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6 Gender, age, and alcohol effects on survival
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This chapter has nothing to do with the risk of being
involved in a crash. Instead, it deals with the risk of
surviving, given that a crash has occurred. Drivers involved
in identical crashes can have different risks of dying due
to factors that affect the human body's ability to survive a
given impact. The chapter is therefore devoted to examining
the fragility of the human body when subject to blunt trauma
from physical impacts, also called physical insults.
We investigate how the risk of death from the same impact
depends on gender, age, and alcohol consumption. Although
such fragility effects originate in fundamental human
physiology, and apply to blunt trauma insults from sources
other than traffic crashes, it is only traffic crash data
sets that provide sufficient numbers of fatalities to
determine quantitative relationships.
Gender and survivability
If a female and a male suffer similar potentially lethal
physical impacts, which of them (other factors being equal)
is more likely to die? This question cannot be answered by
standard epidemiological methods because adequate samples of
sufficiently similar cases are unavailable, and likely to
remain unavailable. Even though the FARS data set (Chapter
2) codes hundreds of thousands of female and male
fatalities, such data do not immediately answer the
question. To illustrate the problem, consider that the most
common type of US fatal crash involves one vehicle (Table
3-3, p. 49) containing one person, the driver. Examining
such crashes when the driver is female reveals that 100% of
them are killed. If they were not killed, the case would not
be in FARS. The corresponding male case similarly shows 100%
of male drivers killed. The FARS data do show about three
times as many male deaths as female deaths in
single-vehicle, single-occupancy crashes. This provides no
information on how gender affects outcome, given that a
crash occurs. The question was answered using a technique
that extracts the required information from FARS data.
Double pair comparison method
The double pair comparison method was devised specifically
to make inferences from FARS data. The method effectively
isolates the influence of a particular factor of interest
(in the present case, gender) from the multitude of other
influences that affect fatality risk in a crash. The method
focuses on vehicles containing two specific occupants, at
least one being killed. We refer to one as the subject
occupant, and aim to discover how some characteristic of the
subject occupant affects that person's fatality risk. The
other, the control occupant, serves to standardize
conditions in order to estimate risk to the subject
The method is described below for the specific case in which
the subject occupant is a car driver and the control
occupant is a male passenger seated in the right-front seat.
The aim is to determine how the driver's gender influences
the driver's fatality risk in a crash.
Two sets of crashes are selected. The first contains cars
with a female driver and a male passenger, at least one
being killed. This first set of crashes provides
It might seem that r1 immediately measures how risk depends
on gender. As driver and passenger are involved in the same
crash, factors like impact speed, or type and properties of
object struck (tree, vehicle, etc.), apply equally to both
occupants. Factors that influence the risk of crashing, such
as driver behavior, change sample sizes but should not
systematically affect r1. However, a factor that could
contribute to differences in risk between drivers and
passengers is the different risk associated with different
vehicle seats (p. 53-57).
To correct for this, a second set of crashes uses male
driver subjects accompanied by male control passengers, at
least one being killed. That is, the subject gender is
different from the first set of crashes, but the control
characteristics are the same. These crashes provide
Dividing the two ratios gives
Subject to assumptions that are likely to be more than
adequately satisfied, the quantity R measures the risk of
death to a female driver compared to the risk of death to a
male driver, other factors being essentially the same.2 The
crash conditions are effectively standardized because the
female and male drivers experienced their injuries in a mix
of crashes that posed similar risks to accompanying male
The control occupant does not enter directly into the
result. Because of this, many separate estimates can be
calculated using various control occupants. Combining
estimates based on many controls helps diminish potential
confounding due to differences that may exist between
subject and control occupant with regard to such factors as
age and safety belt use. The basic assumptions of the method
require that the probability of a passenger death should not
depend (in the present example) on the gender of the driver.
This assumption would be violated if, for example, the same
physical impact was
less likely to kill a passenger traveling with a male driver
than one traveling
with a female driver. Departures from this assumption could
arise if, for example, passengers traveling with male
drivers tended to be younger than those traveling with
female drivers. The biasing influences of such potential
confounding can be reduced by dividing control subjects into
and age categories, thus insuring that passengers of similar
age and gender accompany the female and male drivers being
compared. As the use of
such occupant-protection devices as safety belts or helmets
affects fatality risk, the control occupant should have the
same use in the first and second set
of crashes.
Numerical example
The calculations are described below using the example of
comparing unbelted car-driver fatality risk for females aged
38-42 to that for males in the same age interval (call them
40-year-old drivers). For the control occupant we first
choose unbelted male right-front passengers aged 16-24,
hereafter referred to as 20-year-old male passengers. The
1975-1998 FARS data give A = 90 female drivers aged 40 were
killed while traveling with 20-year-old male passengers,
while B = 36 male passengers aged 20 were killed while
traveling with female drivers aged 40. These give a
40-year-old female driver to 20-year-old male passenger
fatality risk ratio r1 = 2.500. This departs substantially
from unity because, as we quantify later, fatality risk from
the same impact depends strongly on age. For the second set
of crashes, C = 244 and D = 133, giving r2 = 1.835. The
ratio of r1 to r2 gives R = 1.363, so this combination of
subject and control estimates that females are 36% more
likely to die than males from the same physical impact.
Deriving relationship from large numbers of data
The above example provides the first of the eight estimates
for 40-year-old subject drivers shown in Table 6-1. Summing
the appropriate columns in Table 6-1 shows 3,038 driver
fatalities (930 female and 2,108 male) and 2,870 right-front
passenger fatalities. The conclusion from Table 6-1 is that
40-year-old female car drivers are (19.9 ± 7.8)% more
likely to be killed than 40-year-old male drivers in similar
severity crashes. This value provides the point for age 40
(plotted at age = 40.5) in the top left graph in Fig. 6-1.
Table 6-1. Female to male fatality risk, R, for 40-year-old unbelted car drivers.
The other points plotted in the top-left graph in Fig. 6-1
are based on extracting data in the same form as Table 6-1
for other driver ages, using a total of 14,873 female and
47,989 male driver fatalities. The total number of subject
fatalities is given on this and subsequent graphs. All
errors are standard errors. - For driver subjects, there are
no estimates at ages below the age of licensure due to too
few cases (but far from zero cases, see Table 9-5, p. 228).
When passengers are subjects and drivers serve as controls,
estimates at younger ages are available, as shown in the
other five graphs in Fig. 6-1. Belted includes the use of
any restraint system, such as a baby or infant seat.
A parallel process produces corresponding results for
occupants of light trucks (Fig. 6-2) and for motorcycle
passengers (Fig. 6-3). There were insufficient female
motorcycle-driver fatalities to perform the analysis for
motorcycle drivers.
If there were no systematic differences between male and
female risk, then all of the data in the 14 graphs in Figs
6-1 through 6-3 would distribute randomly around the value R
= 1.0 (marked by a dashed line). Instead, clear systematic
departures are apparent in every graph, with the departures
being similar from graph to graph.
None of the six individual graphs in Fig. 6-1 departs
systematically from their collective trend. It is therefore
appropriate to combine all these data to obtain a best
estimate for car occupants (top graph in Fig. 6-4). The
values plotted are the weighted averages of the values
plotted at the indicated ages in Fig. 6-1. The other two
graphs in Fig. 6-4 show corresponding information for light
trucks and motorcycles. Weighted average values of R at age
20 are 1.285 ± 0.027 for cars, 1.241 ± 0.052 for light
trucks, and 1.312 ± 0.078 for motorcycle passengers. Female
risk exceeds male risk by amounts that are not
systematically different depending on which of the three
vehicles provides the data. The R values for occupants of
each of the three vehicle types are, to within their error
limits, consistent with the weighted average of 1.279 ±
As results for individual vehicle categories do not depart
systematically from their collective trend, it is
appropriate to combine the data in Fig. 6-4 to produce Fig.
6-5. Each point plotted can be considered the weighted
average of the (up to 14) values from the 14 occupant
categories, or the mathematically identical weighted average
of the values from each of the three vehicle categories. The
relationship in Fig. 6-5 is the best estimate of how the
risk of death from the same impact depends on gender.
The values in Fig. 6-5 at ages 20, 25, 30, and 35 are 1.279
± 0.023, 1.301 ± 0.028, 1.291 ± 0.033, and 1.287 ±
0.038. These values show consistently that, between ages 20
and 35, female risk exceeds male risk by (28 ± 3)%. From
about age 10 to the late 50s, female risk exceeds male risk
by amounts that depend on age. For ages below 10 or above
60, the data provide no indication of clear differences,
although there is a weak suggestion that older men might be
more vulnerable than older women.
A physiological gender-dependent difference
Subjects in the 14 categories are killed by a wide variety
of impact mechanisms. For example, fatalities to belted
vehicle occupants usually result from impacts with the
vehicle interior, while motorcyclist fatalities result from
impacts into objects external to the motorcycle. The absence
or presence of steering wheels, safety belts, helmets,
cushioning effects of occupants in front, car interiors
compared to truck interiors, etc. all affect injury
mechanisms. Yet the results obtained for the 14 occupant
categories are similar. In particular, for ages 20-35 female
risk exceeds male risk by the same (28 ± 3)% for occupants
of cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
Further evidence supporting how robust these findings are is
provided by a study focused on examining if the
relationships found in an earlier study, which used FARS
1975 to 1983 data, were similarly revealed in FARS 1984-1996
data. No distinguishable differences were found dependent on
which of the independent data sets was used. This supports
that the effects remain unchanged in time, and apply for
different vintage vehicles.
The finding that female risk exceeds male risk by amounts
that do not appear different for different time periods,
different types or vintages of vehicles, seating positions,
or use of occupant restraints, supports the interpretation
that females are intrinsically more likely to die from
physical impacts in general. This is a finding somewhat
parallel to other findings of gender-dependent physiological
differences. For example, females live longer than males and
are more likely to survive infancy. In each case the
findings are phenomenological in nature - they are
unambiguous inferences from large data sets. Explanations of
why such phenomena occur await different types of
investigations than the investigations that established that
they do occur. However, greater risk of blunt trauma
fatality, greater longevity, and higher survivability in
infancy all likely reflect basic physiological differences
between females and males.
Although traffic-crash data and the method used provided a
laboratory to discover and quantify gender-dependent
differences, these differences are interpreted to apply
beyond the laboratory in which they were investigated. Thus
Fig. 6-5 is interpreted to apply not just to risks from
traffic crashes, but from other sources such as falling from
a roof or down stairs. This interpretation is consistent
with cadaver tests using fixed impacts, which find that
females have a 20% greater risk of injury to the thorax than
The age range in which female risk from blunt trauma exceeds
male risk (pre-teens to late fifties) is similar to the
child-bearing years, thus inviting speculation that
biological factors associated with the potential to have
children could increase risk from physical impacts.
Males and females involved in identical crashes are subject
to similar decelerations rather than similar forces. As
force is the product of body mass times deceleration,
heavier subjects experience proportionally higher forces,
just as they do when they fall or walk into a fixed object.
The results have been derived for forces that generally
increase with body mass. For an impact with a fixed amount
of energy, say being struck by a falling object or an
inflating airbag, even larger gender-dependent effects are
expected. This is because the gender effects found are based
on risks in identical crashes in which females are subject
to smaller forces on account of their smaller masses.
Inferring involvement rates from fatality data
FARS data for 2001 show 3.4 times as many 20-year-old male
driver deaths as 20-year-old female driver deaths. Such
ratios are often interpreted to mean that males are 3.4
times as likely as females to be involved in lethal crashes.
The results here show that this interpretation should be
modified. If 20-year-old males and females had equal
involvement rates, females would experience 28% more deaths.
The driver fatality ratio should be multiplied by 1.28 to
take account of the different risk from the same impact, so
a 20-year-old male is 4.4 times, not 3.4 times, as likely to
be involved in a potentially lethal crash.
Male deaths far exceed female deaths from all types of
injuries, including interpersonal violence, suicide,
drowning, fire, falls and poisoning. Male
road-user deaths far exceed female road-user deaths - and
not just drivers (Fig. 3-10, p. 46). The results here show
that male involvement risk exceeds female involvement risk
by even larger amounts than captured by the numbers of
casualties for cases in which death is due to blunt trauma.
Possible biases
The estimates of differences between male and female
fatality risk from the same physical impact use the double
pair comparison method. It is therefore appropriate to
examine if the findings could be due to biases in the method
or data, or if the results could have an explanation based
on the method rather than intrinsic gender differences.
The fact that male drivers have higher crash involvement
rates does not systematically affect R for drivers. Higher
crash rates generate additional crashes which increase
subject and control fatalities by similar proportions, but
do not change ratios systematically. The data show no
systematic differences in estimates of R for passengers
dependent on whether the driver is male or female (male
controls provide about three times as many data).
Let us assume that males not only have more crashes than
females, but when they do crash they also have crashes of
higher severity. Formal mathematical reasoning shows that
plausibly different distributions by severity can have, at
most, only small influences on R.2 This result is more
immediately apparent from the following data-based examples.
Safety belts reduce fatality risk for drivers by 42%
(Chapter 11) and by a similar percent for right-front
passengers. Yet values of R are not systematically different
for belted and unbelted occupants (compare rows 1 and 2 in
Figs 6-1 and 6-2). Could incorrect coding of belt use bias
results- Perhaps about 10% of surviving occupants coded as
belted were unbelted. This is a major problem in estimating
belt effectiveness, but will influence the gender effect
only if miscoding rates are highly gender dependent. If R
does not much depend on belt use, which appears to be the
case in Figs 6-1 and 6-2, then males and females being
miscoded in similar proportions will not systematically
affect R. Plausible departures from these assumptions could
lead to no more than small changes in R. It is widely
accepted that when occupants are coded as unbelted they are
very likely unbelted. Cases with unknown belt use were
Rear-seat unbelted occupants have fatality risks 26% lower
than unbelted front-seat occupants, yet R values for
rear-seat occupants do not differ systematically from those
for front-seat occupants (compare rows 1 and 3 in Figs 6-1
and 6-2). Motorcycle helmets reduce passenger fatality risk
by 28%, yet values of R do not systematically depend on
helmet use (Fig. 6-3). Fatality risk differs between cars,
trucks and, particularly, motorcycles, yet values of R do
not systematically differ (compare the 3 graphs in Fig.
The study was replicated using only rural, and then using
only urban, crashes.1 A typical rural crash is about four
times as likely to be fatal as a typical urban crash.
Despite such a large difference in severity, the rural and
urban replications produced values of R that are in good
agreement with each other and with Fig. 6-5.
Possible alternate explanations
Could the results reflect merely differences in stature? One
could certainly speculate that risk might be greater for
smaller drivers because of differences in the details of
their interaction with the steering wheel during a crash
(cases with airbag deployment were excluded). However, it
seems implausible that the same explanation could apply to
occupants whether or not they were belted, as belts alter
the mix of injury mechanisms. Rear-seat occupants strike
different parts of the vehicle from those struck by
front-seat occupants. There does not seem to be any
plausible mechanism that would favor taller individuals in
all seats by amounts approaching the 28% found here. As
motorcyclists are typically killed by striking objects
external to the motorcycle, characteristics
of the interaction between occupant and vehicle can have
little bearing
on outcome.
An additional reason why the effects cannot plausibly be
attributed to differences in stature is because at older
ages female risk is, if anything, less than male risk (Fig.
6-5), yet at all ages females remain about the same percent
shorter than males. International anthropometric data show
consistently that at age 20, females are 7.5% shorter than
males compared to 7.4% shorter at
age 70. ,
The discussion above showed that factors known to have large
influences on traffic fatality risk do not substantially
affect R. The results, in common with results from any study
using real-world data, may still be influenced by an
essentially unlimited list of possible biases. However, it
seems difficult to posit any plausible bias in the data that
could change R values by amounts that would materially
change the values shown in Fig. 6-5.
Helps explain observed fatality risk differences
The finding that females are more likely than males to die
from the same severity impact helps explain two
much-reported traffic safety topics.
Increased female risk from airbags. When injuries result
from airbag deploy-ments, they are of a different nature
from other crash injuries in that the device provides its
own source of energy. Unlike crash forces which are
proportional to body mass, the impact delivered to an
occupant in the deployment envelope of an airbag is
independent of the occupant's body mass. Thus the increased
risk airbags pose to females is expected to be greater than
the 28% found (for ages 20-35) for crash forces. This may be
an important part of the explanation why it is found that,
while airbags reduce net risk to males, they increase net
risk to females. The females, being shorter, are more likely
to be in the deployment envelope thereby increasing the risk
of being struck by the airbag, and if they are struck, the
blow is more likely to be fatal.
Suicide seat. In the 1960s the right-front seat was commonly
referred to as the suicide seat because police officers
observed that its occupants were more likely to be killed
than drivers, or occupants of rear seats. At that time a
male driver and a female right-front passenger was an even
more common combination than today. The 28% higher risk to
females would generate a sufficient disparity to be noticed
and attributed to the risk in the seat. When both occupants
are of the same gender and age, the risk in driver and
right-front passenger seats are not distinguishably
different (Fig. 3-15, p. 54).
Age and survivability
It is common knowledge that, as people age, their injury
risk from the same physical impact, as might occur in
falling, increases. A study comparing fatality rates to
crash rates for the same distance of travel showed an
increase in the risk of death per crash as drivers age.
Detailed quantification of the relationship between the risk
of death from the same severity impact and age proves
elusive because it can rarely be concluded that subjects
received similar physical insults. An approach parallel to
that used to investigate gender effects was adopted to
compare risk for either gender at any age to the risk for a
20-year-old male. An important difference in method from the
gender investigation was required because of the age and
gender mix of passengers who accompany drivers.
Most commonly, the right-front passenger accompanying a
driver is of similar age and opposite gender. This
facilitated the investigation of gender effects, but is a
difficulty for the age analysis because there are few cases
in which, say, a 70-year-old driver will be accompanied by a
passenger of similar age to a passenger accompanying a
20-year-old driver. This makes it infeasible to compare
risks to 70-year-old and 20-year-old drivers directly.
Instead, the risk at 70 was compared to the risk at 65, the
risk at 65 compared to the risk at 60, and so on through
comparing the risk at 25 to the risk at 20. The risk at age
70 was compared to the risk at age 20 by multiplying the
series of risk factors for each of the 5-year steps. Because
each step has an associated error, the error in the risk at
any age increases the further this age is from the reference
age 20.
For ages below 20, comparisons are direct between the
younger age categories and 20-year-old males.
Male age effect
Figure 6-6 shows results for male car occupants, based on
112,736 fatalities (all male). Values, plotted on a
logarithmic scale, are relative to the risk to 20-year-old
males, marked by diamond symbol on each graph. The parameter
b is the slope of a least squared fit to the data
constrained to pass through the point (age = 20, R = 1). The
interpretation is (using the top-left graph for unbelted
drivers) that after age 20, the risk of death from the same
physical impact increases at a compound rate of 2.47% per
Corresponding graphs are given in the source paper for
light-truck occupants and motorcyclists (drivers and
passengers), leading to 16 graphs (6 for cars,
6 for light trucks and 4 for motorcyclists).15 There are no
indications of systematic differences between the 16 graphs,
thus supporting the same interpretation as in the gender
case that the effects are of a basic physiological nature
and apply in general, not just to crashes.
The composite graphs for the data from each vehicle in Fig.
6-7 additionally support that the effect is relatively
independent of vehicle type. The slopes are all consistent
with a 2.5% annual compound increase in risk after age 20.
The summary result for males is given in Fig. 6-8. This can
be viewed as either the weighted average of the values for
the individual vehicles in Fig. 6-7, or the mathematically
identical weighted average of the (up to) 16 values from
each of the 16 graphs.
Before age 20, risk increases with decreasing age. After age
20, risk increases at (2.52 ± 0.08)% per year. The risk at
a given age is computed as
Female age effect
The analysis proceeds in parallel with the male case. All
risk values are relative to the same reference value used in
the male analysis, namely a 20-year-old male. Hence the fit
to the female data is not constrained to pass through any
point, but rather, the value at age 20 provides a separate
estimate of the risk to 20-year-old females compared to the
risk to 20-year-old males.
The summary graph in Fig. 6-9 is the average for the three
vehicles, or, equivalently, the weighted average for 14
individual graphs (two less than the male analysis because
there were insufficient female motorcycle driver
fatalities). The parameter a is the value of the fit with
age = 20. The interpretation is that this analysis gives
that female risk at age 20 is (31.1 ± 2.2)% higher than
male risk at age 20, an estimate in good agreement with the
(27.9 ± 2.3)% value obtained for age 20 in the gender
As for the male case, risk increases with decreasing age for
ages younger than 20. This is not due simply to increased
risk to infants seated on the laps of adults being at
increased risk due to loading from the adult. Increasing
risk with decreasing age is similarly present for belted
occupants (belted here means that some type of restraint,
including a baby or infant seat, was used). It is also
present for rear-seat occupants. It thus appears that
effects due to infants on the laps of adults can make no
more than a small contribution to the observed risk
increase. The risk for one-year-old babies of either gender
is about twice the risk at age 20.
After age 20, female risk increases at a compound rate of
(2.16 ± 0.10)% per year, somewhat lower than the (2.52 ±
0.08)% yearly increase for males. The risk at a given age is
computed as
Following the same reasoning applied to the gender
examination, the age dependence of the risk of death from
similar physical impacts is interpreted to reflect
fundamental physiological processes. The relationships in
Eqn 6-8 and Eqn 6-9 apply to physical impacts in general,
and not just to those resulting
from crashes.
After age 20 risk increases at compound rates of more than
2% per year for males and females. So anyone who believed
that life was straight downhill after age 20 was being far
too optimistic - it is downhill at an exponentially
increasing rate!
Gender and age effects determined using two-car crashes
All the inferences above relating to gender and age were
derived using the double pair comparison method. All
vehicles used contained at least one passenger. Results were
interpreted to apply to blunt trauma in general. Such a
universal interpretation would receive additional support if
similar effects were revealed in studies using different
methods and data.
This was pursued using outcomes of two-car crashes in which
at least one driver was killed. The analysis was confined to
cars containing only one occupant, the driver, thereby
assuring that no crash used in double pair comparison
analyses contributed to the two-car crash analyses. Each
method therefore used independent data.
The two-car crash method is conceptually very simple.
Measure the ratio, R, of female to male fatalities when cars
with female drivers and cars with male drivers of similar
age crash into each other. It is, however, not quite that
simple because of the presence of another large confounding
factor, namely, car mass. This effect of mass was removed by
analyzing R versus the ratio of the car masses, and
inferring the value of R if the cars had equal mass using
the same method that produced Fig. 4-8, p. 74 and Fig. 4-11,
p. 81.
Gender effect estimated using two-car crashes
Results are plotted using the bold symbols in Fig. 6-10. The
R values measure female fatality risk divided by male
fatality risk when drivers of similar age traveling in cars
of the same mass crash into each other. The double pair
comparison method results in Fig. 6-5 are shown again in
Fig. 6-10 using smaller symbols. As the two-car crash method
provides far fewer data, the data were divided into just
four broad age categories centered at ages 20, 30, 45, and
70 years. The risk ratios for ages 20, 30, and 45 (which
together included ages in the range 16-56 years) are (22 ±
14)%, (23 ± 19)%, and (21 ± 14)%. The weighted average of
these indicates that females older than about 20 but not
older than the mid fifties are (22 ± 9)% more likely to die
than males of the same age when their cars crash into each
other, a result in good agreement with the (28 ± 3)% value
expected based on the double pair comparison method.
The finding for age 70 (which included ages in the range
56-97) that females are (15% ± 12) less likely to die than
males corroborates the trend towards values of R less than
one found in the double pair comparison study. The
consistency of the findings supports the interpretation that
both methods are measuring the same fundamental difference
between female and male risk of death from the same impact.
Age effects estimated using two-car crashes
For the age investigation, one car is always driven by a
20-year-old male driver (age 16-24), and the other by a male
driver (for the male analysis) or a female driver (for the
female analysis). Thus risks for both genders are relative
to risks to 20-year-old males, as before.
Age effect for males. The data in Fig. 6-11 for males show
good agreement between the two-car method and the double
pair comparison method except at older ages. The line is a
least square fit to an equation of the same form as Eqn 6-8
constrained to pass through the point R = 1 at age = 20 (and
ignoring the outlier point at age 80). The fit gives b =
(2.86 ± 0.32), meaning that risk increases at a compound
rate of 2.86% per year. This may be compared to b = (2.52 ±
0.08)% obtained using the double pair comparison method.
Age effect for females. In Fig. 6-12 the straight line is a
fit to the data (excluding the outlier point at age 80)
yielding two parameters (Eqn 6-9).
The first, a = (20.6 ± 11.3)% estimates that at age 20
female risk exceeds
male risk by 20.6%. The second, b = (2.66 ± 0.37)%,
indicates that female
risk increases at a compound rate of 2.66% per year. These
values may be compared to the double pair comparison values
a = (31.1 ± 2.2)% and b = (2.16 ± 0.10)%. Both methods
show higher rates of increase per year for males than for
Figure 6-12. The ratio, R, of the risk of death for a female of the indicated age to the risk of death to a 20-year-old male. The bold symbols are results from two-car crashes in which one driver is a 20-year-old male and the other is a female of the indicated age. Based on 1768 female and 877 male fatalities in FARS 1975-1998.16 The smaller symbols reproduce the data in Fig. 6-9.
Comments on results from the two methods
In the age analyses, the higher than trend values of R at
the oldest ages likely reflects that when older drivers are
involved in two-car crashes, their vehicles are more likely
to be struck on the side (Fig. 7-20, p. 165). A driver in a
car struck on the side is at much higher risk than a driver
of a frontally-impacted car (Fig. 4-8, p. 74). Thus, the
data at the oldest ages reflect that average impact severity
is greater for older drivers than for the 20-year-old
comparison drivers. There are insufficient data to restrict
this study to frontal crashes only, which would avoid this
The relatively close quantitative agreement between the
two-car and double-pair-comparison estimates for the gender
and for the age analyses increases confidence in the
validity of both methods, in the results derived from them,
and in the interpretation given to these results.
Alcohol consumption and survivability
There is a common impression that the presence of alcohol
reduces the likelihood of injury, given an impact of
specific severity. This fits a common notion that, by being
more relaxed, drunks are more likely to "roll with the
punches." More importantly, some clinical studies
seemed to support this notion. In general, these studies
monitored the progress of sets of drunk and sober patients
admitted to hospitals with injuries of similar severity. It
was generally observed that the drunks exhibited higher
rates of recovery or survivability. These studies were
methodologically flawed in that the agent being studied,
namely alcohol, played a crucial role in subject selection.
If alcohol increases the probability of dying at the scene
of a crash, then subjects whose injuries proved fatal
because of alcohol use were excluded from the comparison in
the hospital tests. Similarly, if being sober compared to
being drunk were to reduce injury to below that requiring
hospitalization, this would similarly negate any conclusions
based exclusively on those admitted to hospital. Indeed,
instead of examining how alcohol influences injury risk,
such studies examine secondary and unimportant details of
the non-normalized distributions of injury versus recovery
curves for drunk and sober drivers.
The first study to really address how alcohol affected
survivability in a crash compared injuries to drunk and
sober drivers involved in crashes matched in a sufficient
number of important characteristics that they could be
judged to be of similar severity. It concluded, based on
data on 1,126,507 drivers involved in 1979-1983 North
Carolina crashes, that alcohol-impaired drivers were 3.85
times as likely to die as alcohol-free drivers in crashes of
comparable severity.
Being overweight was found to increase an occupant's risk of
death and serious injury in traffic crashes. The authors
comment that co-morbid factors could have contributed to the
effect. Interactive effects between alcohol consumption and
being overweight could be one of those.
Additional evidence that alcohol increases injury risk is
provided by findings that an intoxicated person might be at
greater risk of immediate death due to increased
vulnerability to shock and therefore decreased time
available for emergency medical intervention. , Alcohol was
found to increase the severity of traumatic brain injury in
motor vehicle crash victims controlling for crash severity
Addressing alcohol effect using FARS data
FARS contains a variable Alcohol Test Result presenting
measured levels of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
(Chapter 10). It might therefore appear that survivability
could be addressed using the double pair comparison method
or the two-car crash method. Three problems preclude using
either method:
1. BAC is not measured for all drivers. In FARS 2002, 35% of
fatally injured drivers had no BAC level coded (Table 10-3,
p. 249).
2. The probability that BAC is measured is substantially
lower for surviving than for fatally-injured drivers. In
FARS 2002, 75% of the drivers who were not killed had no BAC
level coded.
3. The probability that BAC is measured increases with BAC
for surviving and for fatally-injured drivers.
FARS advises "Alcohol Test Results from this database
should be interpreted with caution." Because of the
need to estimate the role of alcohol in the nation's fatal
crashes, procedures to impute the missing BAC values based
on relationships between such factors as nighttime driving
and single-vehicle crashes that are known to correlate with
alcohol use have been developed and refined over the years.
Any attempt to use the double pair comparison method runs
into yet another problem. Only 12% of passengers involved in
fatal crashes have BAC values coded in FARS. There is rarely
a reason to measure the BAC of a surviving passenger, so
that most values are from autopsies. If used to investigate
how alcohol affected risk of survival, control occupants in
the first and second comparisons must have similar alcohol
use. If driver and passenger BAC were identical (and they
tend to be similar), then no effect would be measured
regardless of its magnitude.
In view of these problems, an approach was adopted that used
only fatally injured drivers with measured BAC. Although the
approach used two-car crashes, it was described in terms of
the following non-traffic analogy. Assume that elevators are
dramatically less safe than they are, and that they are
prone to come crashing freely to the ground. Assume that a
sober person has a 1% probability of being killed in a low
severity crash in which the elevator falls from the second
floor. Assume that being drunk doubles that probability to
2%. From many such crashes a treatment data set is formed
consisting exclusively of fatally-injured elevator riders
with known BAC. In order to extract from such data the
assumed doubling of risk associated with alcohol, we need to
know the mix of drunk and sober people who ride elevators.
This is obtained from an exposure data set consisting of
fatalities in elevators that fell from, say, the 40th or
higher floors. Essentially everyone is such a crash will be
killed, so the mix of drunk and sober fatalities provides
the required exposure.
If two cars crash head on into each other and one car is
more than 25% heavier than the other, the driver of the
heavier car is far less likely to die than the driver of the
lighter car (Fig. 4-5, p. 69). A treatment set can therefore
be formed from drivers who died in heavier cars, given that
drivers in lighter cars survived. All these treatment
drivers died in crashes in which the probability of death
was low, so that any factor that increased risk of death
would increase their numbers. The exposure set is formed
from drivers in lighter cars in two-car crashes in which the
driver of the heavier (by ³ 25%) car was killed. The
probability that sober drivers are killed in the lighter car
is so high that any additional risk-increasing factor has
little opportunity to influence the outcome.
Additional two-car crash configurations were included,
including side impact compared to frontal impact (Fig. 4-8,
p. 74) to augment the small sample sizes resulting from the
strict criteria for data inclusion. The probability of death
in the treatment sample was 9.2% (higher than ideal), and in
the exposure set 76.2% (substantially lower than ideal).
Correction factors were applied to extrapolate these to the
more extreme values of near zero and 100% assumed by the
This same method was applied to investigate how age affected
risk of death from the same physical impact. The results,
based on much larger samples than available for the alcohol
analysis, agreed with those reported above, providing
additional validation for the age effects, and more
importantly for the present method.25
A comparison of the distributions of BAC in the treatment
and exposure sets led to the result plotted in Fig. 6-13.
The straight line
is a least-squares fit to the data reflecting the definition
that R = 1 at BAC = 0. Thus R gives the risk at a given BAC
relative to a value of unity for a driver with BAC = 0. The
value derived for the parameter from the fit is
Equation 6-10 with k = 9.1 estimates that, given involvement
in a crash, the risk of death is increased by 73% by a BAC
of 0.08%, the legal limit for driving in most US states. The
average BAC in the bodies of fatally injured drivers who
have a non-zero BAC in 2001 FARS is 0.17%, at which level
the risk of death in a crash is 2.5 times that for a zero
BAC driver.
While the effect of alcohol on increasing risk of death in a
given crash is substantial, it is much smaller that the
effect of alcohol on increasing a driver's risk of crashing.
However, the increasing effect on fatality risk in a crash
is present whether the person drives or travels as a
passenger. Thus, a taxi passenger with BAC = 0.17% is 2.5
times as likely to die as a taxi passenger with BAC = 0 if
the taxi crashes.
Summary and conclusions (see printed text)
There is old adage that God protects drunks and babies. The
detailed analyses in this chapter show it is false on both
counts - from the same severity impact babies and drunks are
more likely to die.
for Chapter 6 - Numbers in [ ] refer to superscript
references in book that do not correctly show in this html
version. To see how they appear in book see the
version of Chapter 1.
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[16] Evans L, Gerrish PH.
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[22] Cunningham RM, Maio RF, Hill EM,
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37: 236-240.
[23] Fatality Analysis Reporting
System (FARS) Web-Based Encyclopedia. Create a query,
and choose “Alcohol Test Result” as a variable to obtain
caution regarding use of BAC values in site.
[24] Subramanian R. Transitioning to Multiple Imputation – A New Method to Estimate Missing Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Values in FARS. Report DOT HS 809 403. Washington, DC: US Dept of Transportation; January 2002 (Revised October 2002). http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/pdf/nrd-30/NCSA/Rpts/2002/809-403.pdf
[25] Evans L, Frick MC. Alcohol’s effect on fatality risk from a physical insult . J Stud Alcohol. 1993; 54: 441-449.