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7 Older drivers
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Older drivers have been the focus of an extensive and
expanding literature, reflecting concerns that projected
increases in the number of older drivers will increase
societal harm from traffic crashes. , A 1998 review focusing
on just one aspect of older-driver research lists 428
references. Much additional literature has appeared since
then documenting relationships between advancing driver age
and medical conditions relevant to driving, , including
vision and cognition. Specific driver performance skills
have been shown to decline with increasing age.
In the United States, influential organizations, including
the National Highway Traffic Administration, the American
Medical Association, the American Association for Retired
Persons, and the American Automobile Association, have
ongoing activities and policies relating to older drivers.
Other motorized countries have similarly high interest in
older drivers.
This chapter provides a broad epidemiological overview of
how various risk measures change as drivers age. The
approach is to display graphically many different rates as a
function of gender and age. As discussed in Chapter 1,
measures in traffic safety are nearly always rates.
Different rates provide answers to different questions. The
question, "Does risk in traffic increase as drivers
grow older?" is insufficiently specific to have an
answer. If the risk is specified as say, the risk that a
driver will be killed in same distance of driving, then the
question does have a quantitative answer, which will be
provided below.
Although the main emphasis here is on older drivers, age is
treated as a variable. While all quantitative results are
presented in terms of this variable, the terms young and old
are used in the text for expository convenience, just as one
would use cold and hot if the variable were temperature. In
neither case would quantitative definitions of these terms
be necessary or helpful. Risks to older drivers are measured
relative to risks to drivers of other ages, particularly
risks to younger drivers. Hence risks to older and younger
drivers are intrinsically components of the same broad
technical question of how risk depends on age.
Two distinct types of risks
Two conceptually distinct types of risks change as drivers
become older:
1. Risks to the drivers themselves.
2. Threats the drivers pose to other road users.
These risks are of a different nature. There is near
universal agreement that there should be more, and stronger,
laws to prevent people from harming others than to prevent
them from harming themselves. Indeed, the view that there
should be no laws aimed at preventing people from harming
only themselves always finds some support. Public safety
makes a stronger claim on public resources than does
personal safety, some aspects of which are generally
supported using personal resources. Differences between the
risks we assume ourselves and threats we pose to others have
important impacts on legislation, licensing policy, and
police enforcement.
Changing risks drivers face as they age
The risks that drivers face as they age are examined in
terms of the numbers of them killed per year while driving
(Fig. 7-1) as recorded in FARS data. Drivers includes
drivers of any motorized vehicle. The values plotted are the
sums of values for the three years 2000, 2001 and 2002
divided by three. The resulting average number of deaths per
year provides a more reliable estimate than data for a
single year, especially at ages for which there are few
fatalities in any one year. The peak numbers occur at age 19
years (plotted at 19.5) for both genders. The general
pattern for drivers is similar to that for all fatalities
shown previously in Fig. 3-9, p. 46. This is to be expected,
as the majority of fatalities in US traffic are drivers.
However, note how similar the patterns also are for
non-drivers (Fig. 3-10, p. 46).
Figure 7-1. Number of drivers of any type of motorized
vehicle killed per year versus driver gender and age.
Average values for FARS 2000-2002.9
One of the reasons why the number of driver deaths declines
with increasing age is that there are fewer people of older
age in the population. It is therefore appropriate to
examine the population rate, the number of deaths per
million people (Fig. 7-2). This was derived using Bureau of
the Census estimates for 2001, so this and other plots may
be interpreted to apply to the central year, 2001. The
population rate shows a U-shaped pattern between ages 20 and
80 that recurs for many rates. The rate begins to increase
with age in the early 60s for men and women, peaking in the
mid 80s at values close to the maximum values for younger
Figure 7-2. The population rate, the number of driver
fatalities per million population versus gender and age.
FARS 2000-20029 and US Bureau of the Census data for 2001.10
Drivers and licensed drivers
The population rate is based on dividing the number of
drivers killed by the number of people in the population
without regard to whether or not they are licensed drivers.
Many people in the US do not have driver licenses, as is
illustrated by the Federal Highway Administration data shown
in Fig. 7-3. For ages prior to the mid 20s, males and
females have remarkably similar probabilities of being
licensed to drive. With increasing age women have
increasingly lower rates of licensure than men. This
reflects earlier social norms. A woman aged 85 in 2001 was
born in 1916 and entered the years of license eligibility in
the 1930s, a period when it was not so common for women to
Figure 7-3. The number of driver licenses per capita, which
is approximately the same as the probability that a person
has a driving license. (A commercial truck driver, for
example, may have multiple licenses). FHWA data for 2001.11
Some of the drivers included in Figs 7-1 and 7-2 were
killed while driving without licenses. There are many
reasons for not having a license, including being too young
to be eligible, not applying, failing license tests, not
renewing through forgetfulness or fear of failing tests, or
having a license suspended or revoked for traffic law
violation. The mix of reasons will be different for younger
and older drivers. Figure 7-4 shows that the probability
that a fatally injured driver did not have a valid driver
license at the time of his or her fatal crash depends
strongly on gender and age. Unlicensed drivers killed are
overwhelmingly male, with FARS data for 2002 recording 3,524
males and 595 females - a male-to-female ratio of 5.9 to 1.
The increases in Fig. 7-4 at older age may reflect that some
older drivers whose licenses are revoked on medical or
competency grounds still continue to drive, sometimes with
fatal consequences. The increases at younger ages relate
more to driving before applying for or obtaining a license.
The plot in Fig. 7-4 does not include data for 336 boy and
75 girl drivers aged 13 and younger, for a male-to-female
ratio of 4.5 to 1 (more on this topic on p. 227-228). As all
these drivers are below the age of licensure in all US
states, their data would correspond to points at 100
percent. The first point plotted is for 14-year-old fatally
injured drivers, where the percents without valid licenses
are 93% for boys and 88% for girls. Seven US states issue
learner-driver permits to drivers under age 15 (Table 8-1,
p. 200), although the most common US practice is to issue
learner permits at age 15.
The data plotted in Fig. 7-5, unlike in the earlier figures,
include only those fatally-injured drivers who had valid
driver licenses at the time of their fatal crashes. The
license rate, the number of licensed drivers killed per
million licensed drivers, shows a much clearer increasing
trend with increasing age, the effect being similarly
prominent for men and women. The downward trend in the
population rate at the oldest ages (Fig. 7-2) was largely
reflecting a lower rate of licensure.
Distance of travel
The 2001 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) was a
survey of travel for all members of about 66,000 households
contacted by telephone between April 2001 and May 2002. This
provided the estimates of the average distance of travel per
driver in 2001 shown in Fig. 7-6.
The number of licensed drivers killed per billion kilometers
of licensed driving, the distance rate, is estimated by
multiplying the estimates in Fig. 7-6 by the numbers of
licensed drivers. The distance rate (Fig. 7-7) varies so
much more than the population or license rates that it is
plotted on a logarithmic scale. Relationships similar to
Fig. 7-7 are found for cars and light trucks separately
using estimated travel distance derived from odometer
readings of vehicles in NASS data. (p 68-74) Drivers older
than 80 suffer more driver deaths for the same distance of
travel than the highest values for drivers in the late teens
and early twenties.
The reason why the distance rate increases at young and
old ages so much more than the other rates is because of the
variation in travel as a function
of driver age. One of the largest changes to occur as
drivers age is that
they drive less. A major contribution to this is reduced
commuting trips to places of employment. Such trips account
for about half of personal travel. Another contribution
comes from decisions to drive less because of concerns about
driving competency in general, and more particularly at
night, on freeways, or in inclement weather. In general,
aging is accompanied by reductions in activities requiring
travel. The data in Fig. 7-7 are for licensed drivers. As
people become older it is increasingly likely that they will
not have a license and cease driving entirely (Fig. 7-3).
While safety is one component of what has been referred to
as the older driver problem, another major factor is reduced
mobility. ,
Fragility - increased risk of death in given crash as
drivers age
Increases in the population, license, and distance rates
with increasing age should not be interpreted to reflect
increases in the driver's risk of crashing with aging. Such
an interpretation misses the crucial point that the number
of drivers of given gender and age killed is the product of
two factors:
1. The number of involvements in severe crashes.
2. The probability that involvement proves fatal.
The first factor reflects influences due to use and
behavioral factors, such as amount of driving, environmental
conditions, roadway classification, intoxication, driver
capabilities, and, most importantly, driver risk taking.
Chapter 6 showed that when a crash occurs, the risk of death
depends on the gender and age of the occupant. Alcohol
consumption was also shown to affect survival as a factor
separate from its much larger influence
on the risk of crashing. One behavioral factor that has a
large influence on survival is the use of a safety belt.
This does not depend too strongly on gender and age, the
variables of interest in this chapter. We therefore
assume that when a crash occurs the dependence on survival
is represented by the previously derived Eqn 6-8, p. 134,
for male drivers and Eqn 6-9, p. 137, for female drivers. We
use these relationships to estimate involvement rates in
crashes of similar severity by considering crashes in a
severity range greater than sufficient to likely kill
80-year-old male drivers, for which case Eqn 6-8 gives
Rmale(80) = 4.54.
Consider the mix of crashes in which N fatalities occur to
80-year-old males. If these crashes were repeated keeping
all factors except the drivers the same, then we would
expect N/(4.54) fatalities for 20-year-old male drivers and,
by using Eqn 6-9, 1.311´N/(4.54) = N/(3.46) fatalities for
20-year-old female drivers. In order to obtain the same
number of fatalities, 4.54 times as many crashes by
20-year-old male drivers, and 3.46 times as many crashes by
20-year-old female drivers are required. In this way we can
use the observed numbers of fatalities to infer involvement
rates in crashes in a severity range sufficient to likely
kill 80-year-old male drivers.
Figure 7-8 shows the number of involvements in similar
severity crashes per licensed driver versus gender and age.
This is obtained from the licensed driver deaths in Fig. 7-5
by the calculation described above. The point for
80-year-old males has the same value in Fig. 7-8 as in Fig.
7-5, but the value of the point for 20-year-old males in
Fig. 7.8 is 4.54 times that in Fig. 7-5. In contrast to the
earlier figures, there is only a modest increase in
involvements in severe crashes per licensed driver with
increasing age, showing that a major component of increasing
fatality risk with increasing age is greater risk of being
killed in the same crash. Also note that the number of
severe crashes per licensed driver for older drivers never
approaches even close to the high values for younger
Severe crash involvements for the same distance of travel
(Fig. 7-9) increase with increasing driver age for ages
above about 60. However, the increase is modest compared to
that for the distance fatality rate (Fig. 7-7). Even for the
oldest age category (85 and older) severe crash involvements
for the same distance of travel are less than that for the
youngest age category (16-20 years).
Threat to other road users
The threat drivers impose on other road users is estimated
by examining the number of pedestrians killed as a function
of the gender and age of the involved driver. Only
single-vehicle crashes are included, so a typical case will
be a vehicle striking and killing a pedestrian but without
injuring the driver. No assumption is made regarding legal
responsibility in pedestrian fatality crashes. FARS data
show about one third of fatally injured pedestrians have
blood alcohol concentrations that would be illegal for
drivers (there are no laws relating to blood alcohol
concentration for pedestrians or passengers, only laws
against behavior in public resulting from intoxication). I
suggest in Chapter 16 that regardless of the behavior of the
pedestrian, there should be a default legal presumption of
driver responsibility.
The number of pedestrians killed versus the gender and age
of the involved driver shows that the main threat to other
road users is overwhelmingly from young drivers (Fig. 7-10).
Even after adjusting for the fewer numbers of older people
in the population, it is still the young who pose the
greatest threat to other road users (Fig. 7-11). Another way
of interpreting Fig. 7-11 is that it represents the threat
to other road users of the average individual of given
gender and age, and that the greatest threat comes from
20-year-old males.
The number of pedestrians killed per licensed driver (Fig.
7-12) shows no more than a modest increase with increasing
age at the oldest age interval
(85 years and older) for women drivers. In general, a
license holder of almost any younger age poses a greater
threat to other road users than even the oldest license
holder for whom data are available.
For the same distance of travel, drivers pose increasing
risks to other road users as they age past about 60 (Fig.
7-13). However, even at ages past 80 they still pose lower
risks than do 20-year-old drivers.
Pedestrian involvements in fatal and severe crashes
Above we noted that as people become older they drive less.
Some driving may convert into more walking. In this section
we examine how pedestrian risks depend on pedestrian age.
Figure 7-14 shows the distribution of pedestrian fatalities
by pedestrian gender and age. The same data normalized by
population are shown in Fig. 7?15. After age 60 the risk of
pedestrian death per person increases steeply to a peak, and
then declines (likely reflecting reduced walking).
Part of the large increase in pedestrian fatalities per
capita at older ages in Fig. 7-15 is due to the greater
likelihood that the older person is killed by an impact that
would not kill a younger person. In order to estimate the
risk that a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, as distinct
from the consequences of being struck, we again use the
relationships between risk of death from the same impact and
gender given in Eqns 6-8 and 6-9 (p. 134 and 137). Figure
7-16 shows the number of pedestrian involvements in crashes
in the severity range equal to or greater than would likely
kill an 80-year-old male pedestrian. Like the driver
fatality data, the pedestrian fatality data show peaks at
the late teens or early 20s. The increasing involvement in
severe pedestrian crashes with increasing age at ages above
about 65 probably reflects decreasing perceptual skills and
agility, and also perhaps increased pedestrian exposure
related to driving less. The declines after age 80 likely
reflect reduced activity.
Cross sectional compared to longitudinal analyses
All the above analyses, in keeping with nearly all analyses
of age effects in traffic, have been cross sectional. That
is, rates for people of different ages are compared in a
specific year. While results have been discussed in terms of
drivers aging, strictly speaking cross sectional analysis
cannot address what happens as individuals age. Apparent
aging effects would be generated even if every driver were
assigned a risk at birth that remained unchanged throughout
his or her life, but drivers born a long time ago were given
higher rates than those born recently. The overall declines
in fatality rates over time presented in Chapter 3 indeed
suggest that today's drivers of a given age have lower risks
than drivers of the same age in earlier decades.
Studies that trace the characteristics of a given group, or
cohort, of people as they age are referred to as
longitudinal. There is a convention in epidemiology to
connect data points only for longitudinal data, but not for
cross sectional data, as we have done in all the figures.
The non-adherence to this convention in
the interests of clarity is unlikely to generate ambiguity.
In order to explore how the risks of a group of 20-year-old
drivers changed as they aged into 85-year-old drivers, data
from 1935 through 2001 would be required, but the earliest
FARS data are for 1975. Even if the data were available,
many other factors that influence safety have changed
dramatically since 1935, so that there does not seem any
way, even in principle, to estimate how a driver's risk
changes with aging that is free from substantial
uncertainty. It is cross sectional
data, such as presented here, that provide information
relevant to policy decisions for today's population.
Decisions rarely require information about how safe today's
80-year-olds were 60 years ago, or how safe today's
20-year-olds will be in 60 years. It is today's drivers who
are licensed, or have their licenses revoked.
While not so central to policy decisions, longitudinal
analyses add to understanding of how aging impacts driving,
and can add insights into long-term future trends. One
longitudinal study tracing a group of drivers over 16 years
of FARS data (1975-1990) found that risks increased later
and less steeply than in cross sectional comparisons.
Another longitudinal study examined how crash types varied
for drivers over age 60 in 1987-1995 Finnish data, and found
that the proportion of older-driver crashes that were at
intersections depended on cohort and age. A longitudinal
analyses using the much longer series of FARS data now
available would provide useful new information.
Traffic deaths relative to all deaths
2,403,351 people died from all causes in 2000 in the US. Of
these, 41,945, or 1.75%, died in traffic crashes. The vast
majority of deaths are from diseases, for which risk
generally increases steeply with increasing age, whereas
traffic deaths peak at young ages. The age dependencies for
disease and traffic combine to make the probability that a
given death is a traffic fatality depend very steeply on
age, as shown in the logarithmic plot in Fig. 7-17. An
exponential decline (straight line in the graph) fits the
data well (r2 = 0.99) for both genders between ages 20 and
80, leading to,
where a is age in years. Thus the probability that a death
is a traffic fatality declines at just under 8% per year for
both genders during most of their lives.
Given the much higher numbers of young males than young
females killed in traffic, the absence of a clear difference
between the genders in Fig. 7-17 might seem surprising. The
explanation is that most deaths of younger people are from
injuries, not diseases. The gender-dependence for
non-traffic injuries, in the US mainly firearm deaths,
follows a pattern similar to the dependence for traffic
crashes, so the ratio of traffic deaths to all deaths ends
up relatively gender independent.
Table 7-1 shows illustrative ages selected from the plotted
data. Given that a death occurs to a 20-year-old, the
probability that it is a traffic fatality is over 30%. Given
that a 17-year-old girl dies, it is about as likely to be
due to a traffic crash as from all other (injury plus
disease) causes combined. As people age, the risks from
other causes of death increase much more rapidly than any
increase of risk in traffic. Given that a 65-year-old dies,
the probability that death is due to a traffic crash is less
than one percent. For an 80-year-old it is less than half a
percent, and less than a quarter of a percent for ages above
Table 7-1. Given that a death occurs, the percent probability that it is a traffic fatality of any kind. Based on data from FARS 2000 and NCHS(CDC) 2000.18
Types of crashes
Not only do the numbers of crashes vary by gender and age,
but the types of fatal crashes in which older drivers are
involved differ from the mix for the overall population.
Rollover and driver age
Fig. 7-18 shows that as drivers age, when a driver is
killed, the probability that it occurs in a crash in which
rollover is the most harmful event declines, reaching very
low values at the oldest ages. For age 90 and older, FARS
2000-2002 documents 299 male driver fatalities - eight of
them in rollover crashes. For female drivers, 118
fatalities, three in rollovers. For both genders, given a
driver death at age 90 or older, there is a less than 3%
chance that it is a rollover, compared to a 25% chance for
drivers in their mid-twenties. The higher rates for males
and for younger drivers supports that rollover is related
more to driver risk-taking than vehicle characteristics.
Ninety percent of rollover crashes are single vehicle.
Figure 7-18. Probability that, when a driver is killed,
rollover is the most harmful event. FARS 2000-2002.
Two-vehicle crashes and side impact
Given that a driver is killed the probability that it is in
a rollover crash, or more generally a single-vehicle crash,
decreases steeply with age. As a consequence, the
probability that the death results from a two-vehicle crash
must increase with age (Fig. 7-19). The type of two-vehicle
crash also depends on driver gender and age. Figure 7-20
shows the percent of all drivers killed in two-vehicle
crashes who were killed in vehicles struck on the side.
The three figures (Figs 7-18 to 7-20) show patterns
consistently interpretable in terms of risk taking. Consider
a hypothetical extremely risky male driver who crashes into
the first available object. This is unlikely to be a vehicle
- there are far more trees than vehicles. His crashes will
be overwhelmingly single vehicle, likely involving rollover.
Although a small percent of his crashes will be two-vehicle
crashes, he will still be involved in more two-vehicle
crashes than an average driver. If he is involved in a
two-vehicle crash, his vehicle is more likely to have a
frontal than a side impact. Now consider a hypothetical very
safe female driver. She is going to avoid single-vehicle,
and therefore also rollover crashes, or crashing head-on
into other vehicles. Her main risk in
traffic is being side impacted by other vehicles, so that
a high percent of her low crash risk is from side impact
The high proportion of older drivers who are killed in side
impacts, and the high risks faced by older pedestrians (Fig.
7-15) suggests that the most productive way to protect older
road users is to address the behavior of younger road users.
All the above relationships are based on relative risks, so
the comments in the section Interpreting risk ratios (p.
76-77) should be kept in mind. Fig. 7-20 does not imply that
an elderly woman driver is more likely to be killed on her
next trip by side impact than is a young male driver. It
implies that if she is killed, the probability that it is
from a side impact is higher than the probability that the
young male driver, if he is killed, will be killed by a side
Risk comparisons using specific examples
The material above shows many measures, each addressing how
some specific risk changes as drivers age. Below, specific
examples are presented in tabular form to summarize and
simplify the main features of the different measures. The
values quoted are in many cases obtained by interpolating
between values plotted, and in a few cases are based on
relatively small sample sizes.
Threats to other road users
Table 7-2 compares the risks imposed on other road users by
drivers aged 20, 45, and 70 years, as indicated by the
number of single-vehicle pedestrian fatality crashes in
which the divers were of those ages. For fatalities to
others per licensed driver (the first row), all the relative
risks shown are substantially less than one. This means
renewing the license of a 70-year-old for another year
imposes far less risk on other road users than renewing the
license of a 45- or 20-year-old. The effects are so large
and clear as to leave little doubt that, from a public
safety perspective, there should be less concern over
renewing the license of an average 70-year-old applicant
than of applicants of any younger age. For example renewing
the license of a 70-year-old female imposes 41% less risk
than renewing for a 45-year-old female, and 77% less risk
than for a 20-year-old female. If the rate is for the same
distance of travel rather than per year, then 70-year-olds
impose more risk than 45-year-olds, but about half the risk
of 20-year-olds.
Table 7-3 shows parallel information for 80-year-old
drivers. Renewing the license of an 80-year-old for another
year imposes substantially less risk on other road users
than renewing the licenses of younger drivers, but by lesser
amounts than noted above for 70-year-old drivers.
While data become sparse at ages beyond 80, the indications
are clear that renewing for another year the license of
drivers at any age up to the maximum for which data are
available (near 90) poses less risk to others than renewing
licenses of substantially younger drivers (Fig. 7-12).
Risks older drivers themselves face
As drivers age, some measures indicate increases in risk
(Tables 7-4 and 7-5). A major contributor to this is that
the same severity crash is more likely to lead to the death
of an older person. In terms of the measures which best
reflect the behavioral aspects of driving, namely, driver
involvements in severe crashes for the same distance of
travel (Table 7-4), and crashes in which pedestrians are
killed for the same distance of travel (Table 7-2), the
values for 70-year-old male drivers are within 19% of those
for 45-year-old male drivers. (Many factors could contribute
to the lack of a larger difference, such as the older
drivers confining driving to safer periods, less alcohol
use, etc.). The involvement rates for 80-year-old drivers
are 80% above those for 45-year-old drivers (Tables 7-3 and
Examples using hypothetical families
The illustrations above can be simplified further by
comparing risks to members of hypothetical families. Let us
consider a family with the following three members:
son age 20
dad age 45
granddad age 70
We focus on male members because males comprise 70% of
driver fatalities. Assume all have driving licenses, and
crash rates equal to the averages reported above. Based on
the results in Figs 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, and 13, the risk
associated with each of the family members can be ranked
from the highest risk (rank 1 in Table 7-6) to the safest
(rank 3). The first row indicates that the son is most
likely to die in the forthcoming year as a driver, the
granddad least likely. The second row indicates that in a
trip of fixed distance, say to the drugstore, the son is
most likely to die, the dad the least likely to die.
Table 7-6. Comparison of risks associated with 3 family members. The first row indicates that the son is most likely (rank 1) to die in the forthcoming year as a driver, the granddad least likely (rank 3).
all the measures listed, the son has the highest risk, in
all cases by large amounts. In a few of the comparisons,
indicated by asterisks, the risks for the dad and granddad
were quite close, but the ranks listed reflect the nominal
values read from the plots.
For the case when the granddad is 80, the rankings are all
unambiguous (Table 7-7). In a trip to the drugstore, the
80-year-old granddad is more likely to be killed than the
20-year-old son. For all the other cases listed, the son has
the highest risk.
The older driver problem - how is it changing?
The findings here are based on data centered in 2001.
Analyses with features in common with the present have been
applied previously to data for the mid-1990s and the early
1980s. , The more recent the study, the more data were
available at older ages. Indeed, the studies using early
1980s data selected 65 as the main older driver age category
because of the paucity of data at ages older than this.20,21
The plots presented here have many data at ages above 90.
The decision of those setting up the FARS system to allow
only two digits for age, although well justified by early
1970s experience, turns out to be unfortunate. The oldest
specific age that can be coded is 96 (not 99, because fields
are needed for such categories as age unknown). FARS 2002
codes 12 people aged 96. The next age category, which
includes everyone 97 and older, has 17. It would be valuable
to know the specific ages of those in this open-ended
category, especially as the numbers at very old ages are
expected to increase in the future. Also, accumulating small
values over many FARS years often provides useful
The studies from the three periods indicate fairly robust
relationships, with no more than minor differences in
detail. The stability of the rates means that even as the
number of older drivers increases, the present rates can be
applied to larger numbers of drivers. The threat that older
drivers pose to other road users was similarly small in all
the studies.
The above discussion has focused on how various measures
depend on average age. Not only do various measures of
driver performance decline with age, but variability among
individuals also increases, underlying the importance of not
judging an individual's fitness to drive on the basis of
chronological age. Licensing decisions should be based on
tests that apply to all without regard to age. The
admonitions about the uses and pitfalls of average values at
the end of Chapter 3 (p. 60) apply here also.
The younger driver problem
The graphs and tables presented here consistently show that
young male drivers have the highest fatality and crash
rates, and pose the greatest threats to other road users.
The same finding emerges from the prior studies discussed,
and from many additional sources. While some measures for
older drivers indicate above average risk, the amount that
they are above average appears to be trending downwards in
time. Such a tendency will elevate the already dominant
contribution of young, especially young male, drivers to
even greater prominence. One of the grand themes at the
center of traffic safety in every country in the world is
that traffic crashes are overwhelmingly a problem of young
male drivers.
Summary and conclusions (see printed text)
References for Chapter 7 - Numbers in [ ] refer to superscript
references in book that do not correctly show in this html
version. To see how they appear in book see the
version of Chapter 1.
[1] Lyman S, Ferguson SA,
Braver ER, Williams AF. Older driver involvements in
police reported crashes and fatal crashes: Trends and
projections. Inj Prev. 2002; 8: 116-120.
[2] Bedard M, Stones MJ,
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