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14 How you can reduce your risk
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I open this chapter with a confession. I am in the weak
position of a male obstetrician. While I study traffic
crashes, I have never had the ultimate experience of being
involved in one myself. This fact alone does not provide
sufficient information to determine whether I know how to
avoid crashing, or have merely been lucky. However, Table
1-1 (p. 13) shows that the probability that a random driver
will have at least one crash in 48 years of driving is
98.4%. Some researchers would almost certainly at this stage
invoke the phrase statistically significant. This has not
been used in this book for reasons I have explained
elsewhere. (p 377)
If merely lucky, perhaps I am foolishly tempting fate by my
comments. At a White House news conference in 1960 a
reporter asked President Eisenhower, "Sir, do you
realize that on your upcoming birthday you will be the
oldest President ever to serve?" Ike smiled and
answered, "I believe it's a tradition in baseball that
when a pitcher has a no-hitter going for him, nobody reminds
him of it." (p 155)
In previous chapters many results relating to aggregate
effects were presented, and interpretations offered of
factors that affect overall traffic safety. Here we address
the more personal question of what steps you as an
individual driver can take to reduce your personal crash
risk. The generally sensible advice in so many "How to
drive safely" guides will not be repeated here. Rather,
we offer general approaches and principles that may be less
familiar, illustrated in some cases with examples from my
own personal experience.
Behavior, not knowledge, is crucial
An informal "show of hands" survey I conducted at
an international traffic safety meeting provided
unmistakable evidence that some safety professionals had
well above average crash rates.
Objective data on the behavior of traffic-safety
professionals were provided by the measured speeds of
Finnish road-safety researchers as they approached the venue
of a national road safety meeting. Of the 13 researchers who
could be tracked by radar in a 60 km/h speed-limit zone,
nine exceeded 70 km/h, six of these exceeded 80 km/h, and
three of those reached 90 km/h. The researchers' speeds
were, on average, higher than those of the general public.
One of my highest risk trips was as a passenger in a vehicle
transporting me between functions at a safety conference in
a major US city. The vehicle was driven by a driving
I have not been much involved with the racing fraternity,
and have chatted at length with only one racing driver - a
great guy, as they tend to be. He had been involved in a
fatal crash. Because there was no suggestion that he was
legally at fault he was confident that there was nothing he
could have done to prevent the death of the housewife who
was killed in the crash.
Average behavior produces average crash risk
The low rates at which adverse events occur (Table 13-2, p.
340) repeatedly reinforce an impression that driving is
extremely safe. Let us invoke the mental construct of a
hypothetical average driver, who has the same 0.0858
probability of crashing per year as the US average,
equivalent to one crash per 11.7 years (Table 1-1, p. 13).
Such an individual has a slightly better than even chance of
driving for 8 years without crashing (or 187,000 km,
assuming 23,400 km per year). The copious feedback the
average driver receives that average driving does not lead
to unpleasant consequences cements the impression that
average driving is safe driving.
However, in the same 8 years, this driver also has a more
than 15% probability of being involved in two or more
crashes (computed using
Eqn 1-1, p. 12) with l = 0.0858 and N=8). The average driver
has no direct way of knowing that a natural and essentially
inevitable consequence of average driving is involvement in
one crash about every 12 years, or about 5 crashes in a
driving career.
The probability that our hypothetical driver will experience
at least one crash over a 55 year driving career exceeds
99%. Thus it is nearly certain that normal driving over a
driving career will inexorably lead to a crash. A common
reaction of drivers involved in crashes is to view them as
rare unpredictable events outside reasonable human control,
and of such a unique nature that nothing like them will ever
recur. Yet, for our hypothetical driver, rather than being
unpredictable, a crash is essentially inevitable. To
realistically expect less than five crashes over a driving
career, our hypothetical driver must adopt changed driving
behavior that no longer matches the average behavior that
copious direct feedback in the form of personal experience
indicated was safe and appropriate.
For airline pilots it would be unthinkable to expect to
crash about every 12 years, or for it to be inevitable to
crash during a flying career. Yet flying is intrinsically
more difficult and dangerous than ground travel. In my view,
is within the control of the ground-vehicle driver to
approach the same low
crash risks that commercial pilots achieve in flying. It
seems pilots are fairly safe in road driving also, having
the third lowest crash rate among 40 occupations examined.
Most drivers think they are better than other drivers
While most drivers would likely choose to change their
behavior rather than accept one crash per 12 years, they do
not feel at risk because they think that it is only other
drivers who crash. One reason is that the vast majority of
drivers believe that they are safer than average. Many
investigations have come to this conclusion, but the
question tends to be ill defined because the concept of
average is left vague. Does it refer to those who live in
your city, nation, or the world?
Study showing that most drivers think they are better than
The best-controlled study consisted of two experiments in
which subjects ranked themselves relative to others in the
same room at the same time. One experiment had samples of
drivers self-assess their safety compared to the safety of
other drivers, while the other experiment applied the same
approach to driving skill. The safety study used a group of
45 student subjects from a US state, Oregon, and another
group of 35 students from Stockholm, Sweden. Each group was
assembled in a room, so that every member was aware of the
entire group. The participants were informed that, as there
was bound to be a safest and a least safe driver in the
room, all drivers could be rank ordered from the safest to
the least safe. Each was then asked where they considered
that they would be located in such a ranking.
The percentile at which each experimental point is plotted
in Fig. 14-1 indicates the percent of the drivers who
responded that they considered themselves to be safer than
the drivers in lower percentile categories. For example, the
values plotted at the median show that 88% of the US sample
and 77% of the Swedish sample reported that they considered
themselves to be safer than the drivers in the 0-50
percentile range. That is, they judged their safety to be
superior to the median safety of the drivers sharing the
room with them.
The reality data indicate what would be produced if every
driver was given a list containing an objectively measured
safety score for each group member, and had merely to report
where his or her score ranked on the list. For experimental
and reality data, the first point must be 100%, because all
drivers must be as safe as, or safer than, the least safe
driver. For the reality data each additional 10 percentile
points along the x-axis must correspond to 10% of the
population, leading to the linear decline shown.
By definition, 30% of drivers are actually as safe as or
safer than the safest 70%, but 83% of the US sample and 51%
of the Swedish sample considered themselves to be this safe.
60% of the US and 23% of the Swedish drivers considered
themselves safer than 80% of drivers, whereas actually 20%
The skill experiment was conducted in the same way using
different, but similarly recruited, students who were asked
to rank their driving skills compared to the driving skills
of the other drivers in the room. The safety and skill
results show similar patterns of overestimation. Of the 36
experimental points in Fig. 14-1 all except three are above
the reality line, indication that safety and skill were
consistently overestimated. The three exceptions were all
from the presumably more modest Swedish students not ranking
themselves in the very highest categories; thus some
necessarily ranked themselves lower than their true rank.
Overestimation of safety and skill was far greater by the US
than the Swedish students.
Other evidence of overconfidence
Australian drivers interviewed at home systematically rated
their abilities as higher than average. The overestimation
was greater for males than for females of the same age, the
differences being large and systematic. The subjects
similarly overrated their abilities, compared to the
average, to drive safely after consuming alcohol. A study in
New Zealand found that up to 80% of drivers rate themselves
above average on a number of important characteristics, but
also tended to rate themselves below 'a very good driver'.
In a study of US students, 75% considered themselves to be
safer than others, 89% thought they were more skillful, but
only 54% thought they had lower crash likelihood. Young and
old Canadian drivers systematically rated their overall
driving ability, and their abilities at specific driving
tasks, as above average. Another study further confirms that
most US drivers rate their skills as better than average.
These systematic misjudgments are not necessarily corrected
by personal experience. Responses of 50 drivers seriously
injured in crashes and of 50 matched crash-free drivers were
compared. When asked about how skillful they were, the two
groups gave similar results, indicating that most of these
early 1960s drivers, irrespective of crash records,
considered themselves to be more skillful than most other
drivers. On the other hand, another study finds that
estimates of personal crash risk increase, and estimates of
driving ability decline, with crash involvement.9 Drivers
self-reported greater willingness to wear belts after being
seriously injured in crashes.
Over 50% of all drivers do in fact have crash rates lower
than the average. A parallel statement applies to many
things, because real world distributions are more
logarithmic than linear. If 99 average people and one sports
superstar were in a room, 99% of the people in the room
would have below-average income. However, the sports
superstar would not unduly influence the median income, the
income that was greater than earned by half of the people
but less than earned by the other half. The distribution of
crash rates cannot be symmetric, because no individual can
have a rate lower than zero, or expressed differently, lower
than the average value by more than the average value.
However, a driver can have a crash rate higher than the
average value by any amount. Thus the median crash rate
(like the median salary) will always be less than the
average. The focus of most of the studies reviewed is on
medians. The public tends to think of average as meaning
median, so the distinction is of little practical importance
in the few studies that asked subjects to compare themselves
to average drivers.
Why do most drivers think they are better than average?
Subjects asked to rate themselves on a collection of
abilities or dispositions (gardening, clumsiness, house
painting, intelligence, happiness, cooking, competitiveness,
and musical ability), as well as safe and skillful driving,
produced results generally similar to those for safe and
skillful driving. Thus the driving case is part of a more
general pattern. There is a body of research showing that
people have a systematic bias in favor of thinking that
their personal risk is lower than that of others for a wide
range of hazards. While such optimism can contribute to an
increased feeling of well-being, it encourages risky
decision making in activities such as driving.
Because drivers think of themselves as safer than other
drivers, according to the theory of cognitive dissonance,
they are likely to interpret additional evidence as
supporting this belief. Reports of fatalities, rather than
inducing fear, tend to confirm perceptions of driving
superiority, in that it is other people who are being
killed. Most drivers have not been injured, so reports of
serious injuries similarly confirm perceptions of driving
While fear is present in learning to drive, the goal is to
eliminate it. Good driving is relaxed and confident. The
longer one drives, the greater is the accumulation of
evidence that all the really bad things happen to others.
When drivers perform actions in traffic (say, driving too
fast for conditions), and no undesirable consequences
follow, the belief that the action is safe receives
reinforcement, and is more likely to be repeated in the
future. Indeed if a speed is perceived to be safe, why
should a marginally higher speed not also be safe? The
process has a tendency to generate increasing speeds until
some incident, such as near loss of control on a curve, or a
speeding ticket provides corrective feedback.
We receive day-to-day feedback confirming our belief that we
drive better than others. We notice when other drivers
maintain poor lane position, or turn corners with
inappropriate trajectories, or without signaling. We are
unaware when others are making similar judgments about us.
As Robert Burns laments, "O wad some Pow'r the giftie
gie us -- To see oursels as others see us!" The
systematic bias in our perception of our own driving is
somewhat akin to people's perception that they find more
coins than they lose. They are aware of finding, but
generally unaware of losing. Experience can be a false
Crashes and driver responsibility
Police procedures generally categorize drivers involved in
crashes as being either at fault or not at fault. These
designations are useful and necessary for administrative and
legal purposes, and even on occasions for research. To
assure completeness, I think it is helpful to place all the
harm that can happen to drivers into one of three categories
in order of increasing culpability:
1. Unavoidable.
2. Not at fault.
3. At fault.
Unavoidable harm in traffic
Terms like unavoidable crash occur with much greater
frequency than events that are really unavoidable. The term
occurs in innumerable formal documents and informal tales of
woe. Some harm in traffic is genuinely unavoidable. There
are cases of vehicles driving over bridges that collapse due
to structural failure or earthquake, or vehicles being
struck by falling parts from disintegrating aircraft.
Drivers involved in such crashes are victims of random
events over which they have essentially no control, given
that they have decided to drive. There are no realistic
changes they can make in their driving behavior to reduce
such risks. In my view only a microscopic fraction of the
risk a driver faces is due to events over which the driver
has no control. Although the fraction is extremely small,
the absolute number of drivers fatally injured in such
events still far exceeds deaths from many other causes that
command much more public attention and resources.
Not-at-fault crashes
The tendency to seek similarities between the not-at-fault
legal designation and the random events portrayed above
flows from a human tendency to blame bad luck rather than
ourselves when things go wrong. While I cannot make a bridge
fall down as I drive over it, nor cause an aircraft
undercarriage to land on my roof, I could easily and quickly
become the not-at-fault driver in a two-vehicle crash if I
wanted to do so. All I would have to do is to drive in
traffic until followed by a tailgater (usually not very
long!) and then select an appropriate moment to brake
briskly. It is, of course, not the purpose of this chapter
to provide instruction in how to produce crashes, but how to
avoid them. However, if the reader accepts that it is
possible through purposeful actions to become the
not-at-fault driver in a two-vehicle crash, then it follows
that it must be possible through purposeful actions to avoid
becoming a not-at-fault driver in some two-vehicle crashes.
Not-at-fault drivers who claim that there was nothing they
could have done tend to view their crashes as inflicted upon
them by a traffic system over which they have no control.
After all, they cannot control the behavior of other
drivers, so there is nothing more they can do beyond driving
legally and carefully themselves. Rather than accepting
this, I believe that the individual driver can reduce crash
risk substantially by taking steps to avoid not-at-fault
involvement. Indeed, I consider that a vast majority (but
certainly not all) not-at-fault drivers involved in
multiple-vehicle crashes could have avoided their crashes by
changing their behavior.
At-fault crashes
The first priority in avoiding risk, the easy one, is never
to be at fault. Obeying traffic law largely achieves this.
However, there are other actions that are not specifically
proscribed by law that should be avoided. Commercial drivers
(of trucks and busses) are subject to much more specific
rules regulating how long they can drive without a break,
and how much alcohol may be in their blood. All drivers
should be sensitive to the increased risk of driving while
fatigued or after consuming legal amounts of alcohol.
Speed is central. One encounters often statements claiming
that some percent
of crashes involved speeding. Although the percent given is
usually high, I believe it is an underestimation. Far fewer
data document the role of speeding in crashes than that of
alcohol. A post-crash alcohol measurement provides
definitive evidence on alcohol in the blood just prior to
the crash. However, after a crash a vehicle is stationary,
and pre-crash travel speed is rarely available from
objective measurements. Only a microscopic fraction of all
crashes are shown by physical evidence to have occurred
during travel at legal speeds. Although specific speed data
are not available, I am convinced by the unstructured
evidence that is available that the vast majority of crashes
involve either violations of traffic law or clearly
imprudent behavior.
Rear-impact crashes
The conceptual simplicity and frequent occurrence of
rear-impact crashes makes them suitable to illustrate in
detail the concepts introduced above. A rear-impact crash
involves one at-fault driver, the follower, and one
not-at-fault driver, the leader. This is legally how it is,
and how it should be. It is the responsibility of following
drivers to not crash into vehicles they are following,
whereas lead drivers are entitled to slow down or stop, as
the need arises, without incurring legal jeopardy. Close
following, or tailgating, places a minimum of two vehicles
at risk of crash involvement
The vehicle-following driver
It is the following driver's legal obligation to avoid
rear-impact crashes by following in a legal, safe, and
prudent manner. The extent to which this is generally not
done is illustrated by the distribution of following
headways on a US urban Interstate freeway in Michigan in
1978 (Fig. 14-2). In this figure the headway of a following
car is defined as the elapsed time between the front of the
lead vehicle passing a point on the roadway and the front of
the following vehicle passing the same point. The two groups
of drivers are identified based on driving records from
police files. One group had one or more police-reported
crashes in a seven-year period, whereas the other group was
crash free. 27.3% of the drivers with crashes had headways
less than one second, compared to 23.3% of the crash-free
drivers. While the crashes were not just rear impacts,
tailgating correlates with other risk-taking in traffic. The
drivers had their crashes before being photographed
tailgating, again showing that crash experience did not
teach them to behave even as safely as average drivers. Many
of the same vehicles were photographed on multiple
occasions. Those tailgating on one occasion were likely to
tailgate on other occasions, underlying the habitual nature
of the behavior.
Relative to the reaction times mentioned in Chapter 8, and
to the advice in most driver manuals that headways should be
at least two seconds, driving with a headway of less than
one second must be viewed as risky. Most drivers choose
following headways less than the recommended two seconds,
one study finding an average headway of 1.36 seconds.
Why do drivers choose to follow so closely? Tailgating
becomes largely a driving habit, rather than reasoned
conscious behavior. Drivers appear to do many things more
for their own sake than for any utility benefit. Indeed, it
is suggested that some criminal behavior is indulged in, not
for the expected gain, but for the enjoyment of the
activity. We have all observed one vehicle dangerously
tailgating another on a stretch of multi-lane freeway
containing no vehicles other than our own and the tailgating
pair. The tailgater could often reduce his or her personal
risk by passing, thereby also saving time.
Unlike many other forms of driver risk-taking, such as
speeding, overtaking, or running red lights, tailgating does
not save much time. If you ignore the question of other
vehicles cutting into the gap in front of you, then
following at a headway of 2.0 seconds instead of 0.5 seconds
means that you arrive 1.5 seconds later. If the 1.5 seconds
is critical, it can all be recaptured by, say, closing up on
the vehicle in front just prior to exiting from the freeway.
In that way the risk of a closer following gap is incurred
for just a few seconds. Larger gaps do increase the
probability that another vehicle will cut in front, but
probably at less than one per 10 km of freeway travel under
the fairly uncommon traffic conditions in which this is most
likely. Even if a few vehicles do cut into the gap in front,
this adds only about 2 seconds per incident to the overall
trip time.
Drivers probably object to other vehicles cutting in front
of them not because it delays them a couple of seconds, but
because it is interpreted as some sort of personal affront,
an assault on their manhood or womanhood.
Why are drivers so relaxed when tailgating? There are two
reasons why many drivers feel so comfortable following at
headways that unreasonably increase their risk of at-fault
involvement in rear-impact crashes. First, the dominant cue
when following is the relative speed between your vehicle
and the one in front. This is normally very close to zero.
There is zero risk of a rear-impact collision if both
vehicles maintain identical speeds, no matter how high that
speed is. The largely static visual impression in
vehicle-following tends to lower awareness and concern
regarding speed. If the speed of the vehicle in front
changes suddenly, then the ensuing dynamical behavior of
both vehicles is strongly speed-dependent, with the amount
of energy available to cause harm even more so. The second
reason why drivers are comfortable tailgating, and being
tailgated, is that experience, that false educator, has
taught them that it is safe.
Tailgating and platoons of vehicles
Tailgating can produce particularly catastrophic results
when a platoon of many consecutive tailgaters forms. This is
because of intrinsic platoon dynamics that may amplify
disturbances as they propagate down a line of vehicles. If
the lead vehicle of a platoon slows down gently and then
regains its prior speed, the second vehicle may respond by
slowing down more rapidly (depending on reaction time and
headway). The third vehicle will then be confronted with a
more rapidly decelerating lead vehicle, so that as we
progress down the platoon, each driver produces a larger
deceleration, until eventually braking capability is
exceeded. For a sufficiently long platoon of vehicles with
identical following parameters, a multiple-vehicle pile-up
becomes inevitable.
Fig. 14-3 shows results from a mathematical model of a
situation in which a stream of identical cars follow each
other, initially all traveling at the same speed and
separated by 40 feet. The position of each car is shown
relative to the position of the first car (labeled 1),
assuming that this first car continued at a constant speed.
At time zero the first car reduces speed, but then returns
to its initial speed. As we proceed down the platoon, each
car approaches closer to the one in front, until car 8
crashes into car 7. One dear lady confessed that after
seeing this result she always made sure she was never car
number 7 in a platoon with more than 7 cars!
Figure 14-3. Mathematical representation of a stream of
identical cars, initially all traveling at the same speed
and separated by 40 feet.20 The eighth car crashes into the
seventh as a consequence of the lead car (number 1) reducing
speed at time zero and then returning to its initial speed 3
seconds later.
Naturally, her concerns should not have been so specific,
as Fig. 14-3 represents model output based on assumed
parameters. Different choices would have predicted different
specific outcomes. However, Fig. 14-3 does illustrate the
intrinsic instability of rows of tailgaters, which manifests
itself in the real world in the form of multiple-vehicle
pile-ups, sometimes with multiple fatalities. Crashes
involving the largest number of vehicles generally occur in
fog. Fog may encourage closer following in order to maintain
visual contact with lead vehicles, which will increase the
risk of multiple-vehicle pile-ups. Different effects may
also contribute, such as a lead vehicle suddenly appearing,
rather than being followed.
An individual driver in a platoon following at a large
headway may damp out the disturbance so that no collisions
occur. If you find yourself following many consecutive
tailgaters, and are yourself closely followed, then adopt a
headway larger than the normally safe two seconds. Drivers
choosing safer headways for themselves may thus make safety
contributions to the system, and thereby prevent harm to
drivers who will be entirely unaware that somebody else
prevented them from being involved in a crash.
How to reduce your risk of at-fault involvement
An individual driver can dramatically reduce the risk of
being involved in an at-fault rear-impact crash by following
at recommended headways rather than the shorter ones that
experience leads us to believe are safe. The experience that
the vehicle in front does not suddenly slow down must be
replaced by the intellectual understanding that for it to do
so is not an event of cosmic rarity. Everyone knows that
there is a small probability that a small animal unseen by a
following driver will suddenly run across the road. Everyone
also knows that some lead drivers will brake sharply to
avoid striking the animal. There is a high price to be paid
for driving in such a way that when rare but entirely normal
events occur, you crash.
Adopting a recommended headway will increase the probability
that drivers cut in front of you. The resulting delay to you
is minor. Ignore any perceived affront. If detached
rationality cannot dispel such feelings, seek comfort in the
confident, if less noble, expectation that the offending
driver is likely to have more than the average one crash per
12 years. Let such drivers save their few seconds and have
their fun - you know, even if they don't, that they are
paying a far higher price for it than they realize.
Recapture your few seconds by walking faster to your
vehicle, thus improving your cardiovascular health, which
will enable you to outlive the scoundrel who cut in front of
A case when safer following saves time. When a lead vehicle
signals an intention to turn, many following drivers
maintain a near-constant headway. This locks the trajectory
of their vehicle to that of the lead vehicle, even though
the lead vehicle will normally reduce speed substantially to
execute a turn. You can improve safety and efficiency if you
gently reduce speed as soon as the lead driver indicates
intention to turn. When the lead vehicle completes the turn,
your vehicle, although traveling slower than prior to the
initiation of the turn signal, is still traveling faster
than the turning vehicle, thereby saving you time, fuel and
brake linings. By being further from the lead vehicle during
its main deceleration, you have reduced your risk of
striking it, or being struck by the vehicle following you.
Can technology reduce rear-impact crashes? Subjective
estimates of head-ways can be unreliable. They may be
influenced by the type of vehicle we are driving, as
demonstrated in Fig. 8-1, p. 180. However, headways are easy
to estimate - simply judge when a lead vehicle passes a
feature on the roadway surface (a sharp shadow is ideal),
and count seconds. Saying "one thousand, two
thousand" usually works, but calibrate with a stopwatch
when you are not driving. Check your following headway
periodically, because it may drift towards the shorter
values that experience falsely indicates to be safe.
More sophisticated devices to warn drivers they are
tailgating have limited utility, and for the same reasons
that apply to devices to warn drivers they are speeding.
Speeding and tailgating are problems of behavior, not
inadequate knowledge. The speedometer, and the simple method
of estimating headways, provide the necessary information.
More sophisticated devices which automatically apply braking
have been developed. I never felt more at risk of being in a
rear-impact crash than when I traveled as a passenger in a
vehicle demonstrating one such device. Extreme tailgating
was used to show the device's capability. Even if the
technology were perfect, the risk was would be high. If our
vehicle were unable to match the braking of the lead
vehicle, we would hit it. Yet we had no basis to be
confident that the lead vehicle did not have superior tires
or brakes than our vehicle. We would be especially
vulnerable if a slippery patch of roadway surface was
encountered at the wrong time. The threat that we would be
rear-impacted by another vehicle far exceeded that of the
very short headway drivers represented in Fig. 14-2. What
might Fig. 14-3 look like for a platoon of vehicles equipped
with such devices?
How to reduce your risk of not-at-fault involvement
When another driver follows yours too closely, you bear the
risk of being involved in a rear-impact crash without
enjoying even the modest time savings of the tailgater. In
many cases you can reduce or avoid this risk by using a
variety of techniques to discourage other drivers from
following you too closely. To do so involves frequent use of
rear-view mirrors, which is in general a good driving
practice. If a vehicle follows mine too closely on a
non-crowded freeway, I simply speed up to get away from it,
or slow down to encourage the close follower to overtake.
Some drivers attempt to intimidate drivers of vehicles they
are following to travel faster by tailgating them. Respond
to this threat as one should respond to most threats in
traffic - by slowing down. The tailgater will eventually
pass you and go bother someone else.
If traffic is congested, increasing your own headway and
level of attention is indicated. It is not safe to keep your
concentration and attention at its peak level at all times.
This will produce fatigue, as it quickly does in novice
drivers who devote all of their attention to the driving
task in the pre-autonomous phase.
One situation in which being tailgated is particularly
unacceptable is merging onto a freeway. Here you may have to
abruptly reduce your speed if an attempted merge must be
aborted. The tailgater's need to share attention between the
merging and following tasks places you at high risk. If I am
tailgated on a freeway entrance ramp I monitor the
tailgater, reduce my speed substantially well before the
freeway, and when a potentially acceptable gap comes along,
accelerate rapidly, observing the tailgater recede into the
distance in my rear view mirror. The time lag before the
tailgater responds to the acceleration is readily observed,
and provides an interesting indication of his or her likely
time lag if I had braked instead.
Another effective way to deter tailgaters is to flash your
brake lights. This is most satisfying if the tailgater then
brakes. When in a particularly feisty mood, I have
occasionally applied the brakes mildly, followed by
acceleration, with most pleasing results. This approach
should not be used if the tailgater is also being tailgated,
as you do not want to precipitate a rear-impact crash.
Earlier I mentioned that it was easy to become the
not-at-fault driver in a crash. It is likewise easy to cause
a crash for which you bear no legal responsibility and in
which you are not even involved (the lead driver in Fig.
14-3 did nothing improper or illegal). If your actions
convince the following driver that you are too crazy to risk
following, then you have achieved your goal of increased
personal safety while at the same time reducing the
tailgater's risk. However, you may increase risk to another
driver. I invariably observe tailgaters select new targets
after I make it clear I will not allow them to tailgate me.
When being tailgated while enjoying the scenery on quiet
rural two-lane roads, I have pulled onto the shoulder
forcing the tailgater to pass. It is not uncommon for the
tailgater to then proceed at a slower speed than that used
previously to tailgate me, providing additional indications
that the source of the behavior is habit rather than time
savings. In congested city traffic, slowing down and using a
sweeping rearward hand gesture visible through the rear
window to invite a tailgater to keep further away usually
produces the intended result. You occasionally get
satisfying indications that the offending driver receives
additional helpful comments from a spouse sympathetic to
your views on the subject.
Approaching traffic lights. Drivers of vehicles struck in
the rear while stationary often seem to think that it is
self-evident their crashes were unavoidable. While a few are
indeed unpreventable, most can be prevented. The risk of
being struck in the rear while approaching a red light, or
the risk of being struck while stationary at the light, can
be influenced by your behavior approaching the light. Rather
than proceeding at prior cruising speed and braking strongly
close to the stop line, you can reduce crash risk by gently
coasting towards the stop line while maintaining just enough
pressure on the brake pedal to activate the brake lights. A
vehicle is more visible when moving than when stopped.
Basically, the goal should be to arrive in front of the stop
line just as the light turns green, having reduced your
speed as little as possible. This strategy also reduces
vehicle wear and fuel use. Delaying the decision to reduce
speed or stop increases the risk of being rear impacted. Red
light cameras encourage the decision to stop after such
indecision, and lead to increased rear impacts.
Sometimes you cannot avoid being so close to the light when
it changes that moderate deceleration followed by a period
of stationary waiting is unavoidable. For the period when
your vehicle is the only one waiting, you are at some risk
of being struck in the rear. Although there is not a great
deal you can do, it is still worth keeping an eye on your
rear view mirror. If any vehicle approaches in a threatening
way, you will increase your conspicuity by flashing your
brake lights off and on. This is because detection of
dynamic cues is greater than the detection of the static cue
of a constantly lit brake light, especially in peripheral
System-wide effects. The system-wide effects of safe
headways are not necessarily all positive. If all drivers
were so selfish as to reduce their personal rear-impact
crash risk by choosing two second headways, the capacity of
freeways would decline. Indeed, freeway flow would have a
theoretical upper limit of 1,800 vehicles per lane per hour.
Incredibly, flows of 2,650 vehicles per lane per hour, which
corresponds to an average headway of 1.36 seconds, have been
recorded on a British motorway.18 As this chapter is aimed
at the individual driver, the wise individual decision is to
protect yourself by choosing a safe following headway of
about two seconds. Let other more altruistic drivers assure
high flow by following at headways that place them at
increased personal risk but provide them little personal
Other traffic situations
I treated rear-end crashes in detail to illustrate
principles that apply also in other situations. I
particularly stressed that we are not obliged to become a
helpless not-at-fault partner for risky at-fault drivers.
Similar notions apply to other traffic situations.
Everyone knows that some drivers run red lights. If you are
the first vehicle in line, it is prudent to glance left, and
then right, before proceeding when the light turns green.
The presence of stopped, or stopping, vehicles in each cross
lane confirms that it is safe to proceed. Such increased
caution is particularly important if you are able to
approach the intersection without stopping just as the light
turns green. In this case, by reaching the center of the
roadway in less time than an initially stationary vehicle,
you could surprise a driver running the red light.
In city streets do not place your faith in other drivers
obeying stop signs, or adhering to right-of-way rules. Many
drivers seem to attack stop signs at high speed, and brake
at the last moment, even when they can clearly see traffic
on the major road. This seems to be another driving behavior
rooted in habit, rather than aimed at minimizing trip time.
When I, and many other drivers, traveling on a major road
see such a driver heading for our path, we slow down to see
what develops. After the driver on the minor road makes the
required legal stop, we regain our prior speed, and proceed
normally. Thus aggressive drivers delay prudent drivers on
the major road. But they also delay themselves, because they
must wait until the delayed driver passes the minor road. It
is another case in which more dangerous, aggressive driving
is rewarded by increased crash risk, increased vehicle wear,
increased fuel use, and increased delay. Pedestrians often
similarly increase delays to themselves and others by
standing so near the curbside that prudent approaching
motorists slow down.
Many drivers tailgate a vehicle they desire to overtake.
Assuming that the lead driver permits such behavior, it will
generally increase overtaking risk. The maximum overtaking
risk occurs when the overtaken and overtaking vehicle are
adjacent, preventing the overtaking vehicle from quickly
aborting and returning to its original lane. The time the
vehicles are adjacent is reduced if the relative speed
between the vehicles when they are level is increased. If
the following vehicle starts very close to the lead vehicle,
then the initial relative speed at the commencement of the
overtaking maneuver is close to zero. If the following
vehicle is further back, its speed can substantially exceed
that of the overtaken vehicle by the time the vehicles draw
level. Just prior to drawing level, the following vehicle
can safely abort.
On relatively deserted freeways I often observe vehicles
driving alongside each other on adjacent lanes. Such
behavior increases crash risk for no apparent reason. If you
find yourself alongside another vehicle, especially a long
truck, then speed up or slow down. Be particularly wary of
drivers who locate themselves behind your vehicle in
positions in which they cannot be seen in your rear-view
In general, keep as much space around you as possible. Major
driving errors, skids, tire blow-outs, and such incidents
are far less likely to lead to crashes if your vehicle is
not close to other vehicles or objects. If a crash does
occur, lots of empty space surrounding the vehicle is the
safest occupant protection environment. In moments of lax
concentration, drivers do drift out of lanes, change lanes
without sufficient care, etc. Such threats cannot always be
avoided in high flow traffic, but there is no point seeking
The above comments on methods for reducing risk all involved
minimal, or no, delay. As speed involves a trade-off between
safety and mobility, rational drivers might make different
decisions on different occasions. Increased average speed
can be obtained with the least increase in risk by focusing
the speed increases preferentially on the least risky
portions of the trip. Roadway portions with wide shoulders
pose less risk than those with close guardrails, and
guardrails pose less risk than solid structures such as
walls, utility poles or trees. However, the basics should be
kept firmly in mind. Increased speed increases crash risk,
and, given that a crash occurs, injury severity increases
steeply with speed (p. 209-217).
Consequences of rare events are highly speed dependent. The
statement "There was nothing I could do - the child
just ran onto the road" is rarely correct. Just because
children are taught not to run onto the road without
checking for traffic does not mean that the possibility that
they will do so can be ignored. 295 child pedestrians under
the age of 10 were killed in the US in 2002. Drivers should
slow down substantially when driving close to parked
vehicles or other objects from which pedestrians could
appear suddenly.
Vehicle choice
Vehicle choice involves trade-offs between many factors,
safety being just one. Few vehicles are purchased based on a
single criterion, like the most comfortable, most
fuel-economic, least expensive, most spacious, most fun to
drive, best looking, or safest vehicle. Each individual will
have a different solution to this complex problem.
I personally find it difficult to imagine benefits of
motorcycling that are commensurate with the risk. But if
people enjoy it so much, and do it knowingly, one must
assume that they are making a choice that makes sense for
If you are in a crash, the vehicle attribute that most
affects risk is mass. The heavier your vehicle, the more
protected you will be. Although overall fatality rates are
somewhat higher in SUVs than in cars of the same weight, the
difference is due to rollover crashes. These are nearly all
easily avoided at-fault crashes. The different fatality
rates experienced by vehicles of the same type and mass
manufactured by different companies are due mainly to the
different types of drivers they attract, not the vehicles.
Vehicles that acquire reputations for safety generally do so
by attracting safe drivers. Crash ratings have no more than
small effects on outcomes. The differences are minor
compared to the effect of mass. A large, heavy vehicle may
be the safest choice, but other vehicle attributes may be
considered more important.
My own personal vehicle is a subcompact car with FARS weight
2,644 pounds (1,199 kg). With such a light weight, it is
well represented in FARS! I like this car for easy parking
and economy, and it is a pleasure to drive. Indeed, I am so
delighted with it that it may be a long time before I
replace it, which may be both good and bad news for GM. If I
did replace it, it would be with a similar vehicle. I have
little desire to own a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) or a
large car.
Some people commend me for saving the planet by my vehicle
choice. No such consideration influenced my decision, nor
does the SUV have the enormous influence on national fuel
use its critics claim. A year's driving of 12,000 miles in a
SUV with fuel economy 21 miles per gallon consumes 143
gallons more fuel than a 28 mile-per-gallon car. One airline
trip by a couple across the Atlantic or the North American
continent causes substantially more fuel than this to be
consumed. Yet no one has accused me of destroying the planet
because I fly a lot. It is only when the cost of running an
SUV or flying is increased by additional taxes on fuel that
such travel will decrease. A campaign led by anti-SUV clergy
asked, "What vehicle would Jesus drive?" This
seems about as sensible as asking, "Where would Jesus
vacation?" I would wager that those raising the
question, joined by one mansion-dwelling broadcaster, were
each responsible for consuming vastly more fossil fuel than
those whose vehicle choice they deplored with such moral
Incentives to decrease or increase crash likelihood
The notion of incentives to decrease the likelihood of
involvement in traffic crashes may seem unreasonable. After
all, involvement in even the most minor crash is an
extremely unpleasant experience, involving a ruined day,
bureaucratic entanglements, and the loss of hundreds of
dollars. A major crash may cause death. What penalties
beyond these could possibly further motivate drivers to
avoid crashes? Such an analysis fails to take into account
the extent to which behavior is influenced by the perceived
cost of crashing. Accepting that drivers would drive more
carefully if their vehicles were wired to explode on minor
impact implies that increasing the cost of a minor crash
will reduce the probability of a minor crash (p. 350). My
own risk-taking in traffic is reduced by the embarrassment
cost I would suffer were I to lose the crash-free record
that I was foolhardy enough to boast about at the beginning
of this chapter.
Collision insurance increases collisions
If increasing the cost of crash involvement reduces the
probability of crash involvement, then reducing the cost of
involvement must increase the probability of crash
involvement. Insurance sharply reduces the immediate cost of
involvement in a specific crash by transferring most of the
monetary cost away from those directly involved. The
insurance industry uses the term moral hazard to describe
insurance-induced changes in behavior, whether legal or
illegal. It is clearly difficult to obtain empirical data on
such matters, but there are compelling reasons to accept
that they occur. I would certainly feel safer driving among
drivers required to pay the full property damage cost of any
crash in which they were involved rather than the actual
situation in which almost all of the cost is borne by those
not involved.
The non-purchase of collision insurance is a safety measure
that slightly reduces mobility by encouraging more careful
driving. But it saves a lot of money. Suppose you judge that
your risk is average, and you possess resources that would
allow you to pay for vehicle-repair or replacement costs
without unbearable pain or financial ruin if a crash did
occur. Under such circumstances I find it hard to think of
any investment with an expected return approaching the
investment decision of changing from purchasing to not
purchasing collision insurance. Perhaps the decision to
change from betting in casinos to not betting in casinos may
have a better pay off.
If not purchasing insurance reduces your crash risk, the
payoff is all the greater. If you are a safer than average
driver, the payoff is dramatically greater still. My casual
observation is that I and other motorists who carry no
insurance beyond the legal minimum have crash involvement
rates well below average, while motorists with abnormally
high crash rates tend to shy away from even driving around
the block without collision coverage. If you are a driver
who does not crash and does not buy collision insurance, the
insurance company will likely recoup your gratis premium by
increasing deductibles and premium increases following
crashes. So, not buying insurance yourself increases the
cost of crashing to those who do buy insurance. This makes
them less likely to crash into you, thus providing a small
additional safety bonus from not buying insurance.
These remarks relate exclusively to the fiscal and safety
benefits of not purchasing insurance to cover the repair or
replacement of your own vehicle, provided you have the
financial means to cover these costs yourself. Discharging
obligations to others is a quite different matter, for which
the law rightly requires every driver to carry insurance.
Those driving illegally without insurance generally break
other laws and are extremely high risk drivers, often at the
fringes of society.
An experiment with a surprising result. While employed by
General Motors I came up with what I thought was a neat way
to investigate how risky everyday driving related to an
individual driver's crash and violation record. My goal was
to note cases of extreme risk taking (tailgating, speeding,
weaving across lanes, unsafe overtaking, etc.) by drivers I
observed during my commuting trip. I would use an on-board
audio tape recorder to record the license plate of the
offending vehicle together with my estimate of the gender
and age of the driver, and record corresponding information
for a nearby random driver judged to be of the same gender
and similar age.
I was hoping to collect over a number of years a few hundred
pairs of risky and control drivers, use the license plate
numbers to identify the vehicle owners, and if there was no
mismatch of gender or age, assume the owner was driving. The
state files identify the driver license of the vehicle
owner, so that the crash and violation records of the risky
and control drivers could be compared. The aim was to apply
the same procedure that led to Fig. 14-2 (p. 367), but for
rare events that are much more extreme than occur within the
time-frame of normal experimental observations. After
collecting two dozen pairs I decided to check how things
were proceeding by obtaining the vehicle and driver data
from the state. This required a formal procedure to insure
that no personal driver information beyond gender, age, and
driving record was transmitted.
The data turned out to be useless for the purposes intended.
Most of the vehicles with the high-risk drivers were owned
by General Motors! They had accordingly no individual
drivers associated with them. The drivers were participants
in a program in which selected employees tested corporate
products (at least, that is how the Internal Revenue Service
interpreted it). If a participant crashed a vehicle, another
vehicle was supplied, with the main costs being paperwork
and embarrassment (unless there were police charges). The
general demographics and other attributes of the drivers
would suggest that they were likely to have otherwise been
safer than average drivers.
An observational study in Britain found that people driving
company cars traveled at a higher speed than those in their
own vehicles. Traffic in the US and UK seems to be providing
additional support for the more universal principle
annunciated by Nobel Laureate economist Milton Friedman:
Nobody spends somebody else's money as carefully as he
spends his own.
I believe that the original goal of my unsuccessful
experiment is worth pursuing by a researcher not commuting
to an automobile company facility. Collecting data is
difficult and at times risky, as obtaining the license-plate
numbers often required following a conspicuously high-risk
driver, even a speeder, sufficiently closely to record the
license plate number. I am not sure I would have done this
in a vehicle that I owned!
Riskier driving is often indulged in simply because it is
enjoyable. Driving is one of many activities in which
pleasure and safety are in conflict. People in droves deny
themselves the pleasures of ice cream, fried eggs, tobacco,
and hard liquor in the expectation that it will keep them
alive longer. Another approach to increasing longevity is to
jog or lift weights, activities that would have astonished a
laborer from an earlier age. Those taking such unappealing
actions to extend their lives are never stigmatized as being
more cowardly than others less afraid of dying. Important
gains in life expectancy can be achieved by the rather
modest behavior changes necessary to avoid participating in
traffic crashes. Such behavior changes consume an
infinitesimal fraction of the time required to jog, they are
not all that unpleasant, and additionally extend the average
life expectancy of other road users. Safe driving should, of
course, be an addition to other healthy practices, not a
One individual driving more safely benefits not just the
safer individual, but the entire safety system. In the
situation portrayed in Fig. 14-3 (p 369), if a driver of any
one of the first seven cars had adopted a larger headway,
car number 8 would not have hit car number 7. The drivers of
cars numbers 7 and 8 would never be aware of the trouble the
other driver had spared them. As it is, the drivers of cars
number 2 through 6 all contributed to the crash but
proceeded unaware that it even occurred. A driver avoiding
involvement in a not-at-fault crash is sparing some
anonymous driver from being involved in an at-fault crash.
Drivers refusing to be tailgated provide useful feedback to
tailgaters that may tend to discourage their behavior. A
driver approaching a traffic signal in a safe manner often
prevents another following driver from running the red.
In a more general sense, safe and courteous driving
encourages similar behavior in others. Risky driving is
deviant from average, or normal, driving. If average speeds
decrease, the most extreme speeders also slow down, but
remain about as deviant from the norm as before. They retain
their deviance, but at less risk to themselves and others.
In the broader sense, a nation's total traffic fatality
count is determined by the summation of the risks taken by
all of its drivers. A driver reducing his or her personal
risk is making an important contribution to reducing a major
national problem.
Summary and conclusions (see printed text)
References for Chapter 14 - Numbers in [ ] refer to superscript
references in book that do not correctly show in this html
version. To see how they appear in book see the
version of Chapter 1.
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