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11 Occupant protection
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Why people get hurt in crashes - basic biomechanics
Biomechanics is the science that provides a bridge between
medicine and engineering. It examines relationships between
injuries and the mechanical forces that produce them in
traffic crashes. , Trauma surgeons use the terms penetrating
trauma and blunt trauma to distinguish between injuries
produced by different types of impacts. Penetrating trauma
occurs when small objects exert sufficient localized force
to penetrate the human body, obvious examples being knife or
bullet wounds. Blunt trauma occurs when a force applied over
a large area of the body is sufficiently great to damage the
body's structure, such as occurs when someone falls from a
height. Nearly all injuries to vehicle occupants or
pedestrians are from blunt trauma.
Consider a hypothetical situation in which a completely
rigid vehicle traveling at 50 km/h crashes head-on into a
perfectly rigid immovable horizontal barrier. Assume that
the vehicle stops on impact, and does not bounce back from
the barrier. After the vehicle strikes the barrier, its
occupants would, in accord with Newtonian mechanics,
continue to travel at 50 km/h until impacted upon by a
force. Occupants, if not otherwise restrained, would move
forward out of their seats until they struck the interior of
the now stationary vehicle at a speed of 50 km/h. This
impact provides the force that changes their speed from 50
km/h to zero. The magnitude of the force depends on the
degree to which the body compresses on impact. If the body
compressed, say, 10 cm, the average force on it would be
about 100 times that due to gravity (represented by 100 G).
This is equivalent to the person being compressed under a
weight of about 100 times his or her own weight for a brief
period, and is likely to prove fatal. It is the collision of
the occupant with the vehicle interior, the so-called second
collision, that causes injuries, not the earlier first
collision of the vehicle striking the barrier. A third
collision has also been defined as the impact of internal
organs with the structure of the body.
A person falling from a fourth floor window would strike the
ground at a speed similar to that in the example above, and
experience injury forces similar to those of the vehicle
occupants if the ground were of a substance like concrete
that did not compress much on impact. While evolution has
provided humans with a protective fear of heights, no
corresponding fear exists for the relatively new experience
of traveling at speeds faster than can be produced by muscle
power (page 192).
Goal of occupant protection
The reduction in speed divided by the time over which it
takes place defines deceleration. Injury-producing forces
are proportional to the deceleration experienced by the
occupant. Occupant protection aims at reducing these forces
by spreading the occupant's changes in speed over longer
times. The theoretical best protection would be for the
occupant to slow down from the initial vehicle speed to zero
speed at a constant deceleration using the entire distance
between the occupant's body and the vehicle's point of
impact. In the previous example of an initial speed of 50
km/h, and assuming the driver is seated 2.5 m behind the
front bumper, the resulting average deceleration would be 4
G, uncomfortable but unlikely to produce even a minor
injury. The engine and other rigid components make it
impossible to get close to this ideal. However, two
approaches have led to major advances in occupant
protection. These are vehicle engineering changes and
occupant protection devices.
Vehicle design and occupant protection
In the hypothetical example the vehicle was completely
rigid, the worst case for occupant protection. In fact, even
without occupant protection considerations, it is not
feasible to make a completely rigid vehicle - the structure
is always going to crumple to some extent under severe
impact. However, how it crushes is important for occupant
protection. Consider two extreme possibilities. First,
the completely rigid case in the example. The occupant's
seat stops instantly and the unrestrained occupant continues
forward at a speed of 50 km/h until striking the vehicle
interior. Now assume the other extreme in which all
structure in front of the occupant offers no resistance and
compresses offering less resistance than cotton candy. The
occupant will continue moving forward in the normal seating
position, unhindered until arriving at the barrier. The
occupant will then be slowed from 50 km/h to stationery on
impact with, in effect, the barrier. So, although the
sequence of events is different, the outcome is the same -
the occupant, traveling at the vehicle's prior speed,
strikes a solid stationery object.
Vehicle crush characteristics between these two extremes
substantially enhance occupant protection. For unconstrained
occupants (those without airbags or safety belts) the goal
is that impact with the vehicle interior should occur while
the vehicle is still moving forward, thereby reducing the
impact speed between occupant and vehicle interior. The
remainder of the vehicle's slow down until stopped should be
over as long a time as possible, which is achieved by
designing the vehicle to be not too stiff (resisting
crushing) or too soft (easily crushed).
Intensive research, including models taxing even the largest
computers, has been devoted to designing vehicle structures
that crush in ways that improve occupant protection. There
is no single best design, not even in principle. Instead,
there is a different best design for each impact speed. A
design that provides the best protection at very high impact
speeds will be stiffer than one that provides the best
protection at lower impact speeds. Thus difficult trade-offs
are unavoidable, especially between reducing severities of
major injuries or severities of moderate injuries, which are
far more numerous (Chapter 2) and therefore cause more
societal harm.
While the structure in front of occupants should crush as
much as possible in a severe crash, it is also important
that occupants be protected in a strong compartment,
referred to as a safety cage. The goal here is provide a
survival space that helps prevent intrusion of other
objects, such as the front of another vehicle in a side
impact. A direct impact on the human body from an external
object presents a particularly high risk. While the safety
cage is designed to crush as little as is feasible, the
remainder of the vehicle should contain crumple zones
designed to crush in controlled ways.
One specific vehicle design change that reduces driver
fatality risk by 6% is the collapsible steering column. In a
frontal crash the chest of an unrestrained driver strikes
the steering wheel, which, when sufficient force is applied,
is designed to move forward because of a collapsible section
included in the steering column. The driver's chest
continues to move forward in contact with the steering
wheel, rather than stopping more rapidly as would occur with
a rigid column.
Padding on objects likely to be struck also increases the
distance over which the occupant's speed changes.
Occupant protection devices
Devices designed for the specific purpose of reducing the
occurrence and severity of injuries in crashes, as distinct
from general improvements in the engineering of the vehicle,
are referred to as occupant protection devices. These
include safety belts, airbags, and helmets. Some devices are
referred to as passive, meaning that they are supposed to
provide protection without requiring any actions by road
users, who need not to be aware of their existence. Active
devices provide protection only when their users do specific
acts, such as fastening safety belts or wearing motorcycle
helmets. The term occupant restraint is often used in place
of occupant protection device, which is fine for belts but
hardly includes helmets.
Occupant protection devices spread the change in speed of
occupants over longer times. For example, in the example of
a car crashing into a barrier, a safety belt (also called a
seat belt) would have applied forces keeping the body more
fixed to the seat. The belt helps the occupant
"ride-down" the crash, so that impact with the
steering wheel or instrument panel is less likely or less
severe. Safety belts also prevent occupants from being
ejected from vehicles during crashes. An ejected occupant
might travel outside the vehicle at close to the vehicle's
pre-crash speed, continuing at that speed until stopped by
striking something in the roadway environment.
Airbags are restraint systems consisting of a bag that
inflates rapidly when sensors detect an abrupt change in
vehicle speed indicative of a crash. For a frontal airbag
this is typically a delta-v in the range 10 to 20 km/h.
Instead of striking the steering column or instrument panel,
the occupant rides down the crash in contact with the
airbag, which additionally spreads the impact forces over a
larger area. A belted occupant can receive additional
protection from an airbag because it may reduce loading
forces on the belt. The airbag is a supplemental system - it
is designed to be used in conjunction with the safety belt.
Effectiveness definitions
The effectiveness of an occupant protection device is
defined in general terms as the percent reduction in some
specified level of injury (such as fatality) that would
result if a population of occupants changed from all not
using the device to all using it, all other factors
remaining unchanged. Equivalently, effectiveness is the
percent reduction in risk an average occupant obtains when
changing from non-use to use, without otherwise changing
behavior. Three distinct effectiveness measures must be
1. Severity-specific effectiveness, defined as the percent
reduction in injuries (in crashes of a specified type) at a
specific severity, or within a narrow range of severities.
2. When-used effectiveness, defined as the percent reduction
in injuries that occurs when the device is used, taking into
account the mix of severities in traffic.
3. Field effectiveness, defined as the percent reduction in
injuries taking into account the use rate for the device and
the mix of severities that occurs in traffic.
The severity-specific effectiveness depends only on the
particular crash type, on the engineering of the device, and
on the biomechanical properties of the human body. The
when-used effectiveness depends on the types and severities
of crashes that occur in actual traffic. The term
effectiveness most often means when-used effectiveness.
Field effectiveness is identical to when-used effectiveness
only when the device is always used. When the device is not
used at all times, field effectiveness is less than
when-used effectiveness. When-used effectiveness applies in
general, because even nominally passive devices are not
always used. Airbags may be disconnected or not replaced
after deployment, and automatic safety belts may still not
be fastened. The collapsible steering column is a truly
passive device - most drivers are so unaware of its
existence that it is generally considered more part of the
vehicle engineering than an occupant protection device.
Concepts central to all occupant protection devices
Figure 11-1 illustrates basic concepts that apply to
occupant protection devices in general. Crash severity, S,
is a variable that increases with impact speed and could be,
for example, delta-v as introduced in Chapter 2. For
expository convenience the formalism is discussed in terms
of driver fatalities and safety belts, although the concepts
are equally applicable to any occupant, any protection
device, and any injury level.
Figure 11-1. Schematic representation of how the risk of
death might increase with crash severity for belted and
unbelted occupants. The effectiveness is computed from the
schematic risk curves using Eqn 11-2.
If fN (S) is the probability that an unbelted driver is
killed in a crash of severity S, and fY (S) is the
probability that a belted driver is killed, the ratio
depends on the protection provided by the safety belt. (The
subscripts indicate use, Yes or No). The variable R has many
desirable mathematical properties, including always being
greater than zero, and providing easily computed errors in
terms of the errors in fN (S) and fY (S). While calculations
are in terms of R, there are advantages in presenting
results in terms of the percent effectiveness, which, for
the case of severity-specific effectiveness, is defined as
At very low severities, S < S1, there is essentially no
risk of a fatality to a driver, whether belted or unbelted.
As the probability of death without the belt is zero, the
belt cannot reduce this probability further. Because fN(S) =
0 when S < S1, effectiveness is not defined in this low
severity region.
As severity increases, it reaches a value S1 at which the
probability that an unbelted driver is killed begins to
exceed zero. Because the belt is designed to reduce risk,
the probability that a belted driver is killed begins to
exceed zero only at some higher severity S2. In the region
S1 < S < S2 effectiveness is 100% because fY(S) = 0
but fN(S) > 0.
As severity increases further, it reaches a value S3 at
which the probability of death to the unbelted driver
becomes 100%, but the belted driver's risk remains less than
100%, leading to an effectiveness of 100[1- fY(S)].
Eventually severity reaches a value S4, at which even a
belted driver's fatality risk becomes 100%, so that fN(S) =
fY(S) = 100%, and effectiveness is zero. The bold curve
showing the dependence of effectiveness on severity is
mathematically derived from the assumed probabilities of
death plotted for belted and unbelted drivers.
Laboratory evaluations of occupant protection devices tend
to measure the severity-specific dependence at some chosen
level of severity. As crash tests are difficult and
expensive, the chosen level tends to be at a severity for
the device was primarily designed. Tests are less likely to
be conducted
at substantially higher or lower severities. Considerations
such as these may have contributed to a history of
disappointing field results relative to expectations based
largely on laboratory tests, because in actual use there are
likely to be many crashes at such extreme levels of severity
that there is little opportunity for mitigation of injuries.
In addition, a surprisingly large number of crashes are of a
bizarre nature not readily encompassed in any
laboratory-testing program.
When a crash is of such extreme severity that death cannot
be prevented, then force reductions produced by occupant
protection devices provide no benefits. In this regard,
fatality is a unique level of injury, because for all other
levels, reductions in forces lead to reductions in injuries.
This general consideration suggests that the effectiveness
of an occupant protection device is likely to be lower for
fatalities than for injuries, though specific factors might
lead to an opposite result.
An important inference from Fig. 11-1 is that the
effectiveness of occupant protection devices decreases as
severity increases. It is 100% at the lowest severities, and
decreases monotonically to zero at the highest severities.
The above formalism does not apply in all respects to
airbags. There is a designed threshold severity, SA, below
which the airbag does not deploy. At severities just above
the threshold, some occupants, such as short females, will
be at increased risk, so that effectiveness is negative for
them. Apart from the discontinuity at S = SA, airbags fit
the pattern in Fig. 11-1.
Severity-specific effectiveness from data
The data used to produce Fig. 11-2 are the same NASS data
used to produce Fig. 2-1 (p. 27). The belted drivers are
wearing the integrated lap/shoulder belt system that became
standard on all Model Year 1974 or later US cars. Some of
the effectiveness values are negative because of noisy
relationships resulting from small sample sizes (raw data
from Ref. ). However, the data show effectiveness of belts
for drivers declining with increasing severity, as expected
from the theoretical considerations above.
Figure 11-2. The probability of fatality to unbelted and
belted drivers estimated from the same data used for Fig.
2-1 (p. 27). The square symbols represent the effectiveness
computed using Eqn 11-2.5 The open squares indicate
insufficient data (less than 3 fatalities) to estimate an
error in the effectiveness estimate.
Another example derived from data is given in Fig. 11-3 in which severity is measured using the Collision Deformation Code. This severity measure is based on a police officer identifying the best match between the appearance of the crashed car and a series of photographs of cars damaged in crashes of increasing severity. A declining effectiveness with increased severity is apparent. Effectiveness is determined with most precision at mid-range severities in Figs 11-2 and 11-3. At low severities there are few fatalities as risk is low, while at very high severities there are few fatalities because there are few crashes of very high severity (Fig. 2-1, p. 27).
Figure 11-3. Safety-belt effectiveness computed using Eqn
11-2 versus severity estimated by Collision Deformation
Code. The open symbols indicate insufficient data (less than
3 fatalities) to estimate an error.5,
Difficulties in estimating safety belt effectiveness
The relationships in Figs 11-1 to 11-3 depend mainly on the
engineering of the occupant protection device and the
response of the human body to crash forces. They do not
indicate the risk reduction the devices provide to
populations that use them. If all traffic crashes were in
the low severity region S < S2 , then the device would be
100% effective and the population using it would experience
no fatalities. On the other hand, if all crashes were of
severity S > S4 , then the device would have no effect on
fatalities. The when-used effectiveness depends strongly on
the distribution of actual severities that occur in traffic.
These distributions are known for the data used to produce
Figs 11-2 and 11-3.5 The when-used effectiveness is the
weighted average of the severity-specific effectiveness,
with weights equal to the number of unbelted fatalities at
each severity. This does not produce the most precise
estimates of when-used effectiveness because of the high
uncertainty of severity-specific effectiveness estimates at
high and low severities. More precise estimates can be
derived from the much larger samples in FARS data. Because
FARS does not have a useful measure of severity, the
when-used effectiveness is estimated by other means.
Whatever methods are used to estimate when-used
effectiveness, there are intrinsic problems regardless of
the quantity of data available.
Miscoding of belt use
In Chapters 6 and 10 we encountered problems from incomplete
coding of alcohol measurements in FARS, leading to many
missing values. For safety belts there is an even greater
problem. Belt use is coded, but incorrectly. If miscoding
were random, it would not bias effectiveness estimates.
However, it departs systematically from randomness in a way
that creates major problems. After the first US law
requiring belt use was in effect in 1984, survivors of
crashes became motivated to tell police officers that they
were belted when they were not. Police officers are inclined
to accept questionable survivor self-reports, as the
alternative is to issue belt-law violations at fatal-crash
scenes where officers have more pressing duties. When belt
use is coded, it is therefore biased for survivors, but not
for fatally injured occupants. The old rule that "Dead
men don't tell lies" leads to at least some of the data
being unbiased.
Effectiveness is estimated by comparing the percent of
belted occupants who survive to the percent of unbelted
occupants who survive. Coding an unbelted survivor as belted
inflates the belted survivors total, while at the same time
depletes the unbelted survivors total. Thus, miscoding one
survivor generates two misclassifications, each of them
biasing effectiveness estimates in the same upward
direction. The result is that even a small percent of
miscoding inflates effectiveness estimates by substantial
amounts. The effect of this bias is apparent in many
publications that accept post-law data as valid and report
implausibly high effectiveness estimates.
Other clear evidence of miscoding is provided by estimating
the effectiveness of the same belt system at different
times. (p 13) Effectiveness of belts in model year 1980-1985
cars was estimated at 47% using 1977-1985 FARS data, but
at 63% using 1986-1999 data. As it is implausible for the
same belt system
to become more effective as it gets older, the large
difference is likely due to data miscoding.
There are two approaches to the problem of miscoded data.
First, use only pre-1984 data, as there was little reason to
miscode in the pre-law era. While excluding post-law data
leads to smaller samples, enough data remain for many
evaluations. Second, attempt to correct for miscoding
biases. An approach was developed in which a universal
exaggeration factor was determined by examining how belt
effectiveness estimates increased after belt laws were
introduced.7 Basically, using the example above, a
measurement of 63% was interpreted to be really 47%, and
other measured values were multiplied by a factor of 63/47.
Applying this made it possible to use the large quantities
of post-law data. The disadvantage is that estimates do not
follow directly from the data, and involve a scaling factor
known only approximately. This largely precludes
quantitative estimates of errors. In what follows we show
mainly results derived directly from pre-law data, but
augmented by some additional results based on inferences
from post-law data.
When-used effectiveness of safety belts
When-used effectiveness of safety belts in preventing
fatalities to drivers and right-front passengers of cars was
estimated using FARS data for the pre-law years 1975-1983.
Only cars of model year 1974 or later were included because
all such cars came equipped with the integrated lap/shoulder
system, also called a three-point belt system. Henceforth
safety belt refers to this familiar system. Prior to model
year 1974, lap and shoulder belts were generally separate,
so that 'belted' could mean that one or the other, or both,
were fastened.
The double pair comparison method was used. Following the
procedures described in Chapter 6, data for cars containing,
say, belted drivers as subject occupants and unbelted
right-front passengers as control occupants, were extracted
from FARS data, and the ratio of belted drivers killed to
unbelted passengers killed was computed. From a second set
of crashes, the ratio of unbelted drivers to unbelted
right-front passengers was computed. From the ratio of these
two ratios, the when-used effectiveness, E, of the belts was
estimated. Henceforth, effectiveness means when-used
effectiveness. The study used 711 belted driver and 716
belted right-front passenger fatalities, together with over
30,000 fatally-injured unbelted occupants. In the pre-law
period observed belt use was about 14%, with use in fatal
crashes even less.
The subject and control data were disaggregated into three
age categories, and occupants in all car seats (front and
rear, and in center seats) were used as control occupants.
In using this method to estimate belt effectiveness it is
crucial that the control occupant be disaggregated by belt
use. If this were not done, then the control occupant
accompanying a restrained subject occupant would be more
likely to survive a crash than a control occupant
accompanying an unrestrained subject occupant, in violation
of the assumptions of the method, because belt use by one
occupant in a vehicle is highly correlated with use by other
The combination of control occupants used led to 46
estimates of E. Computing weighted averages provided the
following estimates of fatality- reducing effectiveness:
E = (42.1 ± 3.8) % for drivers
E = (39.2 ± 4.3) % for right-front passengers
The slightly higher precision of the driver estimate is due
to larger sample sizes. Vehicles with no right-front
passenger, but with rear or center-front passengers still
provided belt-effectiveness estimates for drivers.
Fatality reducing mechanisms
Safety belts protect vehicle occupants in two ways; they
prevent ejection, and they reduce the frequency and severity
of occupant contact with the vehicle interior. The when-used
effectiveness, E (percent), can be written as the sum of two
where J is the percent reduction in fatalities to an
unbelted population if ejection were eliminated, assuming
that those prevented from ejecting had the same fatality
risk as those not ejected in similar crashes, and I
represents the percent reduction in fatalities from
preventing or reducing the severity of impact with the
vehicle interior. The equation assumes that safety belts
eliminate ejection, a more than adequately correct
assumption for present purposes, even though the data in
Fig. 3-13 (p. 51) show about 7% of fatally injured car
drivers who were ejected were wearing belts.
The fraction of fatalities that would be eliminated if
ejection were prevented was estimated by applying the double
pair comparison method to 1975-1986 FARS data to estimate
the ratio of the risk of death if ejected to the risk of
death if not ejected. For drivers, the risk of death if
ejected is 3.82 times the risk of death in the same crash if
not ejected. The data showed that 25.3% of unbelted drivers
who were killed were ejected. If these drivers had not been
ejected, then J = (1 - 1/3.82) 25.3% = 18.7% of fatally
injured drivers would not have been killed. Substituting
this value into Eqn 11-3 gives that the interior impact
reduction component of belt effectiveness is 23.4% (given
that E = 42.1%). These values and their associated errors,
together with the corresponding information for right-front
passengers, are presented in Table 11-1. Almost half of the
effectiveness of the lap/shoulder belt in preventing
fatalities comes from eliminating ejection.
The reduction due to eliminating ejection is in good
agreement with the 19% value derived from post-law data.7(p
32) The same data show that eliminating ejection from light
trucks would prevent 32% of fatalities, a major contribution
to the 60% overall effectiveness reported.7(p 28)
Effectiveness by direction of impact
Table 11-2 shows belt effectiveness by direction of impact,
and the contribution to that effectiveness from eliminating
ejection. Belts reduce fatalities for all principal impact
points, much of the effectiveness being due to eliminating
ejection. Much of the fatality reduction in rear impacts is
from eliminating ejection. Similar effectiveness estimates
are found in post-law data, where a 57% effectiveness is
reported for rear impacts.7(p 28) The universal exaggeration
factor used to rescale estimates based on post-law data
assumed an unbiased effectiveness of 45%, somewhat higher
than the 42% value used here. As a consequence, inferences
from the post law data will tend to be about (45/42) = 1.07
times higher than if a reference value of 42% had been
Belts are (77 ± 6) % effective in preventing driver
fatalities in non-collisions, of which 63% is due to
ejection elimination, leaving I = (14 + 6) %. Non-collisions
normally imply rollover not initiated by striking a clearly
identifiable object, such as a tree or other vehicle.
Table 11-3 uses 1978-1983 FARS data to estimate
effectiveness in rollover crashes. Note the 82%
effectiveness when rollover is the first event. The major
portion of this, 64%, is from eliminating ejection. Belts
reduce risk in all crashes involving rollover by 69%, with
the major contribution from eliminating ejection. When no
rollover is involved, 7% of belt effectiveness is due to
ejection elimination.
Table 11-3. Belt effectiveness, E, and the contribution from
ejection elimination, J, according to rollover status.11
Other factors
Because effectiveness depends on the mix of crashes it will
be different for different sub-populations, depending on
their use patterns. The dependence of effectiveness on a
number of factors has been measured with the results
summarized below.
Driver age. Effectiveness declines with increasing driver
age, from about 50% in late teens to about half that value
at age 80.7(p 36), , (p 235) As shown in Fig. 7-18 (p. 164),
the percent of fatalities that are rollovers declines
steeply as drivers age. Since belts are most effective at
preventing fatalities in rollovers and the fatal crashes of
older drivers tend not be to rollovers, it is to be expected
that belt effectiveness will decline with increasing driver
Single- versus multiple-vehicle crashes. E = (62.2 ± 5.2) %
for single-vehicle crashes compared to E = (29.5 ± 8.4) %
for two-vehicle crashes. The post-law data gave 64% compared
to 35%.7(p 18) The higher effectiveness in single-vehicle
crashes is due to the larger contribution of rollover to
single-vehicle crashes.
Two-door versus four-door cars. The estimates are E = (48.2
± 6.1) % for two-door cars compared to E = (37.6 ± 9.9) %
for four-door cars.14 This difference is consistent with the
higher rollover rates of two-door cars (Fig. 4-2, p. 65).
Car mass. Two investigations using unrelated methods failed
to show any clear
relationship between belt effectiveness and car mass.13(p
236),14, An analysis of post-law FARS data gives a weak
indication that effectiveness was higher for the lightest
vehicles,7(p 18) as did another study. The larger role of
rollover in light-car crashes would contribute to higher
effectiveness. Any mass effect is small, so, to a reasonable
approximation, it can be concluded that belts reduce risk in
light and heavy cars by about the same 42%. The absolute
risk reduction is, of course, greater in the lighter car
because of its higher risk to occupants whether belted or
Car model year. There are no discernable effects in the
1975-1983 FARS data.13(p 237) The same model year cars show
higher effectiveness in post-law FARS, a clear indication of
miscoding effects.
Driver compared to right-front passenger effectiveness. The
pre-law results nominally indicate higher effectiveness for
drivers than for right-front passengers (42%, compared to
39%). A larger difference of 48% compared to 37% is found in
post-law data,7(p 34) and another study reports higher
effectiveness for drivers.6 The evidence taken together
supports that belt effectiveness is higher for drivers than
for right-front passengers.
Other levels of injury. The above has focused exclusively on
fatalities. All the technical problems that make it
difficult to estimate fatality effectiveness apply also for
injury effectiveness estimates. Injury data have additional
limitations, making estimates additionally uncertain. There
are many estimates of belt effectiveness for injuries,
especially using post-law data. They vary from values much
higher than for fatalities to values much lower than for
fatalities. In the aggregate, estimates tend to be similar,
but perhaps somewhat higher, than fatality estimates.
Percent changes in injuries after passing belt laws are in
some cases higher and in other cases lower than the percent
changes observed for fatalities.
Effectiveness of other occupant protection devices
While the integrated lap/shoulder belt in front seats is
the occupant protection system providing the most benefit to
the most people, other occupant protection systems make
important contributions to reducing fatalities.
Lap-only belts in rear seats
Prior to the mid 1980s the normal occupant protection system
in the rear seats of cars in the US was a lap-only belt. A
study to estimate the fatality-reducing effectiveness of
this system confronted sample sizes sharply reduced by lower
occupancy rates, lower fatality risks, , and lower wearing
rates. In order to obtain usable sample sizes, the 1975-1983
data used to estimate front-seat belt effectiveness was
augmented by FARS data for 1984 and 1985. The inclusion of
some immediate post-law data was considered a less serious
problem than
for front seats because rear-seat occupants were not covered
by the early belt laws, and biasing effects are less
important in the context of estimates with much lower
precision. The study found that lap-only belts reduced
risk of passengers seated in rear outboard seats (left and
right, but not center)
by (18 ± 9) %.
A later study using post-law data to estimate effectiveness
for lap-only and lap/shoulder belts in rear seats reported
substantially higher effectiveness than (18 ± 9) % for lap
only belts. However, the results are likely biased
substantially upwards by miscoding in post-law data.
Prior to the study that found (18 ± 9) % effectiveness,17
the most widely accepted estimate was that lap-only belts
reduced fatality risk by 30 to 40%. The lower than expected
effectiveness led General Motors to announce in June 1986
that it would install lap/shoulder belt systems in rear
seats of all its passenger vehicles. Ford and Chrysler later
announced similar policies. Later, lap/shoulder belts were
required by NHTSA regulations. Prior to these changes there
were some vehicles (mainly from Europe) on US roads with
rear seat shoulder belts.
A further study examined the portion of the effectiveness
that was due to ejection elimination, with the results
E = (18 ± 9) % (when-used effectiveness).
J = (17 ± 1) % (contribution from eliminating ejection).
I = ( 1 ± 9) % (contribution from reducing impact with
The results indicate that the effectiveness of the lap-only
belt derives almost entirely from eliminating ejection from
the vehicle. A similar estimate of E = (17 ± 8) % was
reported in another study using similar methods and data.
Rear seat belts not only protect rear-seat passengers - they
also protect front-seat occupants by reducing the risk of
direct impacts from unrestrained rear passengers and by
reducing the loading forces on the backs of front seats. The
phenomenon has been called "the flying mother-in-law
effect." Two studies found that the presence of an
unrestrained rear occupant increases the risk to an
unrestrained front-seat occupant by 4%. , When the
front-seat occupant is restrained, the risk increase from
the unrestrained rear occupant is 20%.25 A published study
contains the following: "The risk of death of belted
front-seat occupants with unbelted rear-seat passengers was
raised nearly five-fold." This absurd result is another
sad reflection of the way that traffic-safety research has
not developed professional structures parallel to those in
the traditional sciences to keep nonsense out of
professional literature.
Motorcycle helmets
Helmet effectiveness in preventing fatalities to motorcycle
drivers and passengers was estimated by applying the double
pair comparison method to FARS data for 1975-1986.
Motorcycles with a driver and a passenger, at least one
being killed, were used. In order to reduce as much as
possible potentially confounding effects due to the
dependence of survivability on gender and age, the analysis
was confined to male drivers (there were insufficient female
driver data), and to cases in which the driver and passenger
age did not differ by more than three years. It was found
that helmets are (28 ± 8) % effective in preventing
fatalities to motorcycle riders, the effectiveness being
similar for male and female passengers, and similar for
drivers and passengers. By applying essentially the same
method to 1982-1987 FARS data, another study obtained a near
identical effectiveness estimate of 29%.
A motorcyclist not wearing a helmet is 31 times as likely to
be killed as a car occupant for the same distance of travel,
based on 2001 data. Because of the 28% effectiveness of the
helmet, for the same distance of travel, a motorcyclist who
wears a helmet is only 22 times as likely as a car occupant
to be killed. A helmeted motorcyclist is more likely to be
killed than an unbelted drunk driver traveling the same
distance in a small car.
Motorcycles have traditionally been associated with young
males, inspiring the quip, "Buy your son a motorcycle
for his last birthday." Motorcycle fatalities in the US
increased from 2,055 in 1997 to 3,126 in 2002, a more than
50 percent rise in five years. What is most remarkable about
the increase is that the major component is from drivers
older than 35, who registered a more than 100% increase from
738 deaths in 1997 to 1,491 deaths in 2002. In both periods
89% of all motorcyclists killed were male drivers, the
remainder being passengers and female drivers. The reduction
in helmet wearing rates, from 63% in 1994 to 58% in
2002,37(p 9) contributed, but only modestly, to the
increased fatalities. The main factor was an increase in
older motorcyclists. The 753 additional deaths of male
motorcycle drivers over 35 years old in 2002 compared to
1997 exceed the total number of annual traffic fatalities in
many countries. Sweden, for example, had a total of 554
traffic fatalities in 2001.
Motorcycles in the US are used primarily for recreation
rather than transportation, underlining the role of
non-transportation motives in traffic safety discussed in
Chapter 9. For all the vehicles on the roads of the US, the
average crash risk is one crash per 12 years. Most of these
involve just property damage or no more than minor injury.
This is because of the inherent stability of vehicles with
more than two wheels, and the protection provided by the
safety cage and the vehicle structure. A helmeted
motorcyclist is at high risk of serious injury when involved
in any type of crash, and an unhelmeted motorcyclist is at
even higher risk. The Highway Safety Act of 1966 prohibits
the agency that is now NHTSA from recommending the banning
of any category of vehicle on the grounds of safety.
Although improvements in protection for motorcyclists in
crashes are already incorporated in motorcycles, and
additional improvements are always being sought, there seems
no possibility that motorcycle riding can ever be other than
an extremely high-risk activity relative to other risks in
NHTSA has produced a series of estimates of the
effectiveness of frontal airbags in reducing driver fatality
risk using two methods of analysis. The first considered
crash-involved cars equipped with driver airbags but without
passenger airbags. Although this combination was not
generally produced after the mid 1990s, the cars with it
remained in service and were available for analysis for many
subsequent years. The ratio of driver fatalities to
passenger fatalities was compared to the corresponding ratio
for earlier similar cars with no driver airbags, thus
providing a measure of the effect of the airbag. The second
approach used the ratio of drivers killed in frontal crashes
to drivers killed in non-frontal crashes for cars with and
without airbags. As airbags are designed to deploy only in
frontal crashes, this ratio estimates effectiveness. Both
methods provided consistent estimates. The average values
from both methods appear in the first row in Table 11-4. The
same method produced the values published in 2001 shown in
the second row.
Table 11-4. Airbag effectiveness estimates.
The third row shows results of a study published in 2002
that estimates the effectiveness of driver airbags by taking
advantage of the increasing availability of passenger
airbags. Vehicles containing a driver and a right-front
passenger, at least one being killed, were selected from
FARS 1990-2000 data. Many of the model year 1987-2001
vehicles included in the study had a driver airbag but no
passenger airbag. These cases provided the core information
to estimate effectiveness of driver airbags. Vehicles, which
had no airbags, or airbags for both the driver and
passenger, provided data to control for other
driver-passenger differences in risk, unrelated to risk
changes associated with driver airbags. Because there are no
vehicles with passenger airbags but without driver airbags,
the method cannot estimate airbag effectiveness for
passenger air bags. The results, shown in row 3 of Table
11-4, are consistent with the NHTSA estimates to within the
published errors.
All the studies summarized in Table 11-4 estimate airbag
effectiveness for belted and unbelted drivers. Miscoding of
belt use has no more than a modest influence on the airbag
effectiveness estimates. Indeed, the method which compares
frontal to side fatalities uses only fatalities, for which
belt use is considered to be correctly coded.
The combination of safety belt plus airbag cannot be
estimated using pre-law data, as there were few airbags
until the 1990s. However, it can be estimated by considering
a population of cars without airbags driven by unbelted
drivers. Assuming that this population experiences 100
driver fatalities, the number of deaths that would have
occurred if all the cars had airbags, or if all the drivers
were belted, can be estimated as shown in Fig. 11-4. The
result is that the effectiveness of the belt plus airbag
combination is 47%. At zero belt use, the airbag prevents 12
of the original 100 deaths, whereas at 100% belt use the
airbag prevents 5 of the original 100 fatalities. The next
chapter will be devoted to more on airbags because of the
central role they have played in US safety policy.
Figure 11-4. An initial population of drivers in cars
without airbags sustains 100 driver fatalities. The figure
shows the revised numbers of fatalities that would have
occurred if different occupant protection scenarios had been
in effect.
Summary of effectiveness estimates
The estimates derived here are summarized in Table 11-5.
There are other occupant protection devices not listed,
mainly because quantitative estimates parallel to those
presented are not available, usually because evaluation is
even more difficult than it was for the devices shown. There
is copious evidence that bicycle helmets reduce risk,
probably by an amount not substantially different from that
shown for motorcycle helmets. Fatalities to bicyclists are
included in FARS only if they occur in a crash involving a
vehicle with an engine. FARS for 2002 records 662 bicycle
fatalities compared to 3,126 motorcycle fatalities. There
are many types of infant and baby seats with much evidence
supporting that they provide major risk reductions in
crashes. Effectiveness of airbags in light trucks is similar
to that for cars.32
Estimating field effectiveness
If when-use effectiveness of a device is E, but no one uses
it, then field effectiveness is zero. If everyone uses it,
then field effectiveness is identical to when-used
effectiveness E. For any active occupant protection device,
the percent of users is always between these extremes, and
estimating field effectiveness presents a number of
Naive calculation
If a fraction, ui, of random members of a population
consisting exclusively of non-users were to convert to using
a device, the fractional reduction in casualties, F, that
would result is
This will reduce an original N casualties to a new lower N
(1 - Eui) casualties. If at some later time the use rate
increases to a new value, uf, then the fractional reduction
in casualties compared to the already lowered number is
where Du, the increase in use, is given by
These equations estimate far larger casualty reductions than
are observed. The reason is that the assumption that users
are random members of the population is grossly in error.
Selective recruitment
This term refers to the phenomenon that those who become
users of an active occupant protection system are not
recruited randomly from the population of non-users.
Instead, users differ from non-users in many ways that
influence safety. Two effects are:
1. When non-wearers crash, they have more severe crashes.
2. Non-wearers are more likely to crash.
Crash severity and belt use
Figure 11-5 shows the percent of crash-involved drivers who
were belted versus the severity of their crashes. The two
graphs use the same measures of severity and data used to
produce Figs 11-2 and 11-3. Both graphs, despite the
different periods, driver populations, and severity measures
show consistently that the more severe the crash, the less
likely is the driver to be belted. The very drivers most in
need of protection when crashes do occur are the very ones
least likely to wear belts.
Figure 11-5. The more severe the crash, the less likely the
driver is to be belted. The different absolute belt use
rates reflect different periods when overall use rates were
different (post-law on left plot, pre-law on right).5,6
Crash risk and belt use
If the effectiveness of belts in preventing fatalities is
known, a number of inferences can be made from FARS data.
Calculation details are given below because the approach has
applications beyond the present case of inferring belt use
in crashes. The inferences use only data for fatally injured
occupants, for which belt-use coding is fairly reliable.
Inferring crash risks of unbelted relative to belted drivers
from FARS data. Table 11-6 shows fatalities to drivers
of cars (body type 1-10) killed in daytime crashes (6:00 am
to 7:59 pm) from FARS 2002. Only drivers coded as either
unbelted or using the lap and shoulder belt system are
It is helpful to introduce the notion of a set of
potentially lethal crashes, defined as a set of crashes by
unbelted drivers in which 100 unbelted drivers are killed.
If all the drivers had instead been belted, then 100 (1 - E)
belted driver fatalities would result. The number of
potentially lethal crashes by unbelted drivers, CN is
proportional to the number of unbelted fatalities, KN. For
convenience, we take the constant of proportionality to be
unity, so that CN = KN for unbelted drivers. For belted
where KY is the observed number of belted fatalities, and CY
is the inferred number of potentially lethal crashes by
belted drivers. The total number of potentially lethal
crashes, CTOTAL, is given by
Dividing the number of crashes by belted drivers by the
number of crashes by all drivers defines an inferred belt
use rate in severe crashes, uINFERRED, given by
A finding that uINFERRED is lower than the belt use rate
estimated by roadside observations, uOBSERVED, implies that
unbelted drivers are crashing at greater rates than belted
drivers. It can be shown that
Substituting the observed daylight wearing rate for car
drivers of 78% in 2002, , (p 4) and the inferred wearing
rate of 67.6% into Eqn 11-11 gives that, for all crashes,
unbelted drivers have crash risks 70% higher than those of
belted drivers. For single-car crashes, for which the higher
effectiveness E = 62% is used, the result is that unbelted
drivers have single-car crash risks 114% higher than those
of belted drivers. This fits the pattern discussed
previously (p. 164-166 and in Chapter 10 on alcohol) that
any driver risk-increasing factor will be more prevalent in
single-vehicle than in multiple-vehicle crashes.
Empirical values of R. The two values of R derived in Table
11-6 appear in the first two rows of Table 11-7. The other
rows show seven previously published R values.35 Three use
FARS 1975-1983 data. The driver fatality value was estimated
using the calculation described above with uOBSERVED = 14%,
a belt use rate that remained stable during the pre-law
period covered by the data. Miscoding makes it impossible to
use post-law FARS data to obtain estimates based on drivers
involved in crashes killing pedestrians or motorcyclists.
For example, FARS 2002 codes 1,672 belted and 238 unbelted
drivers involved in crashes in which pedestrians were killed
but the driver was uninjured. These data nominally imply an
implausible 88% wearing rate, and therefore provide clear
evidence that unbelted drivers are claiming to be belted.
The last four rows in Table 11-7 are from studies (described
in Chapter 13) in which approaching cars were photographed
on Michigan roads. - For all cases in Table 11-7 unbelted
driver involvement rates are 28% to 114% higher than those
for belted drivers. The tendency for the values relating
more to single-vehicle crashes to be higher than the values
relating to multiple-vehicle crashes is another illustration
of risk-increasing behavior having a larger impact on
single-vehicle crashes.
Calculating fatality reductions from increased belt use
The higher crash risks of unbelted compared to belted
drivers suggests a continuous relationship between
propensity to not wear belts and crash risk. Consider all
the drivers in a population rank ordered from the most to
least willing to wear a belt. Conceptually, belt wearing
might increase continuously from 0% to 100% in response to
varying rewards and punishments. Increasing punishments for
not wearing would result in belt-wearing by drivers with
ever-increasing reluctance to wear - and correspondingly
ever increasing risk of crashing.
Let us assume that a driver's crash risk can be represented
where r is a variable increasing from 0 to 1, reflecting the
driver's rank ordered willingness to wear a belt and c0 is
the risk for the safest driver. The safest driver is the
most willing wearer with r = 0, and the least willing wearer
has r = 1. While a number of exponents were explored
analytically, the data presented below show that N = 2 is an
appropriate choice. To simplify subsequent equations we let
b = 3l, where l is a parameter to be determined from data,
so that Eqn 11-12 becomes
At a given population belt use rate, u, all the drivers with
r < u will be wearers, and all with r > u non-wearers.
Integrating Eqn 11-13 gives
The bottom 7 items in Table 11-7, which have an average
value R = 1.53, were all for a belt use rate of 14%.
Substituting R = 1.53 and u = 0.14 gives l = 0.47. For u =
0.78, Eqn 11-14 gives R = 1.65, compared to 1.70 and 2.14 in
Table 11-6. The value of R computed by Eqn 11-14 varies
relatively little (from a minimum of 1.47 at u = 0 to a
maximum 1.65 at u = 0.77) because with increasing belt use,
numerator and denominator both increase. As u increases the
average risk of the non-user population increases as it
loses its safest drivers, while the average risk of the user
population also increases as riskier drivers join it. Of
course, the average risk of the entire population goes down
as belt wearing increases.
The above equations allow us to express the percent
reduction, F, in fatalities when belt use increases from ui
to uf as
where Du = uf - ui is the increase in belt use rate.
Substituting l = 0 reproduces the naive Eqn 11-5. If belt
use is initially zero and increases to 100%, substituting ui
= 0 and uf = 1 gives F = E, the definition of when-used belt
effectiveness. Below we always use l = 0.47, and generally E
= 0.42.
I have previously reported an equation producing results
identical to those of Eqn 11-15. The earlier equation was
derived by a similar approach to that used here, but the
present derivation is more direct and simple leading to a
simpler equation. 41,13(p 258)
Selective recruitment is expected. Eqn 11-13 with l = 0.47
(and r = 1) indicates that the crash risk of the most
reluctant belt wearer is 2.41 times that of the most
willing, a result to be interpreted in terms of populations
rather than individuals. The individual highest risk driver
has a crash risk above that of the safest driver by a much
larger factor. Unwillingness to wear a belt is an unhealthy
behavior, and individuals showing one unhealthy behavior are
more likely to exhibit other unhealthy behaviors, leading
one to expect non-wearers to have higher crash risks. When
belt laws apply, non-wearers violate traffic law. Violators
of one traffic law are more likely to violate other traffic
laws, so it would be surprising if non-wearers did not have
crash rates substantially higher than those of wearers.
Selective recruitment is to be expected, and it would be
remarkable if it did not occur.
Fatality changes compared to zero belt use
A simple case is estimating fatality reductions at a given
belt use rate compared to zero wearing. This is obtained by
substituting ui = 0 so that Eqn 11-15 simplifies to
which is plotted in Fig. 11-6. Also shown as a dashed line
is the linear reduction in fatalities that would occur in
the absence of selective recruiting. The data points are all
inferred from FARS data using the approach in Table 11-6,
except that data are not restricted to daytime hours. The
bullet symbols are published estimates based on 1988 and
earlier FARS data when belt wearing rates were lower. ,13(p
Figure 11-6. Calculated reductions in driver fatalities when
belt use increases from 0 to ui. The curve is Eqn 11-16 and
the dashed straight line is the naive calculation ignoring
selective recruitment. The points are calculated from FARS
data for individual years for which the belt-use rate was
It should be stressed that the data are not directly
observed fatality reductions, but inferences from
fatalities. The inferences use the same effectiveness as in
the equation to plot the curve, so there is some circularity
in the process. Also, points are plotted at the observed
daytime belt use rate37(p 4) even though the rates averaged
over the whole day are lower. Using only daytime fatalities
runs into a problem because the when-used effectiveness is
estimated using data for the entire day. Direct comparison
with observed reductions is not possible because no
jurisdiction has ever had a zero belt use in the
"before" period of a before/after study, so that
fatality reductions from an initial zero use cannot be
measured directly. Changes in fatalities have been measured
after belt wearing laws generated abrupt increases in
wearing rates, thus providing actual fatality reductions
that can be compared with the predictions from Eqn 11-15.
Belt wearing laws
Safety belts were first introduced into automobiles in the
1950s based on solid biomechanical understanding that they
would reduce risk in crashes. Even though belts of some type
were being installed in most of the world's new vehicles by
the 1960s, wearing rates were low in all countries, and it
seemed they would remain low unless wearing was required by
The first mandatory belt wearing law in a jurisdiction with
a substantial driver population came into effect on 22
December 1970 in Victoria, a state in Australia. (Malawi and
the Ivory Coast had formally included belt wearing in their
legal statutes, but not otherwise acted.) In 1971 belt use
increased in Victoria from about 15% to about 50%, and a
reduction of about 12% in deaths to affected occupants
(drivers and left-front passengers) was reported.
Substituting ui = 0.15 and uf = 0.50 into Eqn 11-15 gives F
= 12.2%, the first entry in Table 11-8. The closeness of the
agreement between the two is fortuitous given the
uncertainties in the observed fatality change and belt use
rates, and in the equation.
Table 11-8. Comparison of fatality reductions estimated by Eqn 11-15 with observed reductions from introducing mandatory belt wearing.
Influenced by reports of casualty reductions from the
Victoria law, many jurisdictions eventually passed belt
wearing laws. Such laws are in place in all US states except
New Hampshire, in all Canadian provinces, in all Australian
states, and in nearly all of the world's countries.
Switzerland provides a particularly interesting case,
because the law that became applicable in January 1976 was
repealed by voter petition in July 1977 but became effective
again after October 1977.13(p 268) The following changes in
fatalities were recorded:
- after law first passed fatalities decreased
- after law was repealed fatalities increased
- after law reinstated fatalities decreased
A review of 33 US studies found that US belt laws in various
US states reduced fatalities by a median 9%, and injuries by
a median 2%. The laws were found to increase belt use by a
median 33%. If one assumes that the laws increased belt use
from pre-law rates of 14% to post-law rates of 47% (a
reasonable average for the extended period covered by the
studies), substituting ui = 0.14 and uf = 0.47 into Eqn
11-15 gives F = 11.2%.
The UK's belt wearing law
The belt wearing law that came into effect on 31 January
1983 in the UK has three factors favoring effective
evaluation that are not available for any other
jurisdiction. First, belt use was closely monitored at 55
traffic census sites operated by the Department of
Transport, generally from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, before and
after the law came into effect. Second, a large increase in
belt use occurred in a few months, from about 40% to about
90%. Third, the UK, with over 16 million cars in 1983,
provides one of the largest populations of occupants
affected by a single law.
Despite uniquely favorable conditions, evaluating the UK's
law has not been without difficulties or controversy. There
were claims that the increased safety provided by belts
encouraged drivers to take more risks, thereby reducing the
safety benefits to the drivers while increasing risks to
other road users. The simplest evaluation, a count of
casualties in an 11-month period before the law to an
11-month period after the law showed a 23% reduction in
fatalities and a 26% reduction in serious injuries to
occupants covered by the law. Because of claims that such
reductions could be due to other concurrent changes, the
Department of Transport invited two outside distinguished
statisticians to examine the monthly time series of
casualties to various road users. They found an 18% fatality
reduction for drivers and a 25% reduction for front-seat
passengers, together with fatality increases to rear-seat
passengers, pedestrians and bicyclists. In the much larger
sample of injuries they found larger injury reductions to
occupants covered by the law without systematic increases to
those not covered. The extensive well-documented discussion
(printed after their paper) is uninhibited by the politeness
that often does such disservice to the search for truth in
the US.
Additional evidence of the efficacy of the law was provided
by a 15% reduction in traffic crash patients brought to
hospitals, a 25% reduction in those requiring admission to
wards, and a similar fall in bed-occupancy. Larger
reductions are found for front-seat passengers than for
drivers. I suspect that some front-seat passengers migrated
to rear seats rather than wear belts, which explains reduced
front-seat casualties and increased rear-seat casualties.
There were additional evaluations,13(p 262-265) justifying a
consensus view that the law reduced fatalities to covered
occupants by about 20%, and that the increases in pedestrian
and bicycle fatalities with no corresponding increase in
injuries were probably spurious effects in small samples
(see also p. 301). Substituting ui = 0.40 and uf = 0.90 into
Eqn 11-15 gives F = 26.5% (Table 11-8). The lower observed
than computed reduction likely reflects that nighttime
wearing rates were lower than the observed daytime 90% rate,
and that the crashes of unbelted drivers were of higher
Primary and secondary laws
Laws requiring belt use are of two types. Primary laws allow
police officers to stop drivers based solely on an observed
safety belt violation. Secondary laws allow officers to
enforce the belt law only if the driver is first stopped for
some other violation. In 2002, eighteen states in the US had
primary laws. An analysis of direct observations of belt use
in 2002 and inferences from fatalities as described above
finds that the change from secondary to primary enforcement
increased daytime belt use rates from 70% to 83%.
Substituting ui = 0.70 and uf = 0.83 into Eqn 11-15 gives F
= 9%.
Calculating fatality reductions from increased belt use
The complexity of evaluating even the UK law shows how much
more difficult it is to measure casualty reductions reliably
in other jurisdictions which have fewer vehicles and do not
experience large rapid changes in belt use when laws are
passed (or strengthened). A real fatality reduction of, say
4%, represents an important safety benefit, but is
essentially impossible to measure directly in the face of
total fatalities changing for so many other reasons.
I believe the best approach available to estimate fatality
changes that cannot be observed directly is to use Eqn
11-15. This equation incorporates a coherent interpretation
of many of the key effects relevant to how changes in belt
use rates affect casualties, and it fits reasonably well
available observed changes in casualties from large changes
in belt use.
One of the many derivations that can be made from Eqn 11-15
is shown in Fig. 11-7, which shows the percent reduction in
fatalities that would result if belt use rate increased by
5%. The relationship computed from the naive Eqn 11-5 is
also shown. It is not a straight line because even when
selective recruitment is ignored and the same percent
increase in belt use always produces the same absolute
reduction in fatalities, the initial number of fatalities
becomes less with increasing belt use.
If belt use is zero, increasing it by 5% reduces fatalities
by only 1.4% because the first 5% of drivers to use belts
will be the safest drivers. However, if belt use is 95%,
increasing it by 5% reduces fatalities by 5.5%. The higher
the belt use rate, the greater is the benefit of increasing
it further by the same amount. One might refer to the effect
as the law of increasing returns.
Benefits of belt laws
Many decades of experience with belt-use laws shows that
after they are passed, use increases, but then generally
declines from its immediate post-law peak. The pattern
typical of US states was an increase from under 20% in the
pre-law period to about 50% immediately after passage, but
then dropping to about 40%. Rates increase in response to
increased enforcement and additional law changes, especially
the change from secondary to primary enforcement. Rates also
increase in response to persuasion in media messages, and a
general incorporation of belt use into the social norm. In
Canadian provinces, use rates were typically 50% some time
after laws were passed in the mid 1970s, but have increased
in response to various measures to around 90%.
While Eqn 11-15 estimates different fatality reductions
dependent on initial belt use rates, a fatality reduction is
always estimated to result from an increase in belt use. Any
measure that increases belt use is expected to reduce
fatalities. When use rates are already high it becomes more
difficult to increase them further, but the benefits of
doing so also increase. Adopting primary laws and enforcing
them vigorously will prevent many deaths.
Repeal of mandatory motorcycle helmet wearing laws
Following the Highway Safety Act of 1966, the US Federal
Government made passage of mandatory helmet wearing laws for
motorcycle drivers and passengers a precondition for the
states to receive highway construction funds. All but three
states passed such laws. In 1976, in response to pressures
from many states, the US Congress revoked the financial
penalties for non-enactment of helmet wearing laws. In the
next few years, just over half of the states repealed their
laws; half repealing and half not provides the optimum
"natural experiment" to compare repeal and
non-repeal states.
Each point plotted in Fig. 11-8 estimates the increase in
motorcyclist fatalities in an individual state. This was
computed by comparing the number of fatalities after repeal
to the number before repeal to this same ratio for all the
states that left their wearing laws in place. The numbers
along the horizontal axis give the states ordered by date of
repeal, from 21 May 1976 for Rhode Island to 1 January 1982
for Louisiana. There are 27 data points for 26 states
because Louisiana repealed its law, then passed another,
which was subsequently also repealed. Nominally, 24 of the
points indicate that fatalities increased after repeal,
compared to 3 indicating a decrease, so the data provide
extremely strong evidence that repeal led to a substantial
increase in fatalities. The weighted average of all 27
values is (25 ± 4) %.
Figure 11-8. Change in motorcyclist fatalities in US states
after 27 helmet wearing laws were repealed. Plotted from
data in Ref. 54, which names the states.
Wearing rates (night and day) were
estimated for drivers at 88% in states with laws compared to
42% for states without laws.13(p 272) Substituting E = 28,
ui = 0.88 and uf = .42 into Eqn 11-15 gives F = -18%. The
corresponding calculation for passengers, with use rates of
80% in law states compared to 23% in no-law states, gives F
= -19%. The predicted increases of 18% and 19% are somewhat
lower than the observed increase of 25%. It has been
speculated that wearing laws discouraged some motorcycle
travel, an effect which would amplify fatality changes when
laws were passed or repealed. Eqn 11-15 was of course
derived for safety belts, and is applied to motorcycle
helmets because there is little possibility of deriving a
corresponding equation based on motorcycle data.
Occupant-protection issues
The history of occupant-protection devices and laws
requiring their use has included technical errors and much
controversy. There were many early estimates of belt
effectiveness based on comparing the percent of driver
fatalities who were belted to the percent of drivers who
were unbelted. Such calculations led to published
effectiveness estimates as high as 90%, which in turn
generated predictions of large reductions in casualties from
increases in belt use. The failure to observe such
reductions gave rise to much speculation, including the
claim that drivers were negating the benefits of belts by
increased risk taking.
Do drivers using occupant protection devices change their
This question has a very easy and certain answer, namely
yes. However, neither this question nor its answer is of
much importance. The two important questions are
1. In what direction - more risk or less risk?
2. By how much?
The answer to the first question is not known. Note that
this question refers to changes in behavior when an
individual driver fastens a belt, and should not be confused
with the unrelated finding that non-users have higher crash
risks than users, because that comparison is between
different drivers.
One can provide a more substantive answer to the second
question, namely, not much. The reason is that the agreement
of so much data with Eqn 11-15 is sufficiently good to
preclude the possibility of any additional large effect. The
possibility that drivers might drive substantially more
carelessly because of the additional protection a belt
provides cannot be dismissed as unreasonable, but it is
rejected by data.
It is of course certain that the act of wearing a belt does
influence driver behavior to some degree because of the
universal principle that anything of which we are aware
affects our behavior. The act of fastening might reduce
crash risk by reminding drivers that there are risks
associated with driving, or increase risk because of reduced
harm expected if a crash were to occur. Data collected in a
test-track experiment suggested that the same drivers
increased speed by about 1% when belted compared to when
unbelted. Any actual small speed increase would reduce the
effectiveness of belt wearing laws, and could contribute to
the general tendency for observed reductions to be somewhat
less than predicted.
It was claimed that the UK belt wearing law led drivers to
take increased risks in traffic, which killed more
pedestrians and other road users.48 The small samples of
fatality data did indeed indicate increases. However, no
other reports have associated increased pedestrian or other
road user casualties with increased belt wearing. FARS data
would be suitable for such investigations. Belt use rates
can be inferred as in Table 11-6 for 50 states each year
since 1975, so an enormous data pool is available to examine
pedestrian fatalities relative to changes in belt use rates.
While I would not attach high priority to such a study, it
has more value than many studies that are performed.
Are there cases in which occupant protection devices kill?
This is another question with an easy and certain answer,
namely yes. It requires no data to prove it - logic suffices
as the following analogy establishes. Every year a number of
pedestrians walking on the sidewalk are killed by
out-of-control vehicles. These are cases in which walking on
the sidewalk led to death, while walking in the center of
the fastest traffic lane would have been safer (well,
certainly not less safe). We choose the sidewalk not because
it is always, under all circumstances, safer, but because it
is, on average, safer. The same reasoning applies to all
measures that reduce risk, including use of safety belts.
In many cases those killed do indeed receive their injuries
from safety belts. A naive interpretation might be that the
belt therefore killed the occupant. The more likely
situation can be explained in terms of many people falling
from different heights onto a concrete surface, resulting in
many deaths. If a mattress were placed on top of the
concrete, fewer deaths would occur. However, an examination
of the fatalities and injuries would find that 100% of them
had been caused by severe contact with a mattress.
While the above general principles apply, the specific
situation remains that in a severe crash a belted occupant
may receive injuries of a different type, and in different
parts of the body, than would have occurred without the
belt. In some cases the injuries might be more severe than
without the belt. When a belt injury occurs it is generally
difficult to estimate what the outcome would have been,
absent the belt. Fractures of the sternum and sprained necks
appear to have increased following the British belt wearing
law.51 Tharaco-lumbar spine injuries and serious cervical
spine injuries increased following the French belt law. The
injuries that increased in frequency might be substitutes
for more serious injuries if no belt had been worn. Part of
the effectiveness of airbags is through reducing injuries
from safety belts.
The effectiveness of a device being say, 12%, means that a
population of non users that sustained 100 deaths would have
sustained 12 fewer deaths if all members of the population
had been users. It does not mean that 12 of the original 100
people killed would have survived, while 88 of the original
100 killed would still have died. In principle, the device
could save every one of the original 100, but kill a
different 88 who would have survived without it, still
giving 12% effectiveness. Effectiveness measures the
difference between deaths with and without the device, but
does not convey information about deaths that could have
been caused by the device.
There are occasional claims that unbelted occupants landed
uninjured in haystacks after being ejected from vehicles in
which they would otherwise have perished. Some non-wearers
state such anecdotes to justify not wearing. Ejection
increases the probability of being killed by a factor of
3.8. Occasional good outcomes from ejection are as
inevitable as occasional good outcomes from walking in the
middle of the road. It is imprudent to let either influence
There is one occupant protection device that is of a
different nature from the others. Airbags inject additional
energy into the crash event that may cause harm that would
not otherwise occur. NHTSA reports that, as of July 2003,
there were 231 confirmed deaths caused by airbag deployments
in crashes that would otherwise not have been life
Objections to occupant protection laws
Laws requiring the use of safety belts and helmets differ in
a fundamental way from those against speeding and drunk
driving. There is near universal agreement that governments
have a high priority duty to protect citizens from being
harmed by the actions of others. However, people not using
occupant protection devices increase risk to nobody but
themselves (except for the possibility of the small effects
discussed above). Claims that wearing a belt helps a driver
better control a vehicle in an emergency are not supported
by any evidence, and seem to be grasping at straws to avoid
the problem addressed in this section. The claim that
motorcycle helmets increase crash risk by restricting
peripheral vision is more plausible, but still unconvincing.
The fact that non-wearing hurts no one except the non-wearer
has inspired objections to wearing laws, especially of
motorcycle helmets, on the grounds that government has no
right to restrict a citizen's right to do things that do not
harm others. However, non-wearing does impose costs on
others. All motorized societies have medical systems that
treat those injured regardless of how they got injured.
Non-participation is not an option. One cannot conceive of a
contract in which a person would accept personal
responsibility for not wearing a belt or helmet by agreeing
to forgo medical attention if involved in a crash. Not only
would this be ethically difficult, but it would also be
impossible to administer. Non-wearers consume additional
medical and rescue resources, making such resources possibly
unavailable to others needing help. The belt-wearers who pay
part of the many additional costs imposed on them by
non-wearers are being merely prudent in using the legal
system to coerce non-wearers into wearing. This is a
question legitimately decided by the political process, and
can be addressed without bringing up any issue of government
paternalism. If the voters are willing to subsidize skiers
and rock climbers, but not non-wearers, this is their
legitimate choice. They are under no obligation to avoid
sensible policies just to fit some critic's notion of
consistency. Quantitatively, the costs imposed by belt and
helmet non-wearers are enormous compared to those imposed by
all the other subsidized risk takers.
Advances in safety belt technology
There have been ongoing efforts to improve the performance
of the lap/shoulder belts installed in all 1974 and later
model year vehicles. The two most specific advances are
pretensioning devices, which pull belts snug as a crash
begins, and load limiters, which allow belts to yield
slightly during a crash to reduce the risk of injuries from
the belt. Approximately 63 percent of model year 2002 cars
and light trucks had pretensioners, and 84 percent had load
limiters. These are shown to reduce forces on anthropometric
dummies in laboratory tests in which vehicles crash into
While such changes are expected to provide reduced risk in
actual crashes, it is not possible to measure the
differences from field data. This should be clear in the
light of the problems of determining effectiveness for the
entire vehicle population. Statistical uncertainty is not
the only problem, but it presents a major hurdle. The
overall belt effectiveness is (42 ± 4) %, so that if the
population were divided into two equal subpopulations, the
uncertainty in the estimate for each would be about 6%. Thus
it would be difficult to observe any difference between the
populations unless it exceeded 10%, an unrealistic
expectation. Similar comments apply to attempts to address
differences in the effectiveness of the belts in vehicles
from different manufacturers. The best one can do is to rely
on engineering inference and judgment. However, the earlier
comments about how laboratory tests tend to overestimate
field effects should be kept in mind.
Are more accurate and more precise estimates of belt use
The (42 ± 4) % estimate for the effectiveness of belts in
reducing car driver fatality risk is based on pre-1984 FARS
data, and therefore on cars of model year 1984 or earlier.
In the time that has elapsed since then, does additional
information suggest a higher or lower value? There are two
reasons to suspect that the true effectiveness might have
been a little lower. First, even after taking into account
selective recruitment, reductions in fatalities have still
tended to fall short of predictions based on 42%
effectiveness. Second, before belt wearing laws, belt
wearing was considered socially desirable. Many surveys
found that the percent of respondents who claimed to always
wear belts far exceeded the percent observed actually
wearing them. A small tendency for unbelted survivors to
indicate that they were belted even before non-wearing was
illegal seems probable. The technical improvements in belts
have likely increased effectiveness, perhaps to close to the
42%. NHTSA uses a slightly higher effectiveness of 45%.
Although the difference between the two is smaller than
anything that can be measured, I consider the lower estimate
provides a marginally better general fit to what is known.
The introduction of Event Data Recorders offers the
possibility of more accurate and more precise estimates of
belt effectiveness. Because of the need to determine whether
or not to deploy an airbag, tens of millions of vehicles on
the roads by 2003 already had such devices. They record many
variables including the pre-crash speed and whether a belt
was worn. Belt wearing is based on sensors in the belt
system, so that there is the potential to provide, for the
first time, substantial quantities of objective data on belt
use by surviving occupants. Questions of privacy and
ownership of data have precluded (at time of writing) the
use of the data for research purposes.
Theoretical limits of crash protection
Before 1905 the question: "What is the theoretical
fastest speed an object can travel?" would have
produced a different answer than would be given today. In
the earlier period the answer would likely start by
stressing that while there is no theoretical limit, all
sorts of engineering and other constraints place practical
limits on attainable speeds. Today the answer would likely
start by stating that no matter what is done, it is not
possible to travel faster than the speed of light.
There is a somewhat analogous theoretical barrier which
occupant protection cannot penetrate. The limit flows from
the fact that the forces on occupants in vehicles that crash
cannot be made less than limits dictated by physical laws.
Consider a driver sitting 2.5 meters from the front bumper
of a car that crashes head-on into an immovable hard
barrier. The theoretical safest situation would be for the
driver to decelerate at a constant rate over the entire 2.5
meters, arriving in contact with the barrier at zero speed.
If the car's speed is v km/h, then the value of the constant
deceleration is v2/635 G, where G is the deceleration due to
gravity. For v = 252 km/h the result is 100 G, a value which
some literature indicates is the limit the human body can
withstand.3 While 252 km/h is not of much relevance in
normal traffic safety, there are nonetheless 19 car models
available in the US claiming higher top speeds. The
assumption that the driver arrives at the barrier rests on
the quite implausible assumption that the engine and other
components in front of the driver compress to zero
thickness. Any more realistic assumption will indicate a
much lower maximum survivable speed. There are indications
that some individuals can withstand forces well in excess of
100 G, leading to higher estimated maximum survivable impact
The example is given to show that there is a theoretical
limit, even if it cannot be reliably estimated. Crashes can
be of such high severity that it is impossible to make them
survivable, even in principle. A main reason why many
spectacular high-speed crashes by racing cars are survived
is because the vehicles come to rest over very long
distances and extended times. It is the reduction in speed
over long distances that provides the spectacular pictures.
Unsurvivable crashes are not spectacular. From the beginning
to the end of the crash the vehicle travels a meter or so.
The crash lasts about one tenth of a second, which to the
unaided eye appears instantaneous.
Summary and conclusions (see printed text)
References for Chapter 11 - Numbers in [ ] refer to superscript references in book that do not correctly
show in this html version. To
see how they appear in book see the pdf
version of Chapter 1.
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