![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_01 dave feb 72.jpg) Dave 397 X 549 28 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_02 dave, anita Feb 72.jpg) Dave and Anita 733 X 550 56 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_03 dave in blue copy.jpg) Dave 733 X 550 58 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_04 easter eggs Mar 72.jpg) Easter eggs 367 X 549 27 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_05 Kate Ostrove easter.jpg) Kate Ostrove 733 X 550 50 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_06 wendy, dave Apr 72.jpg) Wendy and Dave 733 X 550 57 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_07 football future.jpg) Soccer 733 X 550 54 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_08 cheeky dave.jpg) Cheeky Dave 733 X 550 48 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_09 anita 3.jpg) Birthday 407 X 550 26 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_10 bday with Ernie copy.jpg) Birthday 384 X 550 27 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_11 orange bed.jpg) Orange bed 382 X 549 36 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_12 cupboard.jpg) Cupboard 736 X 550 62 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_13 anita's party.jpg) Party 733 X 550 65 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_14 sesame st party.jpg) Sesame Streeet 369 X 550 28 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_15 david ice creamy.jpg) David 733 X 550 54 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_16 party girl.jpg) Party girl 377 X 549 35 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_17 feeding sister.jpg) Brother 733 X 550 47 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_18 biscayne moving house May copy.jpg) 1967 Chevrolet 512 X 384 38 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_19 bday dave, anita, dylan cohl.jpg) Birthday 733 X 550 93 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_20 Dave in July.jpg) Dave in July 406 X 550 45 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_22 dave gma.jpg) Dave 733 X 550 69 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_23 anita on gpa copy.jpg) Granddaughter 394 X 550 37 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_24 anita at zoo copy.jpg) Anita 384 X 550 36 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_25 dave on gpa.jpg) Granddson 459 X 550 34 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_26 anita gma at zoo.jpg) Anita and Grandma 733 X 550 58 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_27 gpa w dave in stroller.jpg) Grandpa 379 X 550 45 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_28 with gparents at zoo.jpg) At Detroit Zoo 733 X 550 83 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_29 anita with Herman's daughter.jpg) Anita with Herman's daughter 733 X 550 59 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_30 new house back Aug.jpg) 973 Satterlee 733 X 550 79 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_31 house front w anita copy.jpg) Anita 733 X 550 70 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_32 wendy gpa weeding lawn.jpg) Grandpa 733 X 550 82 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_33 wendy, her dad.jpg) Daughter and Dad 399 X 550 42 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_34 gpa reading to anita.jpg) Grandpa 733 X 550 65 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_35 eating on patio.jpg) Eating 733 X 550 77 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_36 playroom.jpg) Playroom 733 X 550 56 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_37 waking gparents.jpg) Granddaughter 733 X 550 70 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_38 fun in bed.jpg) Fun in bed 602 X 550 57 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_39 patio play.jpg) Patio play 733 X 550 68 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_40 dave playing on patio.jpg) Dave playing 380 X 550 33 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_41 first pony ride.jpg) Pony ride 426 X 550 51 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_42 milking cow.jpg) Milking cow 733 X 550 68 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_43 tire swing.jpg) Tire swing 379 X 550 35 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_44 explorer dave.jpg) Explorer Dave 733 X 550 62 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_45 with hazel and nana copy.jpg) With Hazel and Nana 733 X 550 69 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_46 kitchen meal w nana.jpg) Kitchen meal w nana 733 X 550 73 KB |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_47 dave and playmates.jpg) Dave and playmates 733 X 550 62 KB |