• USA TODAY opinion piece, U.S. Traffic Safety Misleads the Public: As GM ignition case shows, technology is emphasized over driver behavior, Sept.2014

• AJPH Editorial 20,000  more Americans killed annually because US traffic-safety policy rejects science. Aug. 2014

• New paperback copies of classic 1991 Traffic Safety and the Driver available on Amazon.com ($29.95), Kindle ($9.99)

• Information on 2004 book  

• How to Purchase Traffic Safety

• Latest Additions

• Leonard Evans - Bio
   (Publications, talks, PowerPoints, etc)

 Extra Publications

• Editorials

• Alcohol Calculator

• Presentations

• Specific Topics

• Visit to Titanic

• Personal

• Photographs

• Super-8 Family Movies

Sidebar updated 2018-05-12



From Professor David Evans - (the other Dr. Evans)

Perfect fun gift for your grandchildren so they can explain to you how computers work


Please click: Dori-Mic and the Universal Machine!


Please click: Introduction to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines  


Created 2017-10-04