Chapter 6: Gender, Age, and Alcohol Effects on Survival
Chapter 7: Older Drivers of Traffic Safety (Copyright © 2004 by Leonard Evans)
(Numbering is sequence on a longer LIST OF PUBLICATIONS)
Pre digital age - but of note for that reason 77. Older driver involvement in fatal and severe traffic crashes. The Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 43: S186-S193; 1988. Yes - 1988 Conclusions of ~30 years ago same as now. Yes - a problem, but not much of a problem. Overwhelmingly, main threat to other road users is from young male drivers. While risks in traffic increase as people age past ~65, the increase from other sources, especially disease, is far faster. The probability that an old persons' death is due to a traffic crash becomes vanishingly small with increasing age. Far more important to take your pills, check your blood pressure,. cholesterol, and weight, hold handrail going down stairs, etc. and forget about safety belt! Best to do all - but some are more important than others. [traffic problem for old folks is mobility - not risk of getting killed]. |
How safe were today's
older drivers when they were younger? (PDF). American
Journal of Epidemiology 137:
769-775; 1993.
involved in crashes killing older road users (PDF). SAE
paper 2007-01-1165. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, April
and age influence on fatality risk from the same physical impact determined
using two-car crashes (PDF). (Authors:
Leonard Evans and Peter H. Gerrish), SAE paper 011174. Warrendale, PA: Society
of Automotive Engineers; March 2001. (Also
included in: Vehicle Aggressivity
and Compatibility in Automotive Crashes. SAE special publication SP-1601,
138. Age
and Fatality Risk from Similar Severity Impacts (PDF). Journal
of Traffic Medicine,
29: 10-19, 2001.
137. Female
Compared to Male Fatality Risk from Similar Physical Impacts (PDF). Journal
of Trauma, 50:281-8, 2001
133. Risks
older drivers face themselves and threats they pose to other road users (PDF). International
Journal of Epidemiology,
29: 315 - 322; 2000