. The older subjects had longer perception and reaction
times than the younger, in keeping with much research that
shows that reaction times increase with age. For all the
subjects combined, the 95th percentile total reaction time
for the trials in which drivers were not alerted was 1.6 s.
However, the authors point out that while driving an
instrumented vehicle with an experimenter present, a driver
may be more alert than an average driver. They recommend the
use of a reaction time of 2.5 s for surprised drivers, a
value that is the common choice in US traffic engineering
practice for such purposes as computing sight distances in
freeway design.
Reaction times in normal driving were
measured by presenting an unexpected stimulus to actual
drivers in Finland through the use of a parked instrumented
vehicle. When it was safe to do so, the door of this vehicle
was opened presenting oncoming motorists with a view of the
door close to, but not encroaching upon, the lane on which
they were traveling. By means of eight pairs of infrared
photocells, the moment at which the oncoming vehicle's
trajectory first changed in response to the stimulus of the
opened door was measured for 1,326 oncoming drivers. It was
found that the average response time was about 2.5 s, with
most response times being between 1.5 s and 4.0 s. Thus the
2.5 s value mentioned above finds additional support in this
study, and is used in the following example constructed to
bring out the importance of reaction time and stopping time.
An example illustrating reaction time and braking
Suppose a car traveling at
speed v1 drives over the crest of a crest-vertical curve,
and is suddenly confronted by a large obstruction completely
blocking the roadway (say, an overturned truck blocking all
lanes). Let distances from the crest of the hill be
represented by x. The car will travel to d1 = v1T before
braking commences, where T is reaction time. Assume that
applying maximum braking imparts a constant deceleration, a.
The speed, V1(d), is given by
where d is the distance traveled since braking commenced.
Let us proceed by assuming specific
values. We take a = 5 ms-2, a reasonable value for good
tires on dry level pavement (we ignore the hill which was
for expository convenience only). This value is just over
half the 9.8 ms-2 acceleration due to gravity. For reaction
time we take T = 2.5 s, and for initial speed, v1 = 55 mph
(89 km/h, or 24.6 m/s). The driver will begin to brake at x
= d1 = 61.5 m, and the car will come to a complete stop (if
it does not crash) at x = D1 where
The trajectory of this car is shown as the dashed line in
Fig. 8-2. Also shown, as the solid line, is the trajectory
of a second car that differs only in that its initial speed
is v2 = 70 mph (113 km/h, or 31.3 m/s), the value used to
compute d2 = 78.2 and D2 = 176.2.
Figure 8-2. Schematic representation of how the speed of a vehicle varies along a roadway from the location x = 0 at which a large obstruction inviting maximum braking first appears (top) and how the probability of driver fatality depends on the location of the obstruction (bottom).
If the obstruction is located at x > D2 neither car
will crash into it. If it is located between D1 and D2 then
the faster car will crash into it but the slower car will
not. If it is located at x < D1 then both cars will crash
into it, but the faster car at a higher impact speed. If it
is located at x < d1 both cars will crash into it at
their unaltered initial speeds v1 and v2.
If we assume that the obstruction on the highway does not
move or crush when impacted by a car, then the striking car
will experience a change in speed, or Dv, equal to its
traveling speed on impact. Figure 4-7 (p. 72) shows that the
probability, P, that an unbelted driver is killed is given
approximately by P = (Dv/114)3.54 provided Dv < 114 km/h.
This is used to compute the probability of death as a
function of where the obstruction is located along the
roadway, as shown in the bottom graph in Fig. 8-2.
If the impact occurs prior to any
braking (x < d1) the driver of the faster car is
(70/55)3.54 = 2.3 times as likely to be killed as is the
driver of the slower car. If the impact occurs just as the
faster car begins to brake (x = d2), the driver of the
faster car is 4.2 times as likely to be killed as the driver
of the slower car, which has slowed from 89 km/h to 75 km/h
when it reaches d2. As x becomes greater than d2 the ratio
of the risk to the faster driver to that to the slower
driver becomes larger and larger until the risk to the
lower-speed driver becomes zero at x = D1, while the faster
driver still has some probability of death for D1 < x
< D2.
The values of d1 and d2 are
proportional to the reaction time, which was assumed to be
2.5 s. Outcomes are sensitive to this choice. If we chose a
reaction time 10% shorter than this (T = 2.25 s) then, if
the obstruction was at x = 90 m, the probability that the
slower driver is killed decreases from its initial 13% to a
lower 9%, and the probability that the faster driver is
killed decreases from an initial value of 75% to a lower
value of 65%. For x = 100 m the corresponding changes are
from 7% to 4%, and from 61% to 51%.
This simple example illustrates
three themes of central importance:
1. Small reductions in reaction time can produce large
reductions in the probability and severity of crashes.
2. The probability of crashing increases with speed.
3. Given that a crash occurs, fatality risk increases
steeply with speed.
In the next chapter relationships
are provided suggesting that fatality crash risk is
proportional to the fourth power of speed, so that traveling
at 70 mph has a fatality risk (70/55)4 = 2.6 times the risk
traveling at 55 mph, a ratio that is plausible in terms of
the illustrative values presented above.
Rear impact crashes
As rear-impact crashes
generally involve vehicles traveling in the same direction,
with perhaps one of them stationary, they tend to be of
below-average severity, accounting for 5% of US fatal
crashes. However, a total of 1.9 million rear-end crashes
occurred in 2000, accounting for 30% of all crashes. They
also accounted for 30% of the crashes for which injuries
were reported, even though some of these may be due more to
litigation than impact, as discussed in Chapter 2.
Technology to reduce the risk of
rear impact appeared as early as 1916 in the form of a
rudimentary stop lamp. Because small reductions in reaction
time promise large reductions in crash rates, there has been
much research on refining the details of stop lamps. Such
factors as light configuration, color, and brightness have
been examined, as well as methods of indicating the
magnitude of deceleration of the lead car. ,
Center high mounted stop lamps
A major change in
alerting following drivers that a lead vehicle was braking
occurred with the introduction of the center high mounted
stop lamp, a red stop lamp mounted on the centerline of the
rear of vehicles. It is generally higher then the other two
side-mounted stop lamps, leading to a triangular
configuration. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
FMVSS-108 required that the system be installed on all new
cars sold in the US after 1 September 1985. The required
features of the system were determined based on a number of
large-scale experiments in actual traffic. In the first, the
experience of a fleet of Washington, DC taxicabs fitted with
this type of device or other innovative stop lamps was
compared to that of a control group of the same makes,
models and driver characteristics, but with the conventional
stop lamps of the time. Drivers reported details of all
crash involvements. The study analyzed changes in the number
of impacts on the rear during braking -- the only type of
crash subject to potential influence from changing stop
lights. In the field tests, 67% of the taxis struck in the
rear were struck while braking. The key finding in the
experiment is that the Washington taxicabs with center high
mounted stop lamps were struck in the rear while braking 54%
less often for the same distance of driving as the taxis in
the control group.
A follow-up study used 5,400
telephone company passenger vehicles driven 55 million miles
during a 12-month period in locations scattered widely
throughout the US. For the same distance of driving, the
2,500 vehicles equipped with center high mounted stop lamps
were struck in the rear while braking 53% less than those
not so equipped. Another study found a 51% reduction.
The three studies find close
agreement that center high mounted stop lamps reduce the
risk of being rear-impacted while braking by about 50%.
Since about two-thirds of all rear impact crashes involve
pre-impact braking by the lead vehicle, these results are
equivalent to a 35 percent reduction of rear-impact crashes
of all types.
Based on such large risk reductions, the devices were
mandated for all cars, and effectiveness in actual use
estimated in many studies. All found reductions in rear
impacts, but by amounts well short of the 35% reduction
suggested so consistently in the experiments. Indeed, after
trends became apparent in the first few years of evaluation
there was speculation that effectiveness of the device was
trending to zero.
In 1998 an evaluation was performed
to examine the effectiveness over a long period by
estimating the effect on rear impacts for each year in the
same manner. This involved using police-reported crash data
from eight states to compare the ratio of rear impacts to
non-rear impacts for model year 1986-89 cars (all equipped)
to the corresponding ratio for 1982-85 cars (mostly not
equipped). The same calculation was performed for data for
each calendar year from 1986 onwards. The ratios were
adjusted for vehicle age because when newer cars are
involved in crashes, they are more likely to be struck in
the rear than are older cars (possibly because they use
higher levels of braking).
Figure 8-3 shows the findings of the study43 together with
the 35% reductions reported in the pre-introduction fleet
experiments. Although the effectiveness declines in time, it
appears to have reached a stable level of about 4%. The
benefits from such a risk reduction far exceed the modest
cost of the device.
Figure 8-3. Percent reductions in rear-impact crashes
associated with center high mounted stop lamps estimated in
experiments using large fleets of vehicles equipped with
prototypes, and in police-reported rear-impact crash rates
in eight states.43
The reason for the lower
effectiveness in use than in the trials as well as for the
subsequent further declines may be related to what might be
called the novelty effect. Anything unusual on the rear of a
vehicle might invite a following driver to fixate on that
vehicle and increase caution, thereby reducing the chances
of crashing into it. The finding of positive effectiveness
in 1995, when the vast majority of vehicles on the roads
were equipped, supports the interpretation that the device
is providing superior cues than the earlier lighting systems
that the vehicle in front is braking. As time goes forward
and there are fewer vehicles without the device, evaluation
becomes more and more difficult, so there does not appear to
be any possibility of an empirical evaluation of the effect
when all vehicles are equipped. Even in the unlikely event
that it did become zero, all the accumulated crashes
prevented in the meantime would pay for decades of future
There are additional approaches to further reducing reaction
times. The lights in a traditional or center mounted stop
light are incandescent. That is, when a switch completes a
circuit, electricity flows through a tungsten filament,
heating it to a high enough temperature to glow brightly.
This process takes about 200 ms to reach near full
intensity. Accordingly, there are proposals to replace
incandescent bulbs with other types of light sources with
shorter rise times, including light emitting diodes.
A vehicle lighting feature
addressing frontal impacts is daytime running lamps. These
are reduced-intensity lights on the front of vehicles that
automatically illuminate when a vehicle is started, making
the vehicle easier to see by other drivers and pedestrians.
Although first introduced in Sweden, Norway, and Finland
where the greatest benefit from increased conspicuity might
be expected, since they have long periods of dusk due to
their northerly latitudes, daylight running lamps have also
been shown effective in the US, especially at reducing
pedestrian risk.
Driving simulators
The difficulty, lack of control
and reproducibility, and danger of conducting various types
of driving research in actual traffic provided the impetus
to develop driver simulators, devices which replicate
driving with varying degrees of fidelity within the confines
of the laboratory. Driving simulators are of two types,
fixed base and moving base.
The most rudimentary fixed base simulator consists of little
more than a screen presenting pictures to which subjects
react, or a mock-up of a vehicle to familiarize students
with control devices. Such equipment has proved useful in
research and training. It is relatively inexpensive to
build, maintain, and use. Valuable research information has
come from such simulators, including selecting the road
signs that offer superior visibility and earlier detection.
Moving base simulators provide acceleration cues by moving a
cab containing a mock-up of a vehicle in all directions
within a large interior space. The sensation of
accelerating, for example, may be simulated by tilting the
cab upwards as well as accelerating it forward. Moving base
simulators cost vastly more than fixed base simulators and,
because of set-up time, can generally accommodate fewer
subjects in a day at vastly greater running cost.
It was the success of sophisticated
moving base aircraft simulators that led to the application
of similar technology to the driving case. Yet there is
little in common between the two situations. The aircraft
simulator is a device costing tens of millions of dollars
representing an aircraft costing hundreds of millions of
dollars. For the automobile case, it seems harder to justify
a device costing tens of millions of dollars, when the real
article can be purchased for under 20 thousand dollars. High
realism simulators appear to offer nothing for training
regular drivers. An accompanied learner driver can practice
starting and stopping a real car every 15 s or so; a
simulator offers little difference in training rate or
safety. In contrast, it would be difficult to fit in more
than a few real aircraft take-offs and landings in an hour,
not to mention the risks and the cost of the aircraft and
fuel. The aircraft simulator allows take-offs, followed by
take-offs without intervening landings, to be repeated under
varying conditions. While the performance skills learned in
simulators can be critical in emergencies in the air, car
driving emergency situations usually arise because of
violations of expectancy which allow little time for
corrective actions.
Enthusiasm for driving simulators ignores
some of the most basic understanding about the nature of
traffic crashes. The discussion above on reaction time
showed the primacy of expectancy. Even in experiments using
actual instrumented vehicles, reaction times are
substantially shorter than in normal driving. Any reliance
by traffic engineers on reaction times determined on a
simulator, no matter how realistic, could produce
unfortunate results. However, the reason that simulators are
unlikely to produce knowledge relevant to traffic safety is
more fundamental than this. Simulators measure driver
performance, what the driver can do. However, safety is
determined primarily by driver behavior, what the driver in
fact chooses to do. It is exceedingly unlikely that a driver
simulator can provide useful information on a driver's
tendency to speed, drive while intoxicated, run red lights,
pay attention to non-driving distractions, or not fasten a
safety belt. Twenty-year-olds perform nearly all tasks on
simulators better than the 50-year-olds, but it is the
50-year-olds who have sharply lower crash risks.
Driving simulators are far from
new. A 1972 article refers to an earlier 1970 article
listing 28 devices then in use, 17 of them in the US. Since
the 1960s, driver simulators have incorporated moving bases
and multiple movie projectors to provide visual information,
including to the rear view mirror. Figure 8-4 is a
reproduction of a list of research topics alleged to be
suitable for research using driving simulators. The list was
published in 1972.47 The research literature provides scant
evidence that research agenda was advanced by simulators,
neither by those in existence in 1970, nor by the much
larger number of far more expensive and sophisticated
simulators that have since been built. More than a decade
ago I wrote:
Can the lack of progress be traced specifically to
insufficient realism in the simulator, thus justifying a
more sophisticated simulator? Any decisions regarding major
investments in additional driver simulators should identify
what specific problems they can be used to solve, and why
they can solve them when only slightly less sophisticated
simulators could not.
The following thought experiment helps
address such questions. Consider a make-believe simulator
consisting of an actual car, but with the remarkable
property that after it crashes a reset button instantly
cancels all damage to people and equipment. What experiments
could be performed on such make-believe equipment which
would increase our basic knowledge about driving? The
answers provide an upper limit on what might be done using
improved simulators. Defining subject areas, such as alcohol
and driving, should not be confused with defining specific
questions; there are already over 500 technical papers on
how alcohol affects performance. Increased knowledge about
driving is most likely to be discovered using the normal
processes of science. In these, problems are first defined,
and if they can be solved using existing equipment, they
are. If they cannot be solved using existing equipment, new
equipment is developed only if it is considered likely to
contribute to the solution, and not for its own sake. (p
Alas, the remarks fell upon deaf
ears. The US supports a National Advanced Driving Simulator
with a project cost of $50 million, claiming it to be the
most sophisticated simulator available. Although the
research literature documents 1,733 papers on alcohol and
skill, the first sentence of justification for the $50
million expenditure is The effects of alcohol, drugs, visual
impairments and aging on driving will all be safely studied
using the new research tool. How like the 1972 list this
justification sounds, and I fear that in the decades to come
there will be just as little research progress to report.
Acquisition of driving skill
A remarkable feature of vehicle
driving is that almost everyone can do it. Not only can most
people learn to drive, but they acquire in a matter of weeks
the necessary skills to start, stop, and propel a vehicle
down a road and around corners. This is achieved without
intensive study or extended practice. In 1901 Karl Benz
thought that the global market for the automobile was
limited because There were going to be no more than one
million people capable of being trained as chauffeurs. Given
the state of knowledge at the time, his conclusion was not
If automobiles and stringed musical instruments did not
exist, but were suddenly invented, even today there are no
known general principles of how people learn that would
predict which would be easier to master. Given that music is
about as old as humanity, it might seem natural to expect
people to realize quickly that you just slide your finger up
and down the string until you hear the desired note. A
common-sense guess might therefore be that within an hour of
first encountering a stringed instrument just about everyone
could rattle off any tune they knew, but only the gifted
few, after years of dedicated training, could reliably keep
a 1,500 kg vehicle traveling round a curve at 100 km/h
within a 4 m freeway lane surrounded on all four sides by
other vehicles.
Although there are no effective models to
predict the rate of learning and proficiency at one task
compared to another, some patterns have been observed common
to the acquisition of complex skills in general. These have
been considered to occur in three phases:32
1. Early, or cognitive phase
2. Intermediate, or associative phase
3. Final, or autonomous phase
This categorization fits well the
acquisition of driving skill. In the early, or cognitive
phase, the learner tries to understand the components. For
driving, the location of the controls and what vehicle
responses they produce must be learned. In the intermediate
phase, different strategies are explored, and the learner is
acutely attentive to feedback. The learner-driver devotes
full attention to the task, and increases skill by
responding to feedback either from observed consequences of
inputs, or from directions from an instructor. The skill of
knowing what output is required in specific traffic
situations develops together with the skill of knowing what
input produces the desired output. In the third, or
autonomous phase, the task is performed at a high level with
minimal effort, in part because behavior becomes rather
fixed and inflexible. In this autonomous phase, the task can
be performed using a small fraction of the driver's
attention. Other tasks, such as navigation, conversation,
admiring the scenery, listening to the radio, talking on a
cell phone, or thinking about other matters can be
performed. Although the mental capacity devoted to driving
is small in this autonomous phase, it is still such that, if
a threat occurs and is recognized, all attention is quickly
switched to the driving task. Most drivers have personally
experienced this many times in, say, driving along waiting
for specific information from a radio broadcast. An incident
occurs in traffic, the driver reacts to the incident, and
later realizes that the sought-after radio information,
although broadcast, has not been perceived. Of course, if
the threatening incident is not recognized because the
driver's attention is elsewhere, such as talking on a cell
phone, the result can be a crash.
The beginning driver
As people learn to drive, the
direction in which they look changes in ways that relate to
the three learning stages mentioned above. Experimental
studies reveal that in the first hours of driving
experience, drivers scan over a wide area, including well
above the horizon.49(p 102) After about a month's
experience, fixations are more confined in the vertical
direction, but still vary horizontally. After three months'
experience, fixations are more concentrated at the focus of
expansion, with a much greater reliance on peripheral vision
for cues to control the vehicle's position in the lane. As
drivers gain experience they concentrate their eye fixations
in smaller areas. Novice drivers look closer in front of the
vehicle and more to the right of the vehicle's direction
than experienced drivers, and are more likely to glance at
the curb to estimate the vehicle's lane position. Novice
drivers sample the rear-view mirrors much less frequently
than experienced drivers.
These findings indicate that during the
first few times behind the wheel almost all information
processing capacity is absorbed in simply maintaining the
vehicle's position in the lane. As experience is gained,
peripheral vision is used more to locate the vehicle in the
lane, with fixations focused further down the road to allow
more time to process information that becomes increasingly
relevant with increasing vehicle speed. When specifically
instructed to pay attention to road signs, novice drivers
are more likely to miss them than experienced drivers,
another indication that the task of controlling the vehicle
is placing more mental workload on novice drivers.
In an experiment in which novice
and experienced drivers watched video-recordings taken from
a car traveling along a variety of roads, the experienced
drivers showed more extensive scanning in attempting to
recognize hazards. The authors interpreted the result to
mean that the inspection of the roadway by novices is
limited not because they have limited mental resources
residual from the task of vehicle control, but that they
have an impoverished mental model of what is likely to
happen in freeway driving. Another study concludes that,
compared to experienced drivers, novice drivers detect
hazards less quickly and efficiently and perceive them less
The early stages of learning to
drive are generally accompanied by anxiety, tension and
fear. Training courses aimed at producing relaxed and
confident drivers may reduce fear that in some situations
could be protective. Although driving remains one of the
riskiest activities, it soon becomes relatively unconnected
with fear. Evolution has implanted in us much greater fears
of less dangerous activities. Experiments have shown that
babies refuse to crawl in the direction of a simulated sharp
drop even in response to their mothers' voices. This fear of
heights is so ingrained, perhaps even instinctive, that we
retain it in the absence of reinforcing experiences to
ourselves or acquaintances. We do not lean far out of a
window on the fourth floor, from which height a freely
falling object would strike the ground at 50 km/h. Yet we
travel at much higher vehicle speeds without anxiety. As
smooth locomotion through the environment is not part of our
evolutionary heritage, we have no instinctive fear of it.
Once facility is acquired at basic driving skills, driving
becomes relaxed and unassociated with danger. We largely
lose that protection described by Shakespeare, "Best
safety lies in fear." (Hamlet: Act I, Scene 3).
The material introduced in this
chapter shows that, beyond the elementary control skills
that are quickly learned, there are many higher level skills
involved in driving that cannot be learned quickly. The only
way to gain high level performance at these skills, like so
many others, is practice, and a learning curve extending
over many years is to be expected. However, unlike improving
your golf game, practicing to improve driving skill comes
with the risk of crashing.
Early stages of driving and crash rates
Many of the fatal-crash
relationships in Chapter 7 show sharply higher risks at the
earliest ages of driving compared to rates just a year or so
later. Younger drivers pose the greatest fatality threats to
themselves and to other road users. For involvement in
crashes of all types, 16-year-old drivers have crash rates
for the same distance of travel about 10 times those of 40-
to 50-year-old drivers. Among teenagers, crash rates decline
consistently and steeply with each yearly increase in age.
Specific evidence that lack of
skill and knowledge is a factor in crashes of beginning
drivers is provided by an examination of narrative
descriptions of more than 2,000 crashes involving 16- to
19-year-old drivers.57 The results indicated that the great
majority of non-fatal crashes resulted from errors in
attention, visual search, speed relative to conditions,
hazard recognition, and emergency maneuvers.57 High speeds
and patently risky behavior accounted for only a small
minority of crashes. Differences in the types of errors by
first year novices and more experienced youth were
relatively few in number and small in magnitude, indicating
that the benefits of experience apply rather generally
across all aspects of driving. Another study found that
crash rates drop most precipitously during the first 6
months of driving. Involvement in certain types of crashes,
such as run-off-the-road, single vehicle, night, and weekend
crashes had the largest declines. The findings suggest that
novices improve their driving in a relatively short period
of time.
Lack of skill likely has a large
effect on rollover risk. A beginning driver is more likely
than an experienced driver to run off the right side of the
road because of less skill in maintaining the vehicle's
lateral position, and perhaps through increased fear and
poorer judgment of oncoming traffic. A beginning driver will
have less experience in handling a vehicle that has left its
lane, and is more likely to overcompensate, thereby either
crashing or, as is more common, receiving a valuable lesson
in what not to do. As is common in skilled tasks, the
inexperienced make more errors than the experienced.
Another contribution is overall
higher levels of risk-taking by drivers less than 30,
particularly male drivers. If skill were the sole factor,
then the observed lower crash rates for 45-year-old drivers
than for 30-year-old drivers would imply major additional
skill acquisition even after more than a decade since first
learning to drive. While additional experience might reduce
crash risk, it is not a plausible explanation of effects of
the magnitude observed. It is not possible to separate the
roles of skill and youthful risk-taking in a completely
satisfactory way. In motorized societies almost all the
inexperienced drivers are also young.
However, one can examine data from
drivers with little experience who are not young, based on
their possession of a learner's permit rather than a full
driver license. The plot in Fig. 8-5 uses all 877 fatally
injured drivers coded in FARS 1994-2002 as driving with a
learner's permit. More than half were teenagers. It is
plausible to interpret that driving with a learner permit
indicates a comparable lack of driving experience. Given
that a driver is killed, the probability that it is in a
rollover crash is much higher for younger inexperienced
drivers than for older inexperienced drivers, showing that
age, as such, is exercising a large influence. For all
drivers, Fig. 7-18 (p. 164) shows that, when a driver is
killed, the probability that rollover is the most harmful
event is higher for male and for younger drivers, thus
associating rollover crash fatalities with increasing risk
taking. The data in Fig. 8-5 therefore indicate that an
important component of the higher risks for younger drivers
is due to their youth, and not just to their inexperience.
The relationship between driver skill/performance and
The evidence above shows that lack of
skill contributes to higher crash risk. However, it does not
follow that higher and higher levels of skill lead to lower
and lower crash risk. Once the basics of driving are
mastered and the task has become autonomous, its main
characteristic is that it becomes what has been called a
self-paced or self-controlled task.31 The driver chooses the
level of difficulty that feels appropriate and comfortable,
so that increased skill may translate into, for example,
higher speeds. In Chapter 4 we found that although antilock
braking produces superior braking, it was associated with
higher fatality risk. Through similar processes, increased
skill may translate into increased crash risk.
Peak performance in tests of
reaction time relevant to driving and of visual acuity are
achieved in the late teens/early twenties. Compared to
females, males tend to be more interested and knowledgeable
about driving and vehicles. The group with the fastest
reaction time, best visual acuity, and most knowledge about
vehicles and driving, namely young males, is the group with
the highest crash risks.
The clearest indications of
performance affecting safety are the increases in crash
risks as drivers age. Here deterioration in such
performance-related attributes as visual capabilities,
reaction times, and information-processing speeds and other
cognitive skills leads to increasing crash rates. Eventually
such performance degradation produces crash-rate increases
even in the presence of likely reductions in risk taking.
One can consider each end of the
U-shaped relationships (Chapter 7) to originate from
different sources. The elevated rates for the young flow
from a combination of lack of skill and higher risk taking,
and the higher rates for the old from driver performance
With increasing
experience drivers acquire the impression, reinforced by
vast numbers of safe trips, that driving is a safe and
effortless task requiring only a small fraction of their
total attention. Such an impression encourages drivers to
perform a variety of other tasks while driving. A study in
which subjects drove vehicles equipped with a video camera
provided the following results. During three hours of
driving, nearly all subjects manipulated vehicle controls
(such as air conditioning or window controls) and reached
for objects inside their moving vehicle. Nearly as many were
observed manipulating music/audio controls, or had their
attention drawn to something outside the vehicle unrelated
to driving. Approximately three-fourths ate or drank
something while driving or conversed with a passenger.
Reading, writing, and grooming activities were also
relatively common, but declined to less than half of the
participants when observations were restricted to moving
vehicles only. About a third of the subjects used a cell
phone while driving, and nearly as many were distracted by
passengers riding in their vehicle. Taking into account the
shorter amount of time that children and especially babies
were present in vehicles, children were about four times and
infants almost eight times more likely than adults to be a
source of distraction to the driver, based on the number of
distracting events per hour of driving.
While it is reasonable on intuitive grounds to surmise that,
for example, distractions from an infant (especially one in
a rear seat) might increase crash risk, it would be
extremely difficult to examine this empirically, let alone
measure the magnitude of the effect. The effect on safety of
one source of distraction in the above list has however been
The influence on crash risk from the use of a cellular
telephone while driving was investigated in a case-crossover
analysis, a technique for assessing a temporary change in
risk associated with a transient exposure.52 A major
strength of the method is that each person serves as his or
her own control. This eliminates confounding due to age,
gender, personality, and other fixed characteristics. The
study used 699 drivers, all of them involved in crashes and
all having cell phones available in their vehicles.
Comparing the time of their crashes to telephone company
records showed that 170 of the drivers were using their
telephones just prior to the crash. The telephone records
further showed that in a control period, chosen for each
driver to be 24 hours before their crashes, only 37 drivers
were using cell phones. If telephone use had no influence on
crash risk, one would expect similar numbers of drivers to
be using the telephone during their crashes and during the
control period. Because some drivers were on the telephone
during their crashes and also during the control period, the
simple relative risk associated with phone use is larger
than 170/37 = 4.6. Taking into account the probability that
the crash-involved driver may not have been driving 24 hours
prior to his or her crash, and other details, led to a
conclusion that the relative risk of crashing while using
(compared to not using) a cell phone was 4.3 (95 percent
confidence interval, 3.0 to 6.5).
This reliable indication of a
large effect stimulated many studies to address various
issues, such as the extent to which the effect was from the
manipulative demands of dialing compared to the cognitive
demands of the content of the telephone. The consensus seems
to be favoring an interpretation in terms of cognitive
demands, so that hands-free telephones may not make all that
much difference. Many jurisdictions have passed legislation
prohibiting the use of cell phones while driving. While such
legislation certainly enhances safety, it still raises
benefit-cost questions, because using a cell phone while
driving does offer benefits.
Unfamiliarity with vehicle
There is convincing evidence
that unfamiliarity with a vehicle increases crash risk. One
review examined incidental evidence in a number of
previously published studies and concluded that driving an
unfamiliar car increased crash risk by about a factor of
two. A more specific examination found that 8.9% of all
drivers in NASS-reported crashes in 1981 had less than 150
miles driving experience with the crashed vehicle, compared
to an approximately estimated 1.5% of all driving in such
vehicles. Older drivers with cognitive deterioration
experience additional difficulties which pose potential
risks in unfamiliar vehicles.
Driver education and training
The evidence above shows that
lack of skill can contribute to young drivers' higher crash
risks. Education and training have the goal of imparting
knowledge and skill. It therefore seems compelling to think
that driver education and training must necessarily lead to
enhanced safety. Such an intuitively appealing belief has
helped spawn a massive worldwide driver education and
training industry. There has been a correspondingly vast
amount written on the subject, starting particularly in the
One review of this literature by
Canadian researchers concludes: The international literature
provides little support for the hypothesis that formal
driver instruction is an effective safety measure. Another
review by an Australian researcher similarly concludes: The
research evidence suggests that driver training of a
traditional and conventional nature contributes little to
reductions in accident involvement or risk among drivers of
all age and experience groups.
The Cochrane Library in the UK surveyed 19 reference data
bases (MEDLINE, TRIS, etc.), the Internet, and other
sources. Their search was not restricted by language or
publication status. They searched for randomized controlled
trials comparing post-license driver education versus no
education, or one form of post-license driver education
versus another. They concluded: This systematic review
provides no evidence that post-license driver education is
effective in preventing road traffic injuries or crashes.
Despite these findings, the
British Government still included driver education as a key
element in an effort to reduce traffic crashes. The
intuitive belief that it must be effective was reinforced by
a driver education industry sponsored study that did not
address crashes, but instead examined knowledge and stated
intended behavior before and after a safety presentation. In
disagreeing with the British Government's decision to
include driver education, the authors of the comprehensive
review of the world's literature comment on the need for
evidence-based policy.
One effect of driver education is
that it enables students to qualify for licensure at earlier
ages. Having acquired the licenses, the drivers then
experience crash rates typical for their age, and as a
consequence end up with more crashes than if they had not
received driver education.
Because the evaluations of driver
education have been conducted in motorized countries, the
results should not be assumed to apply equally to countries
in the early stages of motorization. The vastly higher crash
rates in less motorized countries (Chapter 3) may have a
component resulting from lack of basic skill and knowledge.
Children in motorized countries have a large body of
information about the rules of the road and how to behave in
traffic long before they have driving licenses. They have
been riding in, and getting out of the way of, motorized
vehicles since infancy. The few weeks of driver education
makes but a modest increment to this large pool of
knowledge, and therefore renders it unlikely to reduce crash
risk. People who start with a lesser pool of knowledge may
gain more through driver education, so conclusions for less
motorized countries must await specific evaluation studies.
The absence of proven safety
benefits from driver education does not prove that training
cannot increase safety, but merely that none of the methods
so far applied have been demonstrated to do so. There is no
theoretical principal stating that some type of education
cannot reduce crash risk. The importance of traffic safety
justifies supporting research to discover if there are
training techniques that do reduce crash risk, but detached
objective evaluation is crucial.
Longer term experience
While skill at the components
of driving increases rapidly in early learning, the ability
to identify and extract relevant information from a complex
cluttered traffic environment appears to come more slowly.
Perhaps a distinction should be drawn between
perceptual-motor skills and total performance that
additionally incorporates higher level skills. These
additional abilities, which might be described as road
sense, or good traffic judgment, develop over many years.
Although such effects may be of the utmost importance, there
is limited empirical information. I share the view of most
observers that higher-level driving skills continue to
increase with driving experience over time frames of the
order of decades. The ability to extract and appropriately
process relevant information from a complex visual field
appears to increase, and there appear to be ongoing
increases in driver abilities to project further in time. We
saw above that the novice driver is grimly focused on the
present location of the vehicle, whereas as skills increase,
visual attention focuses more on the vanishing point ahead -
where the vehicle will be in the future. As each task
becomes more thoroughly learned, the driver acquires more
spare mental capacity that, through learning by feedback,
focuses further ahead.
Driving seems to abound with examples in which events more
and more in the future can beneficially influence present
decisions. For example, a driver with a few years experience
will likely approach a car stopped at a red light on a
straight road in a manner that is independent of how many
vehicles are stopped, or when the light turned red; all
attention being focused on the rear of the vehicle ahead. A
more experienced driver may slow down gently a long way from
the light if it has just turned red or if there is a long
line of stopped vehicles, but maintain a higher speed if the
light has been red for some time and there are only a few
vehicles waiting. The more experienced driver is more likely
to have learned that in the first case stopping is nearly
inevitable, whereas in the second case stopping, or even
slowing down, may not be required. Which of these cases
applies depends on perceiving, monitoring, processing and
projecting into the future much information well beyond
judging that the lead vehicle is slowing down or is
It should be emphasized that some less
experienced drivers exhibit more advanced behavior, while
some experienced drivers less advanced -- there are large
variations among drivers at all stages of experience.
Even drivers with high crash rates complete the vast
majority of trips without crashing. A driver with a crash
rate ten times the average would still drive approximately
10 months (Table 1-1) between crashes. For such a driver,
even the frequency of near-misses would still be
insufficient to teach
which actions are likely to lead to crashes. Drivers learn
to negotiate corners skillfully by practicing such maneuvers
thousands of times. Each time it is
done badly, corrections can be planned for the next time.
Thus driving skills
are learned and polished largely by experimentation and
frequent direct feedback. Learning by Shakespeare's recipe,
"The injuries that they themselves procure must be
their schoolmasters", (King Lear, Act III, Scene 1) is
not effective for crash avoidance. Safety must be based on
the knowledge of the whole society, as expressed in traffic
law, rather than each driver learning from individual
Graduated driver licenses
While young beginning drivers
have highly elevated crash risks, seven US states issue
learner-driver permits to drivers under age 15. The most
common US practice is to issue learner permits at 15 and
full driver licenses at 16. In the simplified list in Table
8-1 the full license for younger drivers may still differ
from the license for other drivers, for example, by being
differently colored to indicate that the holder is under 25.
In all US states licenses are issued to drivers at younger
ages than in most other countries. Additional details for
each state are available in the source providing the
information in Table 8-1.
A major contributor to the
elevated rates of younger drivers is lack of driving
experience, yet the only way to get experience is by
driving. But when they drive, they crash. This has been
called the young driver paradox. What is needed is a way to
gain experience while minimizing risk. This is the goal of
graduated licensing.
Graduated licensing is a way
to phase in on-road driving by allowing beginners to get
their initial experience under conditions that involve lower
risk. Three stages are typically involved. The first is a
supervised learner period of typically 6 months, then an
intermediate licensing phase that permits unsupervised
driving in less risky situations, and finally a full license
becomes available when conditions of the first two stages
have been met.
The concept originated in 1970s
research identifying the high crash risks of younger
drivers, and was first applied in New Zealand in 1984, with
Michigan being the first US state to adopt a graduated
licensing program in 1997. Early evaluations were so
positive that, by 2003 one or more elements of graduated
licensing have been adopted in 58 North American
jurisdictions (District of Columbia, 47 US states, 9
Canadian provinces, and 1 Canadian
Table 8-1. The minimum age for a learner's permit and full
driver license in all 50 US states and the District of
territory). Although most North American programs are too
new for formal evaluation, impressive crash and injury
reductions have been reported in California, Florida,
Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Nova Scotia, Ontario,
and Quebec.
Although the basic goals of all
graduated licensing programs is the same, specific
implementation details differ widely among different
jurisdictions.72 In a few cases graduated licenses do not
apply to teenagers only, but to all newly licensed drivers.
In a typical case an adult (usually a parent) must certify
that the beginning driver has driven under supervision for
50 hours. After this first six-month phase is completed the
beginning driver may drive alone, but not at night, and not
with teenage passengers. At the completion of the second
phase, or in some US states, when reaching the legal adult
age of 18, a full license permitting unrestricted driving is
granted. While such variation makes it impossible to
associate a single effectiveness with the concept,
reductions in crash rates to the affected populations in
excess 10%, and in some cases far in excess, have been
observed. Declines as large as 50% have been associated with
the first six months.
Graduated licenses constitute an
effective approach to providing drivers with the experience
that is crucial in acquiring the skills necessary for safe
driving while at the same time lowering the risk intrinsic
in acquiring these skills. Ongoing refinement and expansions
of graduated licensing programs72 will prevent large numbers
of crashes by beginning drivers. This will not only reduce
injuries and deaths to beginning drivers, but also to
passengers and other road users at all levels of experience.
Summary and conclusions (see printed text)
References for Chapter 8 -
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