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For more on this subject see page 6 of Traffic Safety (2004)
British Medical Journal 2001;322:1320-1321 ( 2 June )
Accidents are not unpredictable For many years safety officials and public health
authorities have discouraged use of the word "accident" when
it refers to injuries or the events that produce
them. An accident
is often understood to be unpredictable In an editorial in the BMJ in 1993 Evans
explained why "motor vehicle crash" is an
appropriate expression but "motor vehicle accident" is
not: "The word crash indicates in a simple factual
way what is observed, while accident
seems to suggest in addition a general
explanation of why it occurred without any evidence to
support such an explanation."4
Evans also argued that "accident"
is inappropriate in reference to medical errors (as in
medical accidents)
and that "its use in medical settings continues to
mislead."4 Eight years later "accident"
continues to be misused in medical circles As a leading communicator in medicine, the BMJ
needs to establish or follow standards in language.
Therefore we are banning the inappropriate use of
in our pages. The BMJ may be the first
major medical journal to do so, but we hope we are not
the last. The BMJ Publishing Group will encourage all its
journals to follow suit. We are pleased that the Journal
of Accident
and Emergency Medicine, which is co-owned by the
BMJ Publishing Group and the British Association
for Accident
and Emergency Medicine, has just changed its name
to Emergency Medicine Journal. Perhaps the
rest of the emergency medicine establishment in the United
Kingdom will jettison "accidents,"
as have its counterparts in the United States,
Canada, and many other countries.12 Implementation of the ban will not be draconian, and
editors will have the discretion to decide whether use of
the term is inappropriate or misleading. "Accident" is
used in the Ninth Revision of the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD-9), so we will
allow it to be used when referring to specific ICD-9
terminology. In addition, we acknowledge that
some injury producing events may seem to be
attributable to bad luck or acts of God and thus not
preventable. These include earthquakes, being struck by
lightning, avalanches, storms at sea, and other
natural disasters. Even in these instances,
however, there is some disagreement. To the extent that
these events are predictable, preventive steps can be taken
by avoiding dangerous places at times of risk. With
modern technology it is often possible to predict
where or when these events will occur. As Evans noted, some may see this as nothing more than a
"pedantic quibble."4
Girasek worries that statements like "injuries aren't
may actually cause harm by engendering victim blaming
and decreasing the support afforded "accident
survivors."13 Nevertheless,
we believe that correct and consistent terminology will
help improve understanding that injuries of all kinds Which words will serve us in place of accidents? The BMJ
's linguistic transgressions cited above can be replaced
by motor vehicle crashes or collisions,
playground injuries, home injuries, aviation
crashes, unintentional drug overdoses and carbon monoxide
poisoning, and medical errors. Further guidance on how
to speak clearly about injuries comes from the US
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
which has developed a framework for categorising the
circumstances of an injury or poisoning along two
dimensions. One dimension is the intent of injury
or manner of death: unintentional, intentionally
self inflicted (suicide if fatal), intentionally inflicted
by another (assault or homicide), or intent undetermined.
The other dimension We are struggling to find a generic term that covers the
range of events in which people may be injured, killed, or
"lucky" to escape. For example, what do
we use in place of "accident
survivors"? Mishaps, misadventures,
calamities, events, and incidents have their own
shortcomings, and the English language may simply fail us
here. Perhaps we should coin a word to refer collectively to
the incidents that may produce injury (injidents?). We
invite suggestions from readers. Purging a common term from our lexicon will not be easy.
remains entrenched in lay and medical discourse and will
no doubt continue to appear in manuscripts submitted
to the BMJ. We are asking our editors to
be vigilant in detecting and rejecting inappropriate
use of the "A" word, and we trust that our readers
will keep us on our toes by alerting us to instances
when "accidents"
slip through. BMJ(rdavis1@hfhs.org) Montreal Children's Hospital, Canada QC H3H 1P3 (bpless@po-box.mcgill.ca)a
chance occurrence or an "act of God"
therefore unavoidable. However, most injuries and their
precipitating events are predictable and preventable.1-3 That is why the BMJ
has decided to ban the word accident.
on the pages of the BMJ. An online search for "accident" in
the BMJ for the period January 1996 to December
2000 indicated that it has been used in the title
or abstract of 101 articles and anywhere
within 1559 articles. Some uses of the word
may be appropriate or unavoidable
for example, in
reference to accident
and emergency departments (which should be renamed). On
the other hand, many of these uses contravene the
terminology recommended by safety officials,
public health authorities, and Evans in his BMJ
editorial. The following are examples from the titles
of papers published in the BMJ during the past few
years: road traffic accidents,5 playground accidents,6 home accidents,7 aviation accidents,8 accidental
drug overdoses,9 accidental carbon
monoxide poisoning,10 and
medical accidents.11
homes, schools and workplaces, vehicles, and medical
are usually preventable. Such
awareness, coupled with efforts to implement prevention
strategies, will help reduce the incidence and severity
of injuries.
the mechanism of injury
or cause of death
characterises the external
agent or particular activity that caused the injury (for
example, motor vehicle, fall, fire/burn, firearm, poisoning,
and suffocation). The framework has been presented in
the form of a matrix, depicted as mechanism by
intent of injury
for example, poisoning
related (mechanism) suicide (intent). 14
15 Although the
framework and matrix were developed primarily to standardise
the grouping of ICD-9 E codes (external causes of
injury codes) for tabulating injury data, they
can help guide the use of terminology in the BMJ
and other publications.
Barry Pless
1. | Doege TC. An injury is no accident. N Engl J Med 1978; 298: 509-510[Medline]. |
2. | Loimer H, Driur M, Guarnieri M. Accidents and acts of God: a history of the terms. Am J Public Health 1996; 86: 101-107[Abstract]. |
3. | Doege TC. Eschewing accidents. JAMA 1999; 282: 427[Medline]. |
4. | Evans L. Medical accidents: no such thing? BMJ 1993; 307: 1438-1439[Medline]. |
5. | Stallard P, Velleman R, Baldwin S. Prospective study of post-traumatic stress disorder in children involved in road traffic accidents. BMJ 1998; 317: 1619-1623[Abstract/Full Text]. |
6. | This week in the BMJ: Surveillance of playground accidents can lead to their reduction. BMJ 1999;318 (12 June). http://bmj.com/content/vol318/issue7198/twib.shtml |
7. | Waldon G. Accidents at home are no more likely in deprived areas. BMJ 2000; 320: 1276[Full Text]. |
8. | Cullen SA, Drysdale HC, Mayes RW. Role of medical factors in 1000 fatal aviation accidents: case note study. BMJ 1997; 314: 1592[Full Text]. |
9. | Satchithananda DK, Stone DL, Chauhan A, Richie AJ. Unrecognised accidental overdose with diltiazem. BMJ 2000; 321: 160-161[Full Text]. |
10. | Pullinger R. Lesson of the week: Something in the air: survival after dramatic, unsuspected case of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. BMJ 1996; 312: 897-898[Full Text]. |
11. | Dyer C. No fault compensation for medical accidents under consideration. BMJ 1997; 315: 1111-1116[Full Text]. |
12. |
Reid C, Chan L. Emergency medicine terminology in the United
Kingdom![]() |
13. | Girasek DC. How members of the public interpret the word accident. Injury Prevention 1999; 5: 19-25[Medline]. |
14. | US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommended framework for presenting injury mortality data. MMWR 1997; 46(No RR-14): 1-30. ftp://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Publications/mmwr/rr/rr4614.pdf |
15. | US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Revised framework of external cause of injury (E code) groupings for presenting injury mortality and morbidity data. on www.cdc.gov/ncipc/whatsnew/matrix1.htm and on www.cdc.gov/ncipc/whatsnew/matrix2.htm (accessed 17 January 2001) |